Sunday, January 22, 2006

My accomplished nature ~

The withdrawal. ~
That nothing - nothing,
nor here nor there. . .
has informed me of?
The patterns of some consistency!
Stimulating - that sense of a hypothesis.
What is the cause
for desire.
Desiring the life of accomplishing
such greatness.
A satire.
A satisfaction in this world of knowing.
Free advantages.
This ignorance of happiness.
I've gone.
I'm happy in ignorance to be satisfied.
The element of choices -
a spinning wheel.
It stops -
that detail created.
I spread my wings.
I feel the freezing wind.
Melting in the snow, I'm. . . here again.
The things that I remember I rather not.
I regret forgetting - nothing.
There is no deception in honesty.
Only honesty.

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