Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Ding-a-ling Characterized

There is a distinct;
possibility of some natural selection
in process.
The nature of characterization:
you think?
The phantom menace or fait accompli:
take your pick!
My pride bleeding burning in my brain.
No suicidal hatred vile in vain.
My best mature course of action in it.
A matured xenophobia that nothing is improbable.
Without desperation or mental anguish.
Without anxiety of my temper punitive measures
against myself.
I am to be not punished,
yet permissible but honest.
With myself, only.
I've put myself "out-there" against
all of the odds.
Without putting myself 'out'.
Work, that I've made progress. . .
Treating me as a flower.
That stem of competitive erected
stream of consciousness
from the root of all causes formed.
There is no word for not 'vanity'.
Fair is the lineage, value logic, and this
my theory of connotation defined.
I apply to the future, of its destiny for me.
Discreet and powerful
without withholding my confidence.
I experiment no inept incompetence that keeps
me aloof of wonderment.
Of a moral aptitude.
No immoral understanding thereof
this - my truth - this is.

Channeling changed symbols mixed
with a task blind of emotion.
Always pursuing the obvious,
accepting credit without it being given to me freely,
never without giving in.

The status of living is enjoyed thoroughly.
I am thrilled, because.
There are no protective barriers that put this smile on my face.
On the verticle of a horizon, blown seeding the fertile wind-broken

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