Friday, April 08, 2005

I had a couple of dreams last night. One of the dreams I had, related to playing football. All I can recall is having an ability to perform well of myself.

The Liberal sponsorship Scandal in Canada is ridiculous. The majority of Canadians don't want to elect another government other than the one already in place. From what I understand, the minority government is a form that best represents the needs of Canadians. I risk sounding harbinger, without the resolve of taking a side on the issue.

It's like riding in the trunk of the Headless Horseman!!

Would I rather that $40mil dollars be infused into a cause like Quebec, or having sold out to American interests under the Conservative leadership former Prime minister of Canada Brain Mulroney gave NAFTA for something Canadians CANNOT CONTROL.

This reminds me of last earlier in the week, when a man instead of giving common common courtesy, "After you, please." had cut myself off in order to be first in line. I remember asking a woman 3 weeks back, if she'd mind I remove my jacket and obtain a coat check ticket. She refused. Instead, she'd rather have instructed that I should wait and she felt she shouldn't!

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