Tuesday, January 17, 2006

narrow "minded in" hostage / saving face

The vapours of my energy
. . . like a bullet proof vest.

My unfinished threshold.

I hold myself dear;
but orange peels
are -

The stay of execution;
is a - moral prophecy
of words . . .
that Ghandi tells
"Be the change
you want to
see -
in the world!"
And Apples / apples

Fellow guardians-
we are gathered
here today for our
dearly beloved
Apple / apple. -
"The absent element" -

In the unforgettable;
unmistakable life
of Apple / apple -
we pray.

That gravity took
such a precious
Apple / apple -
that - we -
acknowledge here

Its end.

And we're gathered
here -
today . . .
to bid farewell.

In the company of
Mr. Ghandi's kind

Do we not complain.
- That any physical
action requires
it's metaphysical

That we do complain.

That we do -
in honor and
in life.

There is failure of
necessity. -
There is necessity of
failure. -

But through it all -
the skin of
an Apple / apple . . .
such bare flesh.
Ripe as it is raw.

Listening to the inactive
sound of love.

That Eve's crunching
bite; was the devil's
evil thought.

That replaced stories -
like pigeon feeding.

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