Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Yesterday, I discussed the purpose of Christmas. Today, I propose the same type of discussion. Since the latest 2006 Christmas has officially come to a close, my alter-ego takes precedent, to weigh in on future prospects. I am tired of the anti-fashion Christmas followers pretend to exhibit. Perhaps, I am thinking of a time when things in my worldview of life were different? (However, I digress but I must make the narration something that keeps on topic.) Many who are ignorant to the spirit this season brings, that there are so few that unplug from the reality - then recall what happened - only to plug back into it. In other words, the reality generally speaking. . . you must first be unplugged, be willing to accept the time of year in terms of the holiday spirit, of course, unless most people stay plugged in without ever unplugging themselves for reflection from the jovial and festive promises all to expect of it. So many people mistake the latter as a "family for rent" or attend the "church for hire" as many Christmas followers do. After all, if not during Easter, religion has something to do with Christmas sometime along the way! None of this is not all that important.

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