Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Somewhat Perfection (of a self regard…)

Some time ago I met a distant relative of mine.

I’ve led a sheltered life… I live in my own platoon. The laws I had created among the other tribe members. Together with the help of our platoon, built from scratch… everything we made by hand. Almost like the pioneer days, except without the mud huts like in Thailand. Our rules were simple. The “pest control” was meant to keep the rodents from harming us in our platoon. Some minor complications arose that helped us detail and refine the laws as we moved. We created our own civilization. Almost like the eco-system but we called it nature. Nature is our biosphere. Whenever we had heard of the past history, imagination took us to the dinosaur age. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this at first, but over time… you get used to the conditions. Somewhere in the platoon, (I don’t remember exactly) we kept records of events. If something didn’t seem right, our rights, we didn’t do anything. We had a panic control mechanism. Instead, we would teach our learning throughout each day. Whatever we had learned was transformed! We had the freedom to choose what we wanted. The place as knowledge acts is? A Library. We called our platoon a “library of knowledge.” Some of us knew, that others would disagree with the viewpoints, another would self manage somehow!! Are we right? We didn’t need to declare any wars. Instead, the people in our platoon emerged. We wouldn’t discuss anything in particular. What diplomacy took affect; we reached through the “bought salesman approach.” We couldn’t expect what others did. We’d ask ourselves each, “Are you thinking okay?” To which the answer would be, “Are you sure you know what position you’re taking, I don’t follow.” What was important is factually the side of an argument. (And we’d never ask for directions.) The three main ideas that we objectively subjected out: Platoon Sheltered Panic. Over time platoon sheltered panic was a euphemism, dualism vs. feudalism x the declaration of independence. We thought about not being a monarchy and not being a church. (Practically all day.) Why didn’t England adopt but said ‘no’ to the Christian orthogonal Church? The same countries in Europe such as France, who did Napoleon, and his army, conquer in terms of the Napoleonic Code? The question is what? Wasn’t there a divide among nations? Did the Roman Catholics invade Portugal, which the kings of each state within drove out the Moors? With the help of England, Portugal’s king Dom Alfonso Henriques drove out the Moors. Portugal identifies itself as a Roman Catholic dominated state. What happened to the Kings? Did the Magna Charta unify England? Did the Christians in England reform against the Protestant following? When communism came into effect, generate a new breed of fascist dictators? Until when did the population realize the corruption? The last person to say anything against the state would be executed!! The first person to stand up and not plead with guiltiness, were guile victims. A true visionary leader, intelligent, wise, must face the platoons patrons. “Did you not kill that man?” “I don’t think I did.” Did you murder someone? No, I don’t kill anyone.

Most philosophers like I, take on an inferiority complex of sorts. The rest is self explanatory, really.

Anyway, to pass the time… our culture in the platoon has emerged with slapstick humor involving our leading figure. Spinoza. Spinoza asked himself, “The church of England? What on earth am I doing with my parents in Portugal, a Roman Catholic dominated state, without any elected officials running a head of office, run by kings no less, what is a Jewish born individual doing in this country I was born. I must rebel. But what will me parents say? I’m extremely sensitive to go against the wishes of my parents, that I’m insecure. I KNOW. The answer is, for shits and giggles I’ll come to the churches doors with a language of my own. I can refute the bastards and they’ll exile me. What’s a good place? Amsterdam maybe? I’ll need a job. I don’t know how I can read without my glasses; I’ll have to make a pair of my own. Then I’ll write my philosophies while living in Amsterdam.” I laugh and laugh because we cheer what Spinoza does is the way we’d have done it if you were the man… he did things differently but with alternatives in mind from the days he lived. I’ve studied Spinoza.

Another good joke that’s told frequently in the platoon is the one involving Marylin Monroe. There’s a woman we call Marylin Monroe in the platoon, nobody knows her actual name. We know Marylin Monroe’s real life name is Norma Jean. When we ask if anyone knows what Marylin’s name really is, someone will say Norma Jean, and we all laugh out loud. Then someone else says, “Maybe John F. Kennedy… didn’t know how to look in the mirror?” The women in the platoon were unappreciative of being talked about. In some manner or capacity, women adopted that role. Feminine qualities are a highly given order. If Marylin Monroe thought we were talking about her, what she thought… nobody knew for sure what she heard. She didn’t fit the profile of traditions. She resigned to distractions that a lot of people weren’t aware of. She divorced twice. Had kids. That’s all we know.

When I compare my notes with anyone, I use the Socratic method.

Now, I look to improve my image positively meanwhile accepting the negatives and reinforcing my positives. Depression is common in the platoon. I like to play with eventual ideas in reality. For instance, “Eventually things will happen to get better.”
I get the bigger picture of whom I truly am.

I mentioned to you earlier, something about learning. I teach. I teach for free to those who listen. Listening is a skill. I don’t react per se. When I learn, I’m listening. The secret to learning I’m listening to learn and I challenge myself to speak. The pants I wear, are in a lost and found bin. The area of interests that cat and mouse games aren’t played!

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