Monday, May 08, 2006

Recieved from an experienced credential

I might not give it back;
the time I kept forgetting?
The same time I not, forgot!
The same time:
I recalled can.
None of it was.
None of it was, real.
Only images.
Images that were needed and in place.
I have them all replaced.
I want to have travelled there.
For the distance I became,
embraced of.
That I distanced myself from, it.
Not having loved,
how my idea returned.
Now is I see. . .
- a false witness.
Now I see is.
Now I see it is.
Now, I identified the object.
A purpose of false intention.
Such as in the time I saw,
that movie -
the one where there is an attention whore.
She filled the screen awkwardly.
Her face was not made, to the.
I sat and watched her performance, not knowing.
She screams scared.
How good is it to act, when no one listened,
as she screamed.
She becomes ignored.
Simply ignored for no better person.
Simply, that she has no occupation for it.
The movie has ended,
before it even began.
After the film was in progress,
it became evident she was unable to perform.
An attention whore of this kind.
You cannot help.
You will not.
Not, that I.
I needed.
A brilliant idea, I had.
What caused my nostalgic relief.
I asked how I should.
I remember my aunt, my godmother.
She I embraced.
It is she I love.
In my experience of travel, surprised.
I was connected with carrying her on my shoulders.
Her laughter.
I laughed.
We both enjoyed the moment, we shared.
Not that I was discouraged of it.
I, it felt encouraged.

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