Thursday, January 26, 2006

Signalling Transmission ~ `brave decoration

We are allowed.
To maximize our own potential.
Without which reason enough cannot?
That reality is not really static.
And our civilizations from it.
Transmitting signals. . .
from the environment which we all live.
This is freedom.
Some from of psycho-analsysis;
like-neurosis that wills the prevention
of time.
The prevention of disease.
The allocation of wealth and knowledge.
"Here take money with you. -"
So amazing (in fact;) that it exists. . .
revealing -
how excited the senses are
to get -
a real look' liberal arts.
(Education. . .) provides me.
What my nest of
that "learning" have
An arching through [to] knowledge.
A gateway of destruction. (Defending my own
devotion and honor.)
The archetype - thought'
of as something not
emotionally charged.
Secretly - revealed-is-causing.
This nature.

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