Friday, February 10, 2006

Chinese Checkers

This is a operational definition of spoiled lunch meat.
Like chess pieces moving freely in a controlled envrionment.
Everything is in motion within the context of "borders".
With numbers and letters that illustrate each movement.
Expired: lunch meat today.
The label reads a date.
Expiry registers.
Learning behavioris a model form.
Not divided into something that is caused.
But only nautrally human in its attributes.
Unlike my hypothesis that follows the habit of instruction. . .
what is desire?
That I desire!
The information to manipulate;
the unreasoning sense perception:
that articulates each and every movement
on the chess board.
The chess pieces I recover from the opponents end.
Therefore, its only natural in ability to move into my end.
And - the choice - I have.
I took a chance of limiting my necessity to maneuver across
the board.
I also formulated a hypothesis.
Then all forms that follow. . .
follow the forms of structure.

That structure causes learning behavior.
Natural in human attributes the human-form.

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