Sunday, May 07, 2006

Invaluable cruelty

The word of a casuality?
What is it for!
I was hoping you could depend on me;
like that child.
I had thought I should:
No, the limit has been reached.
As benefit of he doubt would have, it.
To you, I understand.
I have.
Let you experience the last laugh.
I wanted to depend on, me.
I wanted you to be able to, try, it.
That skin of a forgived flesh, thought I.
How, could I not depend.
Whereas, I thought you were becomed something -
I should depend, upon.
Whereas, I thought of you.
That I thought,
- I should depended, to have.
To have not, depended.
My only opinion on the matter,
was that it was.
I should depend on, myself.
Not you or me.
However, I should have thought.
Not to depend on what I should have, thought of.
Not to depend on what I should have, not thought.
Not thought of, depended.
Not thought of, depended on my trust.
I once thought about not to try,
but not to quit trying.
Of metaphysical neglect.
Of a nature in being the cowboy, and philosophy.

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