Thursday, April 14, 2005

A Hero's Unwelcoming

Why not urinate in the shower?

What do people do for a living?

A “standard” shortage of good workers or might it be a supply of high quality demands?

A lot can be said about how the rates of inflation fluctuate.

If the supply is ‘high’ and consumer demand is ‘low’, translates that people aren’t buying. The collateral is being made up in taxes as result.

To maintain a regular range of inflation the consumer is spending their money on goods and the costs outweigh the taxes in gained revenue.

I call this the left/right of center.

What difference does Harper, the Bloc or Liberal/NDP ridings make, the people who are voting must make a deciding choice. Harper can distance himself all he wants, if in reality his own bigoted views are alienating the common good. We're talking about what ideally should happen.

Conservatives wouldn't be in power unless the will of majority (i.e. status quo) says otherwise... but why think in terms of status quo? Impartial views are of minority interest, yet Harper insists that traditional principles are what a majority of Canadians want. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as our nations constitution isn't being violated, it’s Stephen Harpers secular version of what is forcing the average Canadian to feel obliged.

The charter protects everyone's right equally and independently of one another. Each person should use the charter and equate that with how Harper has taken a lethal position against the status quo.

In reality, people that view economics in a Conservative fiscal manner, have another thing coming if they believe in Stephen Harper's values. The government doesn't run a country... the people oppose what the government shouldn't be doing is why the Liberals have been opposed. In fact Canadians should feel opposite of what the Conservative's agenda would factor aren’t as ‘afraid’ but possess fearlessness to feel the opposite of whatever the Conservative’s affair within Canada do manage to solicit… will not favor all Canadians neither!

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