Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Thanksgiving day in Canada

There is a lot to be thankful for, especially with the health in my family, we are stronger together as we've ever been before. We are blessed. I am happy about that. I also feel stronger in the relationships I've developed involved with Tanya, and seeing how much happier things have gone in my sister's new found relationship with Chris.

So much of what I've felt recently has taken its toll and to say the very least can only be described as arduous. The tasks I've undergone in order to survive some of the worst fears I've experienced have come full circle. I have gone to therapy in the capacity I need to cope with some guidance given, that I've learned to 'own' my thoughts, in action, as I must fully accept those are choices I make myself. The "I living to succeed" Marco. The Marco I used to avoid, but getting better at least trying to accept things I would altogether rather not.

Before anything else happens between Dr. Gordon and myself, I get the feeling Dr. Gordon has seen the last of me? What that entails is, I'm beginning to think that Dr. Gordon wants me to do things on my own. I suppose he's right. If what I believe is the case, I am merely preparing myself in a context of what I might expect in that case.

I understand the meaning of making choices, even if they are right or wrong, I must accept myself as the beneficiary of those consequences whether I like it or not. That is the single most valuable lesson I can attribute learning from as a human being.

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