Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Little Hypothesis

I keep myself plugged into a mystery of sorts? I'm not trying to overcompensate. . . in this case.
Quite simply, I have my sense of privacy in life that matters most to me in what I've accomplished. It is a very fine line between fantasy and reality, which I speak of. Therefore, through the destruction and fear of war people are going through in the world today, my place in this life is secure. I can feel safe. I have made choices - some good but none bad - were mistakes that've costed nothing. I learned to create and establish myself. In a consumer-branded holiday that Christmas has become, I'm proud to admit the little things count to me, being, a true sense of what this time of year means. I haven't lost it, nor will I ever.

My feelings and sensitivity as I am, I do accept, and I can embrace those parts that make me who I am. I don't anticipate or neglect myself in a manner of thinking. I care to demonstrate equality in things, without being manipulated or made unaware.

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