Monday, January 01, 2007

Let the New Year begin

I'm up! I'm up! The first post for the year of 2007. I suppose that is the purpose of New Years Eve? That in knowing you were naked before midnight struck. New Year's fails as it always has. . . that is to say it is not what you would think. This year was different, because everything you can say happened in 2006 is now history. The new found year ahead can change your fortune. It was a New Year to remember for me. I spent my New Year with Tanya, 2 of her closest friends, and Tamara her sister. We ate like Kings, and when our bellies became happier from the non-stop chewing of food, we welcomed 2007 with a resounding tummy-ache. I'm not quite being sarcastic.

Not so much I can resist when it comes to good food, the heart is a happy place I find when I am with people that genuinely care to be a part of the sharing ritual.

However, as I enter this new year - 2007 has taught me how much wiser I have grown.

I like to believe that being part of the workforce is me doing myself a favor, as opposed to the corporation, that I'm aware. When working as a Safeway clerk is not my dream-job, I've given myself the opportunity to see the kind of person I truly am. I can prove to myself, that the corporation does not adopt me, and I do not endorse the corporation myself as an employee. The truth is, I am valuable because of who I am as person. I am an ambassador, not for the company, but for my own. This fuels me to realize how much better I can be.

When I look back in time, I can exhibit thoughts that control what I am in the present moment. Nothing else matters. Therefore, I do not need "my job" employed with Safeway. . . Safeway needs me!

Furthermore, having Tanya as my girlfriend has allowed me to demonstrate my endurance as a challenge. It is how I compare my relationship to those that have no substance on the same level, and more obvious than not might I add. It gives me the strength to truly see through as though the opposing forces that work in other relationships do not account for. The properties or priorities that influence the meaning of a true relationship will be destroyed in the future.

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