Thursday, December 21, 2023

 December 13th 2023

My impenetrable peace

Is life all about getting what you want 

In breaking that vow.... or - or

Will bliss be denied?

It is in this sense,

I trace my steps.

Back to a time where nothing makes sense.



Illogical mathematical formulas advertising my mental flow. 

This is how I draw. 

This is how I exhibit myself further than meets the eye.  This is how I think. Abstract lines. Geometric patters trying to magnify, in my thoughtful alignment of words.

Learning how to think is...

To test the measure of an effect.

To feel an allowance.

To free the unconscious.

The shelter of my sorrowed mind.

I know very little about a great deal of things.

To test this has very little impact on the nature of my being.

This space between my mind.

I am not favoring guilt.

You know.

That vibrational sense of what you must be feeling any given moment.

My growing culpability.... it keeps growing

And growing.

Into the kind of a monster. 

But not the type you strangely would associate with your mother.  Like some form of  psychological impairment.

It is more like the Moral aptitude of a coward who is never on time for love.  And still sees the sunlight.

Being boring is a trait or characterisation into something undesirable. 

Wild nightmares...

That in the universe is built upon... a heavy heavy unpredictability into what causes you to deserve and not deserving of.

What does that look like.

Does your face tell the untold story.

How might it unravel!?

Something like an uncalculated dose of fear into the brains neural pathways... interfering with the happiness you seek.

And maybe just maybe she'll be waiting for me.

Another time.

Another day.

How will I know it ends.

Sunday, December 10, 2023


 Question(s). Pertaining to my Roman Catholic faith what does this historically represent as a subject matter. In the context of what is presently happening in Gaza as an impromptu warzone for legal unilateral genocide.

Am I a killer. Not true. Are we murderers. Again, not true.

But against all odds does history show that the Roman Catholic religion has killed in the name of power.

I am thinking this much is true.

That since the accolades before the christ child and after the Roman Catholic empire has killed in the name of power. But the record shows... this is 1- in ancient Renaissance whereon the Roman empire which ...

2- in solidarity toward recycling its own sovereignty, killed in the name of power. 

Emperors. Emperor kings were bound by the division of power and as acting as generals were certified death warrants in the name of that power. This assertion of such is a documented fact.

Fast forward to the Judiciary which stands in the name of Israel, Palestine and Judea. All of this encompassing a region which illustrates its own authority and position of power. If we compare this to how Romans attributed its power struggle, which the Roman Catholic religion derives its name. Let's leap frog. Calling this an insurrection of Palestine 🇵🇸 its people and an even poorer lost version of how they historically have been purged upon. Make no mistake. This war in what is it now? 2023A.D.!! 

This war itself is parallel to an inquisition of Palestine.

This being a copy cat aversion of Israel 🇮🇱 to what historically points to kill for power.  In this case it is an authority or power to kill innocent people.

Compared to what Hamas initiated on October 7th 2023. Was an improper declaration for war. Good people are not into terrorist ideology. It's that simple.

In conclusion further to this analysis is into making a two headed coin type of an argument based on religious connotation. This war is simply wrong. Don't turn a blind eye to it today. What is happening in Gaza is peanuts compared to terrorist activity. It is a complete infanticide.  

I come from Roman Catholic propriety and am a proud man born and raised in Canada of Portuguese decent.

Portugal is a pro Palestinian state solution.

Netanyahu is a war criminal.

Do not be fooled by following terrosits agendas training your mind to think as white powered Nationalists. Unlearn it. Start thinking.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Stranded in the spirit of life

 Most of my standards in life....

If I have learned anything about my true nature.
Is faith in knowing.
Understanding who I really am.
I call it a void for seduction.
This deformation of my heart.
All because history never grows old,
you're living without an expiration date.
Only how dull the mind is
in not experiencing truth.
Under the legendary autumn sun.
As if talking to the holy ghost...
The secret to prayer -
is that it never goes bad.
The ultimate connection to your freedom
Comes in knowing you are a good person.
Not in how memories fade
but where do they go to die.

