Sunday, February 26, 2006

sense of purpose

Sometimes people are bitch-niggaz--and make you feel guilty about making
your own decisions.
Its like their playing on emotions instead of getting
down to business. You don't want to be in that class because
you don't want
to be like every other flake-ass actor.

Sometimes I don't
know why I feel mad about something....but its so often because I'm
into other peoples plans instead of my own. I can totally see how you are
frustrated about the bullshit.
All I can say is that your name is first, and
I will try to make this film benefit you any way I can.
And not Onalee,Actra,
the Film Police,or anyone else can do shit about that.

dude...I'm so exited to show you what I have now...about 250 new little edits
and adjustments, fancy fade-in
effects on the names...and some newly handled
sound effects.


The vulagarity of disposition

In the reality of time in education on the Internet.
The greatest of all things are typical of language.
The Internet is a great tool of resource.
For learning.
And I have yet to make the decision
if vulgar use of language translates as well?
In univeristy the vulgar use of language is not accepted.
The reason for all things that sense vulgarity purposely reveals.
That reason is what desire happens most of all!
It is reason that is the cause of my senses.
I desire nothing that reveals my vulgarity.

The elitist model of converging self identity - vanity - and culture

I can only limit myself to extreme levels of thought.

thanks for dropping in. . . I love the indie vibe I get from this movie.

A couple of notes:
The progression of time you use the
purp's. That's a good strategy to follow. It suggests that the
priest is entering another world. To the audience the dimension of a blues
bar with the band playing is excellent progression of time or continuity of
action. The images I get are of an audience seeing a different side of
what the priest is like as a person. Which I get the idea of. What
else is good is the footage you have mixed with the music. Everything
should click through the editing, if only pieced together properly.
I think
leaving Onalee's clas is the best thing I have ever done. I do not intend
to miss it AT ALL.

I love the work you are producing.
I like the Intro A LOT.
Marco ~

I'm glad you see that as well. I'm thrilled about it. But I especially like the fact you know, how "defined" the character is in words. Its totally true. I can see the continuity of action like I hadn't understood it entirely from seeing the footage before. I mean I knew it was there, but every time I see it, the character has also changed! It's pretty awesome man.

~ Marco

I guess you already had the knowledge, about what I think of Onalee. The reason I left is because I felt her class was a fraud. I thank you again, for believing in my talent and wanting me to succeed. I honestly am gracious.

My expression of gratitude is more of appreciation that I've removed myself from her class.

I suppose the affiliations I can forget are no longer necessary. The film itself has actors from her class, like Terry, or Miss. Pudavick. I still regret Jeremy taking action as he did - with regard to working on this project using actra as a scapegoat. But in reality, Onalee is only banking on us not for our own success but because its money in her pocket! She essentially is running a support group without any real benefit to us as actors. I refused to pay her anything $$$. That is the truth.

I feel obliged to let you know where I stand for the sake and integrity of an myself as a person. The acting standpoint is of exhibiting truth and I feel none of the actors that participated have a sense of vision on this project. I want to ensure you of that, I make my every effort to avoid conflict without associating myself with the other Onalee-actors in the film. This means I do not wish to have my name be one of Onalee's students. She basically did nothing for me. And the rest of the actors in the film are not of my interest whatsoever.

I guess I needed to say this not only of myself, but for you to realize the delicate procedure you risk taking in plight of your movie. It is of my own will to determine why the project is important to me as an individual. You gave me this opportunity as a gift that I received and I'm simply reacting to it as such. However, my belief is straight-forward and enjoyed sharing my talent together with you admirably. Therefore, take this not as bittersweet but a token of value and respect that is completed in naming how I feel the things I do. Furthermore, its importance of a indie-movie makes me proud to be a part of.

In conclusion, what I want for you to understand is that freedom you need - I also wish to have rubber stamped on your film. It helps open my eyes to a whole new world of concept. Something, I feel Onalee took us for granted and does not justify my role played in your film. I identify with the film unique to the experience I presented - not because of Onalee - but for you as the filmmaker. I thought about telling you all of this, since you carry the artistic license and label it not mask it with honor. The other actors just do not understand that as a matter of fact. You deserve my loyal fellowship as the result. It should demonstrate me not as one that is one of those "Onalee-type's" which threatens how I view life in filming art. That is the true reason in my opinion I clearly direct my attention to separate exclusively from the group. It's meant to put you at an advantage and impacts the manner you would probably remember if not for my sense of purpose.

I enjoyed working for you. Its about being human as an actor to the experience.

Thanks Mark,


P.S. We are not Onalee's robots, and after I left I now realize before I was brainwashed what THE INTENT of an actor truly is. I forgave myself in time until it may have been too late for me to sense what she was doing actually put me at risk. The rest of the group might not be as lucky to realize this as I am today which is why I feel blessed. I'm thankful the more I come to realize how Onalee jeopardized my trust in her. I truly feel blessed because of the implication Onalee had in feeding our ego's. To reach an unattainable view of making dreams a reality, that the risk involving her students not differentiating between love of the art and myself as an artist.

