Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The inference of words. . . ~reasonings~

Truth / meaning / nothing
I can't explain why?
But the universe is filled with!
With coffee that resembles cinnamon,
or sweet brown water. . .
that exudes my amoral captivity.
Genuine light.
Perhaps corrupt.
Maybe - maybe even -
a tad little bit or'
how I hate other people.
But I don't hate other people. -
Because to infer based on an individual
our community
would be a contradicition of terms.
Therefore, must we not protect the individual
in a society.
But really, I do, really try hard.
If every thought I ever had came from
a state of becoming vindictive.
My god what a horrid universe.
The facts are:
try not to be scarce
in action
that the life of a traveller
warns you of. . .
unless of course you do things
in spite of warmer weather.
Vacationing in the south of France.
How very terribly liberating.
Although much is the same in the universe.
That I've conspired not to be a part of this.
This shattering sound of mother earth.
I presume innocence
in the analysis of chance.
My choice of reference
is causal-analysis.
If ones reference of choice
I will battle the ships!!
Ahoy mates.
Welcome aboard my pirate domain,
of scientific marvel
and Plato's
of infamy.
Where egyptians draw symbols
on the walls,
and the animals
are representative of'
dreaming them.
It is a luxury of choice.
Brilliant are the animals.
This universe of ANIMALS.
Not scientific. . .
only logical.

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