Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I Riddle Me

That I appear confident and strong in my
power bold and beautiful.
I am not going to refuse fate or destiny;
I am not a fake!
I am not a punitive favor?
Three strikes I'm in-not-out.
An adult audited narrative that I compose,
which no one is bigger than I am a man.
My double.
I am not unreasonable to cover its speeding.
What I have in loyalty is to honor.
Is in my royalty.
The imbalance of another person, I want more
of my own balance.
Not an imbalancing-act per se.
There's no other way when it comes to the truth.
I keep the door shut tight.
What it comes to an end if for.
A successful romantic if its for.
Reprehensible my need.

My good heart of a revival benefiting-cost.
This in my good secular heart in being.
My secular being is in its order.
My common sense in of which the I can trust only.

Without such misplacement or the error in my judgment
displaced, I will learn having survived to its decree.
This my revelation of thought
in a challenging common sense
of contradiction.
Change-of-chains in a ring.

I will not set myself-up for such is failure
upon my personal confession.
In my warm gentle winter breeze
thoughts can escape to.

My memory is taken to the point of its revival.
Conscious operating values.
Monetary gain.
No loss in profits.
There is no change in memory over guilt or remorse.
My thespian and stoic device moving backwards in time,
reserved and reversed.

The noblest search is the search for excellence.
- Lyndon B. Johnson

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