Sunday, January 15, 2006

the fun of a culture

I never have. . .
the luck of anything -
such as trying my luck.
The thinking it takes!
The work involved?
But really, when all is said
-and -
I can relax.
It occurs to me just how lucky
I am feeling
to drive a vehicle.
How once I thought:
"Boy look - look at all I've accomplished
compared to most people who don't drive
a car."
But I hardly wonder that other
kind of stupidity reveals.
People in general hardly consider
that learning to operate a motor
vehicle. . .
has anything to do with success.
And through that, unlucky I've felt
about the sad truth.
A sad truth that nobody -wants.
A sad truth that nobody -cares.
A sad truth that nobody -listens.
Yet desiring to accomplish such a simple
task as driving - obtaining a license -
has nothing secure to ponder of.

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