I don't think I appreciate my true self worth.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

What philosophy is

 The paradoxical nature between God and man is the very fabric of philosophy. Therefore, theology is philosophy with a general assignment of those variables. The truth is not theological. Only the question of God is philosophical and unknowable. Which creates our own dialogue. MA2023

For the love of God as a universal entity subject to a collective conscious as one loving God.

Philosophy is intricately committed to it. MA2023


Thursday, June 08, 2023

Faith of nothing

 It sucks that some people can't juggle. But really that's only one half of where talent ends. We reveal self deference in life which can only begin in wisdoms awakening where the other half isn't found.

“Faith is like love: it does not let itself be forced.” Arthur Schopenhauer

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

The appointment of prayer


The appointment of prayer

What is the question of love if not its undercover guise if not between fate and reality if not be where our relationship with God is nothing but a mere temptation.

So if my ubiquity is true to faith.
That my identity is not so bewildered.
So I'd commit to sinning without any brute force upon which evil will I condemn.

What became lost now was once found
Are matters of trivializing the truth.

A fraction of what fictitious hound would
Lie for my love of thee oh mighty lord.

So this valiant language of mine can only surpass!! Without my toungue in it. Tongues of massive midnight choirs in your name is the best solace I lay my eyes too.

May you grace me lord with you forever.

June 5th 2023
Marco Almeida 

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Tales from the abstruse:

 Where does rejection come from.

Prairie Ink waitress

Where does rejection come from.
What is its code.
This is not an epistemological question as to why.
But why is it.
Such as why do Lawyers turtle.
That pretentious air.
Where they must never give an inch.

You know the type that do this.

How he or she doesn't care to feel exposed
For what they really think.

Such is the art of philosophy and all philosophical inquiry.

Expect you find its form like an octopuses.

Each tentacles trying to suck its open pore onto you. Only your skin repels it.

Your skin denies it and doesn't allow the tentacles to stick.

Those pulsating tentacles!!

Wanting always wanting more to suck on.

Only why don't lawyers appeal to the same intelligence. Instead he or she getting sucked in.

What good is knowing.

The world doesn't revolve around me and it doesn't revolve around anything else either.
When transcendence and empathy are at war.
It is an internal issue. The struggle is real. The conflict one of a declartion of war within.

What new direction does this take you in Mr Octopus.

Where there is no necessity to reason,
Only if you choose to wait for it.

What makes me the doctor.

Before I was an actor I became a philosopher king and before that I was a value of observation and before that I passed every test I was ever given never failing once.

Who is living a lie vs who is living the truth.

I like being watched.

Because he who is learned in their behavior knows everything that the Dr does before they do it.... and everyone knows the octopus.  Their motives are clear.

So like I said....

I like being watched.

The BIG questions:

Victim vs victim
Man vs man
Man vs god
Dr vs octopus
Fork vs spoon
Philosophy vs science
Religion vs atheists
Right vs wrong
Time vs space (time spent)
Matter vs antimatter
Debunking vs necessity
Contradiction vs contingency

I believe in Divine intervention:
Complaining about the weather.
The state of being...
Modern Convention vs
Cooperation over confrontation (not to over compensate)

Hero's are self made; so are your enemies.

The self regulation of overcoming or normalizing your fears.

Selling one short to purge their thinking takes
Reverse psychology.

And finally...

Reductive logic.
Vacuous intention
Reality is thought (of)
Thought is interpretation

Out of mind is where we stare death in the face.
Must you look at me this way....
You have too!!

If we domesticated God in our own image;
I am not made to be delusional.
I am quite simply an unknown genius.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Logarithmic entropy

Conflict & confrontation

If someone or something are armed in conflict or only want is to confront you. In that confrontation be sure of yourself no matter the parameters of your relationship. Just say to yourself: I am glad I am me and not the asshole in front of me.

The secret to humor is surprise. - Aristotle

The quality of happiness lay in the secret state of logical deviation. Happiness is power. Therefore, power is not a quality of happiness.

