Saturday, December 16, 2006

Anal Retentive Zealots

Working at my Safeway is a rather anal retentive environment. My explanation is simple: it's as though a nation of amerites? Here I am musing the rational thought processes of blaming as I am all but used to myself, confessing my victim's impact statement. Instead, I realize it is not a family they want me to be a part of. What they want from me, is something they can't have. . . my very soul tells me to 'stop blaming' and start by accepting the roles associated within the company's hierarchy. There are a handful of people that work at Safeway who aren't of the family mentality, but amerites in their anal retentive nature.

I feel there is a blend of tyranny within the ranks. One of the store managers, who leads the colony of amerites, not "accidentally" but deliberately disqualifies my lack of better judgment (for offering from it.) It is a state of denial currently I am in facing. When I see this monster, I say it's sour grapes, instead of blaming the usual suspect - myself! -

My attitude has shifted in the experience, while working at Safeway and categorically singling out the anal retentive foolery I mask it;

a) as a happy-occasion in doing my job.
b) leading by example
c) knowing full well these amerites falsely label me in their belief I want to own-the-place

However, what my attitude and behavior exemplify, does not make it an intolerable resistance involved.

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