Friday, March 24, 2006


Therefore, we start as we must from
the end. . .
contrary to popular opinion.
Not from the beginning.
However, because I am asked the question;
the conventional understand.
They must be reminded!
The same I have experienced in laws,
quite the opposite of convention?
Not because I am.
But, because I am the double of convention.
That I see:
conditions of human spirit are caused necessary.
A necessary convenience.
One of necessity.
That I bring into being.
On the mother tongue of my native Portuguese
- upringing.
I have been uprooted.
I have springed upward.
I have surged forward.
I have moved downward.
My own conscious efforts have wanted,
to have spared the rights of desires those -
beneath the surface.
My desires are worn outside,
the box of many thoughts.
I have this power of inertia,
deep within my soul.
Where I dwell in a cave having existed.
In great care.
I see the emperor's clothed.
I dream the dream.
I have worn my blood on each sleeve.
I wear the emperor's clothing in dreams.
That I am in fact Portuguese.
I have lived and learned the fight.
I have embraced the light.
I Will the fire.
I Care to want is.
I do it for me.
I have been hostaged.
I have been rescued.
I have been the anatomy of fire,
qualities burned.
I have refused being wasted.
Materially wasted.
Wasted material.
Wasted material quality.
How vulnerable am I, the am.
Mr. Shakespeare.
The am, Shakespeare.
That you are so patronized by me.
For no lack of a better term,
having stamped.
Stomped, like crushed grapes
beneath my feet,
the juices flow lucid as in mind.
Becomed such a fine piece of work.
Such it is undefined.
Not' corrupted in the least.

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