Racketeering and Encroachment

There are several rockets that have been built.
Some were riskier then most others.
The titanic with wings of a feather.
Flying through the sky filled with machines.
Cutting through nature with a heart for imagining.
Through all this time,
I dream of it.
Monsters that don't exist.
But in time like structuring education,
I feel the need for approval.
Being approached by so very few -
of these things.
I seek refuge.
I am wiser.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

just as I thought about - it

The reasoning behind my decision to disqualify my acting talent, before pursuing the field of the acting (film) industry? I think has a lot to do with my personal experience. The day I heard the words, you've "healed" a lot - Marco. This has something to do with my imminent delay of where I should have gone. After I decided to pull the plug on acting. It was the right time.

Today, Dr. Gordon advises me of being true to my emotions. I have yet to reconcile the differences I feel tied together with. The fact of the matter is. . . I told that I, "stick a fork" in acting.

It helps me to actually realize the potential of myself.

I suppose not that the idea is one of reality, but that I became something I truly needed to become. Meaning, this point in time. I haven't decided I'm a bad person because I quit doing something I grew fond of doing in the process of becoming an real actor.

However, something else in my thoughts surfaces.

I can trace why I believe the present is key to my future. What the future might bring originated some time ago. Today, the ideas I had to face in order to accurately define my image is much of what I need. Now I know the difference, of a person who can attribute and connect with myself love.

Mystery in the fire

There's a fire in the mystery. . .
that I'm dancing.
A dancing machine!
Or community of intellectuals?
Of the sorts this I wake,
as an old - old age.
That I no longer serve purpose.


Never to make myself a target
because a true opinion is of a man
will not refuse
to answer.

Friday, February 24, 2006

The surface of regularity

You tell everyone they're great and attractive and smart and unique.

She only does that to because she likes to show herself as sincere towards others. Maybe we can learn from that.

Let's think about yourself for a second. And forget about everyone else. That's all I get from you there.

Hula-hoops causing

arrows are not triangles ;

they are squares

relegated to human forms.

Happiness is a pursuit of wisdom and intellectual morality

You are saying whenever you get hurt. You feel need for remorse. But human nature dictates, that if you react willingly to someone in need, you are doing a duty that is no more or less heroic then anyone else would do. But you imply the opposite

Maybe she doesn't like to see people hurt, and lies to keep people
You deserve no sympathy. I interpret what you say as someone who doesn't want what's best for others. Only for yourself. And because that's common wide held belief in practice, you also believe you are in a group without morals if you ascribe to that group. But not everyone wants to be hurt, including yourself. Therefore, you play victim. If you don't get that, then you are a liar. I accuse you of heresy in that regard. YOU SAID SO YOURSELF. Aaron, I honestly do not like you. Or ceez. Or beaver. Or owen. That is not hurting you, but if I feel hurt then I do deserve empathy due to my actions. If I stand up to people like you, that is out of necessity and honor for what is good - but which is not demonstrated by the likes of people that you put at risk. Much like a sadist rather inflict pain instead of producing pleasure. You are a mask among everyone here and I see right through you. Someone who expresses pain, is like you said:

Maybe she doesn't like to see people hurt, and lies to keep people
YOU PUT WORDS IN BECKY'S MOUTH. IT IS YOU THAT - rather not experience getting hurt and you also rather deny someone of happiness if it means you get more of it than someone else should.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Vertical Horizons

Staying in the game. . .
I follow
shame - will - desire.
For tomato soup.
I exude with leaps and bounds.
A boost of confidence.

the pragmatism

This is the story of obsession.
A conscious experience.
One of guilt.
But not anyone. . .
Do not fault!
This analysis of an intellectual -
Perhaps the ability to date.
Feel positive about me.
Not long term relationships based on sex.
But learning about the other gender.
I've buried thoughts in words.
Now I see the truth.
You are not fat.
You relax here.
You are the blame of others misidentification.
You are the surface of responsibility to other -
comprehensive habits.
That deny you the comprehension.
I've strung together the form of identity crisis;
and lifted the mistake of rationalizing reason itself.
No longer a burden.
Here, I am.
The emotion of lust over matter.
The thought the desire of it is this I can feel.
I felt cared about for an instance of wanting:
to reveal my life.
But the advice you give me is nothing but your own
- doing.
Let me advise this'
government is not to respond as a community.
My own sense of community is not a government.
It is a necessity.
I the pragmatic an individual shooting targets from out of bounds.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Money Making Psyche of a Psychosis

I've recieved the news,
The mediocrity of life.
Conscious thoughts
of feelings -
in my every effort.
What is free I will
There is no trial -
that has stood over me.
To pass judgment.
But I will not settle
for less.
Than dreams.

The content consent of insecure psychological nature

The intent for the distribution of wealth is equal.
We appreciate fielding you here on our soil.
However, we only say. . .
Work hard and you will be rewarded.
We say this not to spite you but to safeguard
our existence.
Believe this.
We would self destruct if we told you otherwise.
Our interests are to protect our resources
and saying, "Working hard will earn you rewards."
is our way of maintaining power without feeling guilty
about anything.
Thank you.

