Thursday, January 11, 2007

Satisfactory Contingency Analysis - but not naive -

I leave myself to sarcasm?
Not once in my narrative do I!
I do not resort to sarcasm;
it is a great defense-mechanism.
Toast the perfect slice of bread:
that I feel like a kid again.
Where gains are made.
That I can resist in
not settling for less.
I've retained in no knowledge
from the apology of having
been applaused.


Anonymous said...

hi buddy, what's up?

Anonymous said...

hi marco.

You should join taylor's new board.

It'll be up within the week.
It's a coup.

You can reach me at

There will be girls there! :)

Anonymous said...

swedes :)

Unknown said...

Wow, crazy, he updates!



Anonymous said...

Don't listen to them chum. Crazies. Come back home <: