Saturday, January 14, 2006

Running for home

If I'm moving ahead with my life, this decision, "- not to pursue acting as a career -" is the right choice for me. I realize now. . . just how ignorant I am to the fantasy of being an actor. It's taken a lot for me to realize - but - it is the choice I've made. Now I look forward. I know this is not a feable excuse to quit for the sake of quitting! Or - worse? Like running away from home.

However, I think that I'm liberating myself in this way -by not entertaining thoughts I'll never really set myself out to accomplish. To have taken myself seriously in order to be accomplished. I just haven't been prepared that I should move somewhere and do whatever acting required of me as a amateur-in-training. Professionally speaking.

I'm hanging in there, putting on a brave face you know? But, I sound like a pro when I say that. . . anyway-s. I guess I'm tired of doing extra work or how the process seems pointless. I need to focus on priorities of my own. The truth is. And, really - really knowing I gave myself the chance. Money definitely became an issue because I spent a small fortune on classes/workshops/pictures weren't worth it. Also, I wasn't prepared to do the things that may have been necesssary for me to continue pursuit of the industry-level. No excuses!!

I like how I tried. I enjoyed myself because of it. That's all that matters to me.

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