For the love of Sportsmanship

The more things change,
the more they stay the same.
I've audited.
I've learned.
I've rehearsed.
I've auditioned.
Not to hate myself.
But know myself.

Deficient Punk Anthems

How can you tell I'm not?
If I was.
What do you desire most without;
could I care to promise you.
I might be interested in my cause:
if you cared.

The pedestal vestibule

You do not have to like everyone you meet.
It is the fate of all people share as a model.
My aunt has died of cancer,
she is dead in body;
but alive in spirit.
I live on to succeed her.
My nature limits material possessions,
but nothing you own is my property.

Communism I am against.
But people who rather:
participate in the rat race
of competition, "Might we
say to you I am worthy -
more worthy than yourself -
to earn and to keep what
I have earned." - Mr. Immigrant.

Once the system turned into
a capitalist binary,
the machinery was only
meant to induce the power

"Dear Mr. Immigrant,
In response to your letter
we understand how you view
history. We write to you
incapable of trusting us.
For this
our apologies. We are
sincerely sorry."

- And for that ends the
- The immigrant was only told
what was meant.
- That he became the victim,
"Work hard, you'll get what
you most desire."
- The positions of power
and prestige were limited
through capital.
- Those with power controlled
all the wealth.
- The power struggle shaped
why property continues to grow
- That slave mentality of
government controlling all property
through tax, or communist ideology.

Becoming a victim

I have patience.
But I also have little.
Next to nothing.
Patience is a virtue.
On the subject of those
becoming victim.
To what I find is true or not?
The question!
That the answer is. . .
it is this:
what on earth do I narrate;
if I lost patience to do so.
Then patience is my only virtue.

Victim of assesment

"Abre a quem não bater à tua porta"

Se alguém bater um dia à tua porta

Se alguém bater um dia à tua porta,
Dizendo que é um emissário meu,
Não acredites, nem que seja eu;
Que o meu vaidoso orgulho não comporta
Bater sequer à porta irreal do céu.

Mas se, naturalmente, e sem ouvir
Alguém bater, fores a porta abrir
E encontrares alguém como que à espera
De ousar bater, medita um pouco. Esse era
Meu emissário e eu e o que comporta
O meu orgulho do que desespera.
Abre a quem não bater à tua porta

Fernando Pessoa

Cheap moccasin models

Allow me to fulfill what are you unhappy about?
Self fulfilling prophecies are like rubbing a lantern. . .
not a box of chocolates!
You never know what your going to get;
unless you rub the lantern.
The lantern produces colors in many forms.
Different images may appear.
Stringing together sounds and pictures.
Like on a movie screen.
That fear draws you near the suspense.
Animation of bunny slopes and popcorn in your lap.
When suddenly appears a thought.
Something only you could have imagined.
Becoming educated in matters such as this.

Excluded from happiness

Have you ever been excluded from it?
The kind of happiness you punish.
Where intent is only minimalist in patronizing!
Punk historians are full of propaganda,
these historians of hegemony.
That nearly wiped out the human race.
listen to the sounds of how patronizing
it is.
To punish: the happiness I follow.
I lead myself here to believe.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

god on the subject of god

Do you think often?
Such as the it said:
"You are a machine."
And from that came a lot of spelling.
Then for another reason yet unknown to many
so many -
but very few.
The cradle of justice emerged!
Like a broken appliance.
One that needs repairing.
One that read the manual before-not-after.
To think like:
why are we' not human.
Human; like the wind caught lovers naked in intercourse.
So true, in fact.
A sense if I belong here or there.
That the structure of all this.
And I became something spectacular.
I think about the reformation or the ages of renaissance.
What Germany was before not after.
How fascism swept under the rug
the millions of souls that feel dictatorship.
Perhaps communism developed prematurely,
and collapsed itself.
Politics were in no position to question the intellect
of all practical thought.
Though I am pragmatic an individual
a renewed sense of history /
But Capitalism.
This rules our lives today.
Such economics than yesterday.
Tomorrow the globalization of post modern industrial
communities will shape the reality of
us nations salute flags.
And for what -
but a voice of broken appliances
and not enough technicians to fulfill
the role of repairman.
Here you see we connect the past to the present
- with the future.
Somewhere in time,
we caused a series of events in our history.
But at the same time.
Now I realize property is. . .
not a vision.
Power to limit how others control over business and
Prestige to protect the natural environment.
Now I realize property as Marx thought.
That when Anibal,
my uncle came.
He came to Canada.
And my mother followed.
To escape the dictatorship of Portugal.
And live in a traditional landscape of England's throne.
I ask myself this.
Today I put my shoe on the other foot,
if I lived in Canada under fascist or communist rule.
That society as we advanced with our wave of immigrants.
How the Capital was thought to produce wealth of resources.
And basically out of encouraging prospect,
not meant to spite the immigrant from equal opportunity.
Status of the elite power model,
became our struggle.
Work - work hard and you will be rewarded with great quality
of life.
That is how we honor the system in place.
Be here and prosper.
We propose that your unborn children will afford
beauty and tranquility here.
But that's not how it happened.
No such messages were ever brought to the attention
of those immigrant others.
Statistically, immigration is good for big business.
The bigger the business the better the profit motive.
And the means of production is bigger for.
Though a conscious effort I give myself.
Because the deficient immigrant became a broken
appliance through the course of time.
Criminal agencies I call them.
Groups of immigrants simply showing off.
To please the bridge-inequality that produces wealth.
To please.
But no - they said -
you have equal opportunity here,
with everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Your own sovereignty is freedom to choose as you please.
Work hard and you shall be rewarded.
But no - they said.
Work hard and you shall be set free.
Property in the world is like a broken appliance.
Fixed for a time.
The broken appliance needed some repair.
The message they gave as long as it held together
the resources of material wealth.
That is the main objective.
The concern of an industrialized nation like Canada is.
It has the wealth.
It produces immigrated-ideology.
Come to Canada because it will make us feel
better served.
The more you put in is equal to what you get out.
Those with a slave mentality cannot afford to parish.
And then you will see the rewards Mr. and Mrs. Immigrant.
Because like we told you,
work hard and you will be rewarded.
Rewards are hard to come by.
Produce children and live longer.
Your children will realize the impact of your hard working
hands we fostered.
We adopt you into our country and believe in you we will.
You shall succeed living here better then the illegal-alien.
You seek refuge.
We deliver the message.
Work hard and you will be rewarded.
It makes us feel better that way.
You are promised that.
Were you in doubt the minute you arrived.

