Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Cold Adventure Pirate

I saw what I'll take
while I can get it.
Taking it easy but I'll take it.
Well plotted out.
The stench of such little to do
with anxiety, fear, intimidation,
or manipulation as a punching bag
I catch then release of it.
Impractical if not enticing?
Practical if not;
Self-conscious: if not
I fancy my double life.
Tell me more, but not after I kick you
out the door.
Sh-oo out my window.
This I cared of most in my dreams.
Superficial based due-dilligence
not baptism by fire.
Crooked having-it-your-way is an
example of my thought thoughts examined.
A stinky horses' bumb is cute and shifty while it
slowly giddy-up.
Incompetent timing for the perfect cause
of a congruent storm-in-angle.
The conscious in my eye.
I blink.
I occupy.
The narration of a talking voice
well kept in its harmonious-faith.
I've saved the assets of my benefited expert incentive.
Extra long walks in a field of Tulips ordained.

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