Friday, January 27, 2006

Self depricating frown

Yes - I did start on that!
No? - I told you already.
That pure intellect is . . .
true to the senses.
Which may also explain:
how lucky I am to be.
Tell me - how lucky I am,
in case I forget again.
That reasoning is in all -
. . . things being equal.
The key word is: . . . ALL.
I am that defender of good
toward evil.
We run against the current,
you and I.
And in search of the truth;
for I know I've found it.
My journey into identity.
And when you look.
If you see where my beauty hides,
you'd think a train had collided with
Something is waiting to happen.
Out of nowhere.
From nothing.
I'm most humored.
I carry the torch.

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