an idealist execution

My most loyal cynic.
That is to say I am the most loyal.
The most loyal of cynics I know?
In time. . .
trains are plotting.
Schedules are running on crunch.
The pride I have has scared many of me.
Bulls have feared my ear to the ground,
until I sense a willing desire to charge me.
That is when the bull runs.
It is not charging.
It is running without a cause.
Striaght through me.
Without knowing I even exist!
But I always outsmarted:
the bulls knowledge;
of knowing I'm not even there.

Esteem goal-oriented oral-fascination

Not because.
Gravity is here.
Believe me when I say this heat travels,
Never down!
Never down.
Or out.
Heat travels upward we can be
fairly certain.
Heat travels upward.
Hasty Generalizations.
Coming between -
Then into a narrative:
planting every seed
- into the volcano as it erupts.
It is unknown facts that are true.
If not a part of the problem;
perhaps solutions are inevitable.
It is this tone of voice I carry with.
Heat travel. -
I alone have generated.
I've been told.
Not to purge the few.
We are many.
Successfully trimming the Bonzai Tree.
People form success.
Never one person.
Such alliance is heat travel.

The neurosis

Of choices.
Many choices before.
I lived in a tomato garden.
Where the location mattered.
When I grew dreaming of ketchup.
And all of this for the challenge?
My great imaculate brain wave!
Wanting to follow how breath taking:
I was.
The neurosis reminds me of it.
How I felt;
when time was never a factor.
And tomato plants ruled all.
What lost is found in the comfort of my own
What lost is found in the emotional comfort my
brain has.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Subject of failure ~ in a structured "reality-sense"

If you want it you know where you can find me.
My comfort where everything lost is found?
On the subject matter of failure.
A woman.
What is a woman?
A woman of such incredible stature?!
What is a woman;
Women in such a group have
huge breasts.
I'm not a sexist when cleavage becomes a part:
Becomes a part.
But, the superior nobility of man:
men have no need for.
No greater desires.
Human beings are everywhere.
Human being everywhere.
However, the machine of god.
I've not written a philosophy paper
- in quite some time.
Or to be known as the machine god built.
Forgive me.
If I attend this tragedy of -
In order to learn takes mistake.
Mistakes take learning.
Making ambitious mistakes required it.
This I afford.
My sense of thought is a key attribute.
Girls girls girls.
The unambiguous girl with natural attractive female
curves vs.
the Olympiad Torino2006
Canadian Women's Hockey Team.
Olympic Gold Medalists.
What if sex were a robe /
nothing but a bath robe. . .
and the robe seen as wearing gender.
Gender between male and female robes.
All be sent into a room filled with naked people
of no ambiguous genitalia.
Only of driven psychological nature.
Ethical issues that compares us.
Balance of power.
My god - that woman I'm attracted to.
Is she not sexually deviant as I,
there is this belief I own.
Nature can only contradict the same function
- of mental deprived disability or repressed sexuality in
our societies.
Allowing my thoughts to form like rain drops.
On the subject of failure.

