Saturday, February 11, 2006

John Lennon in pause ~ quality assurance control

The process of intellect is a form of structure thought.
Therefore, the concept of peace is something infinite.
But - not truly attainable.
The greater good considers "freedom" a less
infinite concept that can be attained as a model.
What this means is that:
peace can only be formed as an ideal.
Freedom in action is the same.
Peace in action is constructed to be known as is freedom.
There is no material structure that causes peace or freedom
in its form.
The greater good has -
a conception related to the concept of freedom or peace.
When someone like John Lennon acts as an activist of. -
The reality is what possession the greater good reveals.
From its construction, peace cannot be seen,
but when it is advocated - the universal aspect
from the material.
John Lennon advocating peace is not peace or a model.
A true model of peace would be attained if it were true.
If peace existed in a perfect world,
of ideal material-structure.
Therefore, only change through human attributes
can be a model of peace or freedom.
Peace is an ideal. Not a form.
Freedom is an ideal. Not a form.
I do not reject or resist the idea of peace.
The limits of necessity or potential force.
My inception of material form is to reveal its structure.
I can exhibit a potential,
that of myself in its form
exemplifies what material freedom I possess.
What desire of peace I live.
And the beliefs I adopt are my own.
All things being equal have a material structure in its form?
A circular argument! ;
the argument: is also true.

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