Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The noise of change

sadie doesn't have her own identity because she is copying baby boomer's identities. jeez, can't you people read?

yes, it's important to form your own identity and be your own person, but you actually have to go out and be your own person (not depending on your parents forever)

I agree with both of those points: furthering my appeal to negate the popular opinion of baby-boomer gen-x'ers. I did not choose to make an example out of Sadie in that regard. She is free to do whatever she wants to. My obervastions are made strictly on the basis of people that gravitate toward acting like baby-boomers.

I would like to own my own home one day. Do I not have an identity?

That would mean I also agree. Owning my sense of duty, is another matter. Tamar's quote (above) illustrated what I said perfectly.

The nature of it is being realisitic, which I do get. Sadie is totally on a baby boomer boat. That is what I was referencing gen-x'ers, I was comparing how (not by necessity) gen-x'ers "pretend" to be baby-boomers. They want us to fit the profile, those gen-x'ers that care to immitate what baby-boomers can expect. (i.e. purchase home, get job, etc. etc. . .)

The example I gave (e.g. safeway worker) was of a gen-x'er wanting to fit the profile of a baby-boomer lifestyle. If I am an employee that is desperate to meet the status-quo, and all baby-boomber lifestyle demands? That is where gen-x'ers are in a dilemma. That is why Sadie is an excellent example. She may feel liberated enough to fit an image, and she likes to compete. However, what are the odds that it makes her or people around her happy? I beg to differ.

I am completely as intelligent, if not, more than most of you who think I am mentally challenged. The true reality is, you rather watch gen-x'ers who have not "become" what baby-boomer people have. You believe I am digging my own grave. I am arguing it is the opposite. The more you try too hard to make yourself a carbon copy of what people expect, you try to model baby boomers, the more the belief is I make myself a reject.

Sadie is no different. She will keep displaying her indifference toward people like me, who probably rather form an identity. I express my views against those people.
I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill, bigc. I mean, yeah I agree that there are a lot of gen-X'ers trying to fast-track life. Find a SO, get a steady job, buy a house, buy a car, etc. But that's not abnormal. Different people are ready for those things at different times. The smart ones know when they have the capital to buy a house and not get screwed by mortgages, but mortgages are not wrong per-se. Sometimes you just want to live in a nice place, and renting doesn't cut it.

As for the ones who are fast-tracking life, I laugh at them because their plans always fall apart. The irony is delicious.

You offer what I think is good perspective. Not exactly the idea I have in mind. In my opinion, it is a criticism without offering a contradicition. I would say I am the opposite of what you implied. As for Sadie? I believe that is not her intent either! However, I know EXACTLY what you mean.

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