Search for missing truths

It is not the case.
Once the moment I became to realize.
They had nicknamed me.
Or had they not thought about it?
Quite simply, the conversation has its purpose!
Like this poetry.
However, honest was the.
To think: "I'm trying my best to know more then you."
To which everything applies. . .
my good natured man.
I thought to have believed him in my silence.
It is wise to be honest;
be warned.
That I knew less.
Then you would ever know from the beginning.
And I am content in my ignorance.
You are a woman.
Women are.
How could you know less then myself.
Then I said. . .
you have one chance against necessity.
Everything is necessary in the universe.
You are the cause before I ever listened to the words
of instructing me.
- You have demonstrated nothing.
But you are right.
I have demostrated nothing.
Therefore, you are a woman I believe.
Perhaps you are right.
Though my thought is with you - not without me.
And, since the beginning if you were not ignorant
of the cause to which you claim of myself.
Being a woman,
might not I be wise.
No, because I condemn you - you being a woman.
Then you are right still.
How come you are so ignorant.
Because I choose to be.
You choose to be a woman.
What is your reasoning.
The fault is not mine it is yours.
My own shortcoming through ignorance of thought.
You claim I am a female.
Not once did I represent the image of a male.
Then asking you to think about who I am.
You accused me of lying to you, so you called me a woman.
Only then did it not occur to you.
My ignorance makes me less of a man.
Though it is not my ignorance you possess.
You do not possess any ignorance.
For me.
It would be wrong to think about ignorance in the form.
If a man does not possess ignorance.
He is not wise.
And you say to me I am a woman.
You are right to say that.
All men that possess no ignorance.
Are women.
Only wise men,
wise enough to possess their own ignorance.
Are women.
You are clearly not a woman.
Thank you kindly.
No need.
You are very welcome.

A very nice ring'

I can attribute my thoughts that form into nothing,
that is quite as necessary to reveal?
But such occassion of my own authority.
On the day I pass to the other side.
Perhaps it is this inhibition of sense.
Or, a sense of inhibition!
Poker playing.
Playing poker is the power of positive thinking;
- I do not enjoy a poker game.
I simply thought about it.
And I deny the machine my karma.
I imply that delicious banana has made a sound of hunger.
What hunger sounds like is built inside of me.
And I always, always imagine what bananas there are.
However, in the most primitive form of thought.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

burnt flask

I thought about sending up a flare.
The educational experience has been fascinating for me.
Now a kiss goodbye,
a pat on the back.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Chuck Wagon

My smile is wide.
I make a sound to seduce the horses.
They gallop into motion.
I ride.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Reading Week

So, I decided not to do the acting thing, because I thought about how I need to do other things with my life. Unfortunately, in my opinion, I felt my talent was being wasted if I continued to attend classes. The reason I think this way is cynical. I do not believe Onalee's classes could help me any more than they could have. However, I did enjoy the time I had while it lasted. The film industry is not for me. The reality of the business is misleading, when it comes to people who are directly involved with it. You really have to be lucky to get a shot. I think its better for me to say I believe I have talent and be on my way.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

John Lennon in pause ~ quality assurance control

The process of intellect is a form of structure thought.
Therefore, the concept of peace is something infinite.
But - not truly attainable.
The greater good considers "freedom" a less
infinite concept that can be attained as a model.
What this means is that:
peace can only be formed as an ideal.
Freedom in action is the same.
Peace in action is constructed to be known as is freedom.
There is no material structure that causes peace or freedom
in its form.
The greater good has -
a conception related to the concept of freedom or peace.
When someone like John Lennon acts as an activist of. -
The reality is what possession the greater good reveals.
From its construction, peace cannot be seen,
but when it is advocated - the universal aspect
from the material.
John Lennon advocating peace is not peace or a model.
A true model of peace would be attained if it were true.
If peace existed in a perfect world,
of ideal material-structure.
Therefore, only change through human attributes
can be a model of peace or freedom.
Peace is an ideal. Not a form.
Freedom is an ideal. Not a form.
I do not reject or resist the idea of peace.
The limits of necessity or potential force.
My inception of material form is to reveal its structure.
I can exhibit a potential,
that of myself in its form
exemplifies what material freedom I possess.
What desire of peace I live.
And the beliefs I adopt are my own.
All things being equal have a material structure in its form?
A circular argument! ;
the argument: is also true.

The infectious heart

I experience pleasure.
That is simple.
When appears a time to kill,
kill the demons in my mind.
But pleasure I feel.
The purpose of structure.
The structure of happiness.

Friday, February 10, 2006

We're different: mes amis

On the basis of indecision. . .
The philosopher's igloo of sorts,
were two figures of man.
So the other one says it:
I cannot figure out why.
We have our own values and customs,
it seems I've become someone else?
But how is that possible!
The clueless games philosopher-igloo
claims; but he has sort of an idea:
that became transparent over time.
On the basis of instruction. . .
the story changes.
The philosophers have evolved over the
ice age, and since then transformed.
Not ever realizing the short history this
narration proved.
But I digress.
The igloo philosophy never came into being.
Its as though it never existed.
Therefore, the subject-matter did not materialize.
But the igloo philosophers had thought of philosophy
for a short time.
What became of the history between such novel
Imagine, as if to think a history of philosophers,
with pet names and theories that somehow'
are still in place.
Like space and time are continually in motion.
There was rationale during the ice age after all.
Sculpting a igloo was only just as practical is to sculpt.
Like body-sculpting.
Or, a craft such as pottery.
The same person.
One in the same.
So this reality is truly something unique.
I can see it.
While the structure of time requires service.
Religious followers probably process structure of
no other kind.
I propose a psychological nature perhaps.
But why not time in its infinite place,
be kept secretly / remains as if there never
were structure.
Time is like an igloo or automobile.
It requires service.
If the opposite were true, how is it impossible
if car manufacturer's made automotives without
breaking systems.
whoops! Would they say?
Or - is it not aware of consequences automatically.
That the structure of time acquired fear.
And through fear came consequences of actions.
Would an evil be set precedent if all were crazy.
Meaning that a status quo demanded,
that auto-makers stop installation of breaks
in their vehicles.
Only because the will of all people everywhere
wanted to drive without being able to progress
in motion.
They wanted change.
They thought breaks in cars needed no break-mechanism.
And the rules they'd adopt within changing the system.
The system of thought would eliminate the fact
cars which once were equipped with assembled breaks.
As though cars stopping never existed.
And the need would be diminished.
Cars everywhere would only be assembled to
continue the process of motion.
Never stopping.
Not ever.
Not even thought.
Thus, no one complained.
Nobody realized the difference breaks had made in time.
Cars were defined as vehicles in motion only.
Only vehicles in motion can train the senses to collide
with any other mechanical machine operated object.
Quite a mix of revolution and entropy.
The story lacks substance.
But I enjoyed writing it as this.

