Sunday, December 17, 2006

Uniform mentality

Tomorrow I don't work again. Thank goodness. After tonight, I don't expect much of what I say next to be completely understood. This story is about a Christmas dinner I attended with my family. The rest of the story is in a context of how I felt being there.

I hadn't anticipated the evening as I thought I would. A person I despise, would be in attendance, and I'm only grateful Tanya came with me. It was about 5 years ago, I stopped my relationship and had enough of the alleged individual. I will never forget the last time I saw him. It was about 2 years ago, on my birthday, when he stood behind a friend of his acting as though 6 feet tall?

No matter how much I despised him then or now; my determination held firm. I would not spoil this evening by embarrassing myself or my family and especially not my girlfriend. After all, I do have dignity. My integrity is greater than the patience I need in proving anything of myself to a person not worthy of it. I demonstrated tolerance instead, and I think it showed. I examined my behavior the way I believe it meant that it leaves dogma.

I acted myself, without overreacting in place of discouragement or second-guessing my nature.

Although some may mistake this for weakness on my part, on the contrary, I took control of the condescending inhibition not without giving myself a chance. I am not a sell-out!

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