Thursday, October 05, 2006

Safeway (Update)

I am actively in pursuit of another job at the moment, temporarily my job with safeway, while working with my parents business.

I don't claim I can tell the future? However, I still have yet to hear back from the commercial, which I auditioned for! If I get the call.

The people I work with at Safeway, are under a strict set of rules. It's a hierarchy. I simply maintain my status-quo. A lot of grief is dealing with the protective walls that lead to barriers and function with earning some form of respect among my peers. In such a working environment times can only be as difficult to say the least.

I have a job, unsatisfied with it, and work with people who's only aim is to step over you if the chance can arise itself. Not a word of a lie, but that is where I am.

I try to be instinctive, not negative, but remain focused and positive through the struggle. It is not what I asked for, and beggar's can't be choosers as they say.

One of the "hicks" (we'll call them hicks, for lack of a better word, on terms their place of origin is from isolated communities). The culture working in Safeway is diversified, apparently, not so for these troublesome individuals. One is a male in his early 20's and a female (recent high school graduate entering university). Both are immature, very immature.

They settle for less, being the age they are, makes it stressful. For me, I open my eyes. I can't say a word, or dare I take my frustrations out on a punching bag? No violence. Simple enough.

Otherwise, my tolerance working at Safeway is shaky, my confidence can only be described as terrible, but the experience must lead to further options. My opinion is expressed to help myself understand the situation I am currently in as I face with opening doors, without keeping myself hidden.

I need a trigger man.

Also, the meaning I get to come across here with, helped give an accurate description of the hicks I work with. There are only bad feelings that would come across no matter how I choose. I can only make the right choices for me. The consequences of my actions are better to come apart, if I took matters into my own hands for the sake of not being taken for granted? That is the question I have to ask myself at times, when I feel alienated, or if she or he keep their guards up.

The hicks are fellows that play by the rules for their own benefit as much as I admit they are fools.

He lacks respect for the kind of discipline others might feel, and neglects others in spite of how he might be treating them. At his age, there is no excuse for a lack of being honest. He seems conniving at the best of times.

She has an aunt that works at the Safeway, who helped her get the job. Her promiscuity among the co-workers is not only obnoxious, she needs to desperately be told to grow up.

If you think this sounds absurd (as it probably does) I try loving every minute of it. It requires an attitude adjustment. Maybe, they don't have the same message of disbelief as I acquire? Maybe, just maybe they do and don't care to realize it. There's the difference!

The truth in fact is that they're bigotted nature no matter how little or how large is deeply rooted, and associated with self-righteousness and envy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey marco
haven't seen you around in a long time. just wanted to say hello.