Lunch meat: over a topic of conversation

Today boys and girls,
our assembly involves communication
between betting individuals.
Our concern is of subject-matter.
And - material necessity.
The boys: combine girls into a group.
The girls: combine boys into a group.
Now the process of instruction can begin.
What it reveals is a structure of strategy.
Within this idea of a sructure:
what is the image of constructing an idea?
Not confused without;
rational thinking or competitive nature.
But in reality:
emotions and cooperation must include the all.

Chinese Checkers

This is a operational definition of spoiled lunch meat.
Like chess pieces moving freely in a controlled envrionment.
Everything is in motion within the context of "borders".
With numbers and letters that illustrate each movement.
Expired: lunch meat today.
The label reads a date.
Expiry registers.
Learning behavioris a model form.
Not divided into something that is caused.
But only nautrally human in its attributes.
Unlike my hypothesis that follows the habit of instruction. . .
what is desire?
That I desire!
The information to manipulate;
the unreasoning sense perception:
that articulates each and every movement
on the chess board.
The chess pieces I recover from the opponents end.
Therefore, its only natural in ability to move into my end.
And - the choice - I have.
I took a chance of limiting my necessity to maneuver across
the board.
I also formulated a hypothesis.
Then all forms that follow. . .
follow the forms of structure.

That structure causes learning behavior.
Natural in human attributes the human-form.

A syllogism of material necessity

The cause of a structure in its form.
Nature. ~
~ Nature: in and of itself.

= Kantian Ethics "Freedom of choices"

On the intellect of Nature

. . .I have developed a skill.
To instruct the sense of form.
The structure of forms.
The language of thoughts.
My opinion is on the nature of intellect.
The intellect.

Some time - again

I will not be caught stealing with my shorts,
pulled-down around my ankles.
It is punishable by offense.
An act of punishment!
Some time ago,
where my desire was felt.
The vulnerable rehersal of nature's consequence.
On the nature of my own existence. . .
some time ago:
the process of thoughts become constructed;
with human attributes.
It is a structure of thought.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Disallowing Thought

I've been robbed of time.
That incredible ignorance of mine.
Not to change a thing about paradise,
of what it has to offer.
I've only become the promise of something better!
Anything you know?
What else there is. . .
a lesson of making bargains;
because from the first step you skipped
over - the rest is untraceable.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Tying the knots: Shoelaces and smiling

I have no limits to my psychic intellect.
It is a science of intellect that required all meaning.
It is the science of intellect that helps my nature of
- belonging.
To register this ability within the context of reason,
there's a limited strength. . .
that knowledge of the psychic world can provide.
In a material world the structure is one of instruction.
We're limited through the capabilities of that model.
If I cannot express what I truly feel is legitimate,
whereas: psychic-phenomenon creates the laws;
making rules would be subjective in its totality.
And -morality- wouldn't be subjected to justice being done?
However, what is justice! - Desiring justice - willing justice. -
What is the pursuit of desire or an unknown variable,
evidence could only allow as the cause of justice.
Or if justice were made infallible.
The reasoning god suggests we're capable of living within
How god whispers to you over and over,
either giving us direction ahead
without spilling anything.
My ability to spill something hasn't been purged by god,
whom himself created the ability to spill fine-coffee.
But gods deductions are relevant to the causes.
So, in conversation - I asked him.
Keep me here, oh lord.
Let us ask of you the following,
I ask this about me.
What did my aunt do to survive her death of cancer.
How could she live knowing she was going to die.
I forbid you to answer that, lord.
Because the very question is for you to hear,
and for you alone to consider.
And I refuse to hear you speak of it in response.
Live with that for a moment,
and you will realize the context of the question in and of itself
torments you inside.
That is how it feels.
I answer for you, oh lord.
That she be kept in the physical nature of the universe.
In my memory. . .
because I want her here still.
She still wanted to be alive.
And she is.
She will survive here with me.
I command myself.
That she'll wait for me while I live here - a longer while.
That she is of the spiritual domain.
One that only my psychic ability can address with a cause.
And I trust she will feel her presence exists,
whenever she comes near.
She'll be missed, and know that she is missed.
Not unaware of the surroundings,
but understand that we don't ignore the fact she's
among us.
So she won't feel empty, in thoughts, that we've
already forgotten she left.
She remains here.
Because lord, it'd be annoying to me if someone
didn't think I was present.
It's be saddening to believe I was being ignored
in some strange form.
Like a spirit realizing they're not gone,
that they're present without the cause of life
That life is not a cause for relief of effort
or a psychic adventure.

