Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Doing the arithmetic

I don't like it!
Demonstrating complacency
on any issue to the
Every object not to infer- its own doing.
The ideology of doing.

Can I say:
people who "are more likely"
to respond when I say 'hello'. . .
are the ones in a social group,
that are less likely to be depressed.
Can I provide empirical evidence that
may suggest as part of my investigation -
that an experiment is conducive relative to
a basic social phenomena.

And if so,
can I include in factors that describe
what other variables might help
explain why?

An example of this type of experiment
might find research
that provides analysis. Is behavior
triggered in the way certain individuals
function within a group can also be based on?
(i.e. economics, family/marital issues.)

Based on this: would my social
experiment help understand people
in a sociological framework that my study gives.

The underlying factors could also help
understand those other concepts
the study is based on that may become relevant.

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