Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The pedestal vestibule

You do not have to like everyone you meet.
It is the fate of all people share as a model.
My aunt has died of cancer,
she is dead in body;
but alive in spirit.
I live on to succeed her.
My nature limits material possessions,
but nothing you own is my property.

Communism I am against.
But people who rather:
participate in the rat race
of competition, "Might we
say to you I am worthy -
more worthy than yourself -
to earn and to keep what
I have earned." - Mr. Immigrant.

Once the system turned into
a capitalist binary,
the machinery was only
meant to induce the power

"Dear Mr. Immigrant,
In response to your letter
we understand how you view
history. We write to you
incapable of trusting us.
For this
our apologies. We are
sincerely sorry."

- And for that ends the
- The immigrant was only told
what was meant.
- That he became the victim,
"Work hard, you'll get what
you most desire."
- The positions of power
and prestige were limited
through capital.
- Those with power controlled
all the wealth.
- The power struggle shaped
why property continues to grow
- That slave mentality of
government controlling all property
through tax, or communist ideology.

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