That the spiritual existence is the most probable
- most powerful.

Perhaps it is this force of a rational ability
not to limit it - but to exhibit what we can reveal.

It's not that far from here. God told the tow-truck driver -
I've never had my tow-truck towed before.
After all that's happened, the tow-truck driver was
telling a story for the first time. And since this was
after all, the very first time in history, that a story
has been told of a tow truck driver's own truck being towed.
Let alone by god himself, but the oxymoron present is rather

The moral of the story is placed in a psychic form of reality.
Only a demonstrated force can act on it in physical nature.
Not to act as a threat of the heart aimed.
The sense of registry within the imagination.
That all will be revealed in time.
This psychic nature of time in a structure.

And through it all.
My history shall retain into memory myself remaining psychic.

The Classic model-T

However, here I am a student of time.
Being shot in the eye!
Modesty is unlimited in its supply;
that is necessity-and-cause are unrelated properties of.
As far gone. . . as the nature:
of my opinion.
Have you been left in the position
where you cannot form or
construct the argument of
Time - my life depends on it.

Human Ambition

I know that you are an agent of motive:
but how can I tell you are not a passenger?
The natural science of intuition!
That nature of instruction;
or a causal temptation. . .
for the desire that's only human.

This is the structure in its truest of forms.

A sensitive censorship

I must make the time.
The time to educate myself in these matters.
Of a material being. . .
that will cause my own will to flourish.
That mechanically survive the property,
of material wealth and stature.
But no?
No, I will!
That material property is one.
Of choice.

dynamic choices

There's a junkpile over there.
I think I'll be a pessimist and pick it up.
Like a garbage man.
We can live side by side in our parallel,
But quit?
I quit it!
I decided to become anti-conservative.
I'm a liberal candidate.
One that resides within the boundaries of Canada.
A territory marked by its nature and natural environment.
That beauty resonates.
My own.
Therefore, listen to me Mr. Garbage man Harper.
You cleverly disguise yourself as a garbage man politician.
"For the people. . ."
so he says to himself.
"It's for the people."
But once you cross that meridian line,
into the 49'th parallel.
I warn all Canadians, not to fall into the trap
of a Conservative white wall.
To white wash the Liberal authority on social justice,
Canadians will be naive to believe Conservative ideology
will compensate for social programs.
The conservative agenda will monopolize those
values Canadians have against monopolizing our
social identity.
The conservative agenda will impose their will,
on our minority status as individuals
that enjoy the fruits of labor or social programs!
And for what?
How will the conservative Mr. Harper function,
I may accuse him of. . .
breeching our invested interest of social programs.
And manipulate the populous into thinking
about economic policies "that benefit" our
well being as citizens.
Mr. Harper will reproach our needs of tax-breaks,
and expect we follow him.
I will not.
I defend my rights.
To choose freely among these ideas,
that conservative ideals will not participate
in the best intention for the true Canadian identity.
The conservatives will mock the process
and cut short our social programs for the sake
of belittling Canadians' that will marginalize
our value for social programs.
They will not honor us Canadians.
They will destroy our will.
The Conservatives will flip-flop-flap.
And in doing so,
not violate my will or anyone's
into thinking we rather not have dynamic choices
such participating in social programs
for the better of our nation.
Our national debt is of no major concern.
The Liberals did just fine with economic ties
and actually increased our wealth within that time.
The scandals of sponsorship,
were nothing but a crime in excess of the forces
that politics resides.
That was money we could spend on our interests,
and what was being done to the Liberals was
only in an effort to make them look like criminals.
But my point:
is I will not partake in anything such as Conservative
When in truth, the fact of the matter is simple.
Dynamic choices are social programs which unite
this multicultural paradigm.

The intention of willing

The willing of intention may sound stranger -
if you consider the framing of what is desire.
Such as the desire of the will.
Or the intention of desire.
So as the desire or will of intention.
But be that confusing as it may appear to be. . .
cause of intention is more of a mystery.
Does intention to cause behavior?
Does intention to cause survival;
like enjoying the mouse-game of chance.
Does intention to cause suffering!
Nobody can claim knows.
But the fear in god:
all have.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Chinese swear wordsmith -

I have this sense?
Of instruction!
Fearing god . . .
There's room.
That improves.

