Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Line

Going deep as I went I am soft, delicate, discreet, alluring is
my potential and tender in its flesh.
I go to other means of alternative!
I’ve saved for judgment;
not for dead?
Brushed against-law:
sleeping with the enemy.
A strong-popularity in abdication
Bringing the news to myself.
I’ve learned to reflect the value of meaning
on the-safe-side so I don’t get hurt.
That I can safely handle
the questions and answers
of disappointment.
That bridges the gap
Of my awareness between
the gift of peace, and the
name of a dove.
Not in leaving much too little.
Be desired.
It is an exploration in my full potential,
of a discovered motivation.
Plagiarizing avoided in behavior.
A powerful symbol of the union,
an SOS.
I adjust the light-switch.
Do my thing.
I don't have to change who I am.
My potential unlimited.
NO apology owed in the feud.

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