Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Reverse Decadent (Autonomy)

My search for why Conservative ideology has Ben Mulroney on top? In Manitoba we're led by the NDP (socialist) party. They suceeded a mandate from the former governing PC (Conservatives).

I believe that Manitobans spoke when voting NDP 2 consecutive trials since the last elections. Manitobans gave the NDP an opportunity to provide us with our most crucial issue. Health care.

Health Care is on the minds of everyone in Canada, because if the Conservatives were to be given political authority to make decision... the importance of Health Care would be relinquished!

In fact, the result of a Conservative elected political power, could devestate our interest as Canadians. Once health care were (hypothetically speaking) privatized, this would open the door to the business aspect providing of health care and close the door to Canadians.

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