The melancholy pursuit of happiness

The newest chapter is the beginning.
That radically changing "imaginary".
That Language of Structure -
the structure of language?
Therefore, I'm fairly certain that I've
been unaware.
Positive in fact!
That unless you are the source
of-a-language's origin,
such as poetic is - poetry.
The poet must emphasize;
any context which words are
being felt within the structure.
If the poet fails to alter or conceptualize
thoughts into words that create significant
And to be sure - meaning is true.
That show of exhibition aren't turly inhibitions.
The poet only becomes a poet:
once the words create a meaning of its own.
Its own nature.
Its own doing,
that no longer has attachment from the
It is as though cutting of the umbilical cord
from a mother after having given birth.
The new born is cut, not literally.
But ritually.
And the snip you hear as if a musical chord.
A music note in the air that drifted off
somewhere before conscious.
Before-conscious alerted you.
After the mother's task to squeeze you out
You became somebody.
That everything around you -
was creating it for you.
You are the most self-conscious gentle soul
I've ever met here.
In my melancholy pursuit of eternal
What is the subject matter,
of conscious thought. . .
in all of our make-believe.
That moments pass.
Lacking obessions of conscious effort.
The minute one shoe drops.
What I ask is this.
Is happiness not only a choice,
but a pursuit of conscious belief.
And if so.
So if the world retained memory of choice,
would the choices be internal or external.
We will never know the impossible.
It is to exist.
Therefore, impossible.
Happiness is quite possible.
But truly not - happiness.

Moral self regard

"Dearest god,"

Don't you have an imagination?
I was wondering about this the other day!
When it suddenly occured to me. . .
nothing can control the nature of thoughts.
But here I am,
hoping you can realize for me "the potential"
I own.
You see god. We're on a first name basis -
aren't we
-because the moral self regard I do carry.
And quite frankly, god. . .
it's been a long journey from here.
So the directions you can send to me via
And I'll receive the map with open arms.
But please remember to forgive me.
In case I get lost.
Because you failed to provide me with the
- best directions.
My personal self.
That moral self regard
you mistake me with someone else's.
This makes a lot of sense.
Don't you think. ~


The valuing of empathy

Some need empathy more than-most-knowing
how to live in it.
Reality is a part of the myth.
Myths are the reality sometimes.
Perhaps it is a shared property,
where forms of abuse are unacceptable?
That we live!
That we live in a world of shared-culture.
The expression of humanity.
And what is only human. . .
leads us.
To believe in what is normally learned -
And what we consider rational
- or; rationally feared among men.
Being "equal" not "just".
Because justice for man is: just.
We become equally held responsible for our
As the properties are also shared - and -
they're equally represented.
Not to be marginalized - but -
equally understood in values.

Monday, February 06, 2006

When hurrying

I've applied wisdom.
And the greater I fold these parts.
That - in my future. . .
I'll stay in mind.
That kept myself warmer in cold February.
I love such honesty!
Birthmarks? ~
I only hope: my love of honesty resonates
through me.


The character is a desire
to will ~
- the imagery.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The causes of alturism

Helping my sense of urgency - I love.
Many days have passed.
I've become dizzy.
I've felt nausiated.
- I don't know what's / what!?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The fugitive

Justice is like that.
You're in no position to make decisions.
Because justice is blinder than you are!
You cannot see justice.
You and you alone are the criminal awaiting
And the process of being a criminal,
reports that freedom is a necessary end cause.
That the laws exhibit truth.
And because the truth is good?
Nothing can defeat it.
Therefore, once you broke the law.
The story is as likely to follow:
you no longer exist in naming you a criminal.
A criminal is a person that broke the rules.
And your obedience is based on what laws are written.
The code of law protects you from yourself and prevents
the risk against harming others.
Now, you are an unnamed fearing-criminal that deviates among men;
men are all equal.
The philosophy of choice.

Less than confident

Since I can remember.
My self esteem has been abused!
I don't know. . . how it happened?
But remarkable it-it created something.
My ability to make other people look bad;
making myself look good.
I make myself look good - only because
I feel it makes those around me suffer.
But they don't suffer.
It's me I'm after.
Being trapped.

The outhouse

It's in the ruins!
It's in the ruins?
The last thing to stand. . .
is the outhouse.
Everything else can be disposed of in there.
Because it is the outhouse that outlasted
everything in-sight.
And everything else,
can be found in where -
"the outhouse".
I'm in need of absence.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Mush - mush.
I'm going on a psychic adventure.
The kind with dog sleds,
and travel through
golf circuits.
While golfing, the players work
on perfecting their stroke!
What luck I have to be, here.
On a golf course. . .
the potential of desire.
That the search of truth in identity,
or my own identity?
I believe the sense of sight tells me!
A vicarious notion that spreads; about -
those who judge me.
Dislike me.
Not to limit myself.
But how I feel most kind and generous:
I've offered much of the similair opinion
- a self regard.
So, that nothing is mysterious.

the nature of karate

There is a history beyond these words of I.
And mine:
go like this. . .
You don't know how good a person you are.
Until you reach that outer-being.
Don't consider why?
Until you reach those limits.
Would you lie to a face,
that limit the good nature you
do - for!
How do you do;
for those that react without causality.
How ideal is it that people would naturally
like to know?
You'll be.
You'd - become someone over time.
Here I wrote a poem about nothing, again.
To gain nothing from it.
But to know I lost something that might well