Tuesday, January 31, 2006


The escorting a moral hijinx?
Of. . . a certain cause!
It is the question,
that a definite -
alturism as my polyester tie
dignifies me in wearing.
I've prolonged this insecurity
of what I appear to have worn;
the clothing no longer serves its purpose.
It is on days that I found myself
truly asking:
where behind the broken-seal
did I not become unbroken.
Be it because the truth of being
sealed -
hasn't lived long enough. . .
to survive.
And if in order to make the best reality possible
weren't true -
I know, I know -
how selfish I've been.
"You have no idea."
I have.
I'll have you know you're a wonderful
human being.
You possess immaterial qualities beneath the surface.
Above all. '
Therefore, take with you desire.
It is the root in all things.

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