Friday, January 13, 2006

A false dichotomy - or - rituals in behavior

Appeal to the stick - not information. > I call that the bubble gum fallacy /or/ tall tale [fallacies].

Human social interactions are based upon sociological perspectives and do not interfere with human psychological or otherwise biological processes as a norm. We're defining a set of rules for which there are "no-rules". Therefore, the subject of interest as a cause: is sociology. (e.g. the sociological perspective(s) ) / Social-facts / Sociological imagination

I was a pallbearer for my neighbor's funeral. When I was in the church it got me thinking about the diversity of man. I guess there's always been a part of me that wishes we were all the same in that respect. But reality told me something today that wasn't clear. I guess because in light of pizza snacks and cannon shooting circus clowns, deep down inside, diversity is something more extrodinary. you an see this in my blog . . .

This is an example of using my sociological imagination, not in the manner it's interpreted, rather; the basis of my experience as a participant-observer created it.

The theories that express my thinking ARE the rules from which sociology interprets my personal bias and/or making sense of personal experience from beliefs.

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