Friday, May 26, 2006

about being an author

I wrote my last peom, involving how much I have become.

In life I have transformed into something. I have changed in many ways. The reason as I have changed, brings me a wisdom to choose what I do and why it makes myself important?

Perhaps, it is to do with my well being. Not having grown up too-fast, but knowing the difference of increased purpose to sense the world around me. Now I can admit, how I admire my qualities, and continue to acknowledge myself based on reasons unknown to many others.

I expect a certain manner of respect. I also, know how to make reference to being my own person. It requires a balance.

Tanya, left for Europe early in the morning. She has trusted me, and I trust her. She is making herself a better person. A lot of what I feel regards the future with us.

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