Wednesday, February 07, 2007

In a potion

Breaking chains in the first sign of giving up a mile taking it all
held together.
With all such reason is to vehement in thought of its natural
A man in the effort of his dreams of me;
complimenting quality?
I feel a paradise of freedom:
in nature's song not found but lost!
The tables have kept turning on its axis.
The tables have turned.
A feeling of similarity that perception.
The surprise narrator,
no play in myth said I,
I am the revival of it.
To the belief in myself.
The sky is an open window
beneath us.
I'm naturally inclined.
Watching the goose cooked.
Look to turn from the failed definition of a
competitive-inadequacy gone color blind.
The bump end grind of an investigated arrival.
Because of the way I think.
Because of the way I think
hasn't changed.
Because of how I think has changed.
Not in me as a person.
For you there is no invisible man.
The choice of such are fine spoken words in my actions.
In this room of great energy between us all in such my
No conflict of interest in my lighter
view of this.
Really nice intense rivalry
Thoughts of love not wasted for hate-of-fearing
or fear-of-hating.
Carefully withdrawn from neurosis
of the complication
or molded into temptation
scratching my forehead.
As I feel concealed,
I hear the pressure of giant thoughts running
over my head.
In the most discreet-sweet sense
of an urgency best described in the time between us.
Only love not if feared.
Only feared if not loved.
Am I.

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