Sunday, January 15, 2006

afterwards the movies are overrated

My experience travelling through a very less extensive view into the world of acting, can be summarized in much greater detail. . .

However, (not ) impartially-speaking - I can attest to the fact I am an actor trained semi-professionally. Therefore I do have my own opinion of the subject / which only I can offer!

The truth? Is rather short and simple: I simply refuse. I refuse the acknowledgment other actors portray as needy. Actors become much too needy and regretfully, I know how the future would be like for any cost of acting. It wasn't worth the time I'd expend of myself, investing my personal life into something that only smacked of being dishonest; . . .in reality the truth about acting/ being an actor/ or becoming someone involved with the industry is much too fake.

The neediness that comes with the territory. The kind of effort that you're expected to give requires lying to the self in a very inhumane fashion. (That I cannot accept. ) In other words, you have to give of yourself, and be seen not as a person - but as the scapegoat or animal that has no belief system of values. Personally speaking. The space for an actor is alientaed from almost any visibility. Therefore, the needy aspect any actor has in life. To contribute as an actor should have some discipline, some courage, some demostration of being human. . . but it does not. No matter where, or how, acting is not for me.

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