Thursday, May 25, 2006

No Room For Privacy

I celebrated my new found freedom today:

I had a successful interview with Safeway. I can look forward to hearing back, to enter the work force in a new environment that suits me.

Tanya leaves tommorrow. When we spent the weekend in Gimili, we were in a gift shop, and the salesperson saw us inquiring about a ring. I felt it was better to have avoided the confrontation, seeing that we acted as tourists. The commission (which the salesperson wanted most) she should have earned for making a sale, would cheapen the experience.

The movie Napolean Dynamite is hilarious.

I know how Tanya and I have our conflicts, our differences between us, but we are good together.

I also know that as I continue to become more and more aware of what my future has in store for me? Acting has a place in my heart. The acting I have done, I have given everything I can.

Today, I had my hair cut. My hairstylist gave me a great compliment. She said I would make a decent father. My greatest compliment in life, is the one I recieved after being told I'd make a great father. It really made my day. However, not that I wish to have children. As they say, be careful what you wish for! How wonderful those words.

Stacey, the hairstylist offered that my attributes are my patience, and easy-going nature. I agree with these characteristics of mine. My virtue.

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