Sunday, February 11, 2007

An evasive defending decision-making

This personal obession that stretched as a hobby;
my hobby is a personal obsession
of secular-balance?
No one is bigger or better than I!
The truth known is unto me,
in-best decisions that I make for myself.
No better lack of intolerance.
Bonanza straight in the eye - I
give me:
a head start.
No excess weight in motion
on the other side of the world.
Meticulously arranged in a well balanced
order of time.
A change where when things will go my way
in secret.
A pretensious fool unadulterated in no-mans-land.
Turned away from thought.
2nd in command what once was lost can
now be found unmiserable not used.
A loyal hijacking in the air
this the mysterious surrounding scenery
of an outlaw with the-right-idea in mind.
Living beside myself trying not to reach out.
Leaving the parrot hanging in its cell.
I am not ready to think twice or worry about the weather.
I feel prepared.
The true color of dreams,
speechless as I listen.
A privilege taking it to the edge of the line.
I trace my thoughts on the outside to join the
inner circle
to reveal what it feels of.
All a part of the plan I had.
Where there is no truth,
intrigue is not possible.
What ignites bigotry is error in the truth.
My self-esteem can test.
I shall only not be resisted.

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