Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"Almost There"

It will be mine and Tanya's first anniversary together. It has been an entire year! Tanya has transformed my world inside and out. She's truly become my best friend, and I love her deeply.
There is satisfaction that I have fully been aware has shaped how I see myself and because of our relationship.

When I reach this stage of a relationship, I can say in great confidence, why I look forward to many different feelings associated through Tanya.

-----> I am a good person. <-----

Everything else seems like a mountain yet to climb. I have given this experience with Tanya that we've arrived to the top of a mountain!

Tanya fills me with pride and joy.

I am blessed.

An architect is a man who knows a very little about a great deal and keeps knowing less and less about more and more until he knows practically nothing about everything.An engineer is a man who knows a great deal about very little and who goes along knowing more and more about less and less until he finally knows practically everything about nothing.A contractor starts out knowing practically everything, but ends up knowing nothing about anything, due to his association with architects and engineers.

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