Friday, February 24, 2006

Happiness is a pursuit of wisdom and intellectual morality

You are saying whenever you get hurt. You feel need for remorse. But human nature dictates, that if you react willingly to someone in need, you are doing a duty that is no more or less heroic then anyone else would do. But you imply the opposite

Maybe she doesn't like to see people hurt, and lies to keep people
You deserve no sympathy. I interpret what you say as someone who doesn't want what's best for others. Only for yourself. And because that's common wide held belief in practice, you also believe you are in a group without morals if you ascribe to that group. But not everyone wants to be hurt, including yourself. Therefore, you play victim. If you don't get that, then you are a liar. I accuse you of heresy in that regard. YOU SAID SO YOURSELF. Aaron, I honestly do not like you. Or ceez. Or beaver. Or owen. That is not hurting you, but if I feel hurt then I do deserve empathy due to my actions. If I stand up to people like you, that is out of necessity and honor for what is good - but which is not demonstrated by the likes of people that you put at risk. Much like a sadist rather inflict pain instead of producing pleasure. You are a mask among everyone here and I see right through you. Someone who expresses pain, is like you said:

Maybe she doesn't like to see people hurt, and lies to keep people
YOU PUT WORDS IN BECKY'S MOUTH. IT IS YOU THAT - rather not experience getting hurt and you also rather deny someone of happiness if it means you get more of it than someone else should.

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