Sunday, February 26, 2006

sense of purpose

Sometimes people are bitch-niggaz--and make you feel guilty about making
your own decisions.
Its like their playing on emotions instead of getting
down to business. You don't want to be in that class because
you don't want
to be like every other flake-ass actor.

Sometimes I don't
know why I feel mad about something....but its so often because I'm
into other peoples plans instead of my own. I can totally see how you are
frustrated about the bullshit.
All I can say is that your name is first, and
I will try to make this film benefit you any way I can.
And not Onalee,Actra,
the Film Police,or anyone else can do shit about that.

dude...I'm so exited to show you what I have now...about 250 new little edits
and adjustments, fancy fade-in
effects on the names...and some newly handled
sound effects.


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