Don't blow my mind with a character assassination of myself being judged on a basis of how we feel. I have a deeper understanding of myself. Like can quantum theory explain the origin into neurons are created. Therefore, our brains are the unilateral central force in a universe made of unknown variables and is infinite. Only we can't see it. That is as inexplicable as dark matter.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The aphakic


Time dilation requires...
Vibrational frequency.
Vibrational frequency requires...
Faith to the will of God requires...
What is forbidden knowledge.
You omit from historical context....
Active anxiety. In everything...
Put words together to create meaningful discussion or can we not color outside the lines.
The divided line ultimately is...
Is canonical law the word of God.
Therefore, what is forbidden knowledge.
What takes forbidden knowledge?
Can you heretically interpret the word of god.
And make it function.
Can you prove your intent as in a law.
Are we modern day hermetics.
Were the Templars hero's.
The answer is yes.

The Heretic

 Valeriann Susan Donley interesting take you.have made there. I'd like to interpretively perform an interjection. My personal view of religious diety (i.e. beliefs).  I consider myself a person that informs his religion as opposed to the opposite cause and effect. Which I would infer is your original point of automatic conditioning.  I specially liked that premise so to expand on its formality.  Conditioning also implies consciousness on a unilateral level, which I could argue is the same thing in attributing how religion functions. You read a canonical text and it automatically makes you that thing. If we agree on that premise we can also agree word for word that there may or .ay not be reasons to predicate or challenge what religion is based on. In this case word for word it is the canonical word of god. Therefore, we are coloring religion. We are taking it at face value are we not. Yes or no. 

If we rewind to host the same idea mentioned earlier in my theoretically hypothetical propositions. I stated something about religious diety as an artifice which you stated we automatically get conditioned to either master or believe is guiding us (for lack of better terminology.) My point if we fast forward to right now is simpler... how do I inform religion. That is a strong concept to consider when conceptually canonical text is law or as in commandments gods personal prophecy as advocated through Moses. Why is Moses the interpreter of canonical laws therein? But I digress. Because these are indisputably laws associated to gods word and testament.

So if you've followed my ability to express my thoughts into writing thus far I applaud you!!

Here is my final conclusion I ask you to consider. Can we inform religion. Does this not make us human rather than automatically conditioned to perform canon law(s) as gods word. Therefore, we are by trade heretic. All of us. If we follow the same pattern.  Unless we break convention there is no pattern. Do we? Can we or not.

Monday, May 15, 2023



The guilt of consciousness god created as sin.
Change of law of all laws... is as it goes on in instruction.
Laws are always changing in the universe.
So the change of law informing forgiveness rather than that of punishment.
Think of the following:
Communication at the speed of light.
What does that look like...
What exists behind me cannot exist without me knowing it isn't there.
Therefore, it is therefore there. (Whatever unknown variable may it exist or not.)
All that can be projected is my shadow.
But not until I turn to see the objects which are in place.
So all I see in principle is that I do not know.
I forget it.
And it becomes void of memory.
A.cold calculation of the future informing my past life.
Which (time) is not present without me being there.
This proves rationality and the feeling of being a theoretical construct of my space or relativity that requires validity.
To test the calculation.
The only requirement being that you know nothing.
And that out of nothing requires habit.
Evolutionary change cannot exist in a closed system of order but in an open system of disorder.
So how to test validity if everything you say...
Can be both true or false.
Truth or a lie.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Block bwtween Artificial Intelligence and real time Creation

 I reject things that usually means something I haven't yet understood. But I learn to provoke thought into it. That is how I reject arithmetic because why should I consume myself with symbols and formulas which are entirely unrelated to the universe as a whole. Math is something I never understood and probably never will expect if it offers theories. I am a theoretical style thinker which means I rather postulate using inference as a form of logical dialogue. Mathematics independent of language makes no sense to me. Never has.

The model of light-years in its entirety ties into quantum physics which I also know nothing about on a quantitative level. I rather understand things through qualifying my own thoughts, against a theoretical framework.

In order to undertake any real properties related to numbers I rather using logic to decipher what everything that means.

Is math useless?  That's my question from which I placehold my own theory to.

How can we possibly reach other solar systems..think about it. Theoretically it will be impossible to achieve.

Unless physical teleportation is possible. Which means we can transfer uniform particles being that we are made of as energy and transport a compound as particles light years away.  How is this not a reality yet. Isn't it fair to ask. And if so, what does it point to. Teleportation is the only thing imaginable.

My theory of time travel is another element in teleportation through dimensionality.

My theory is simple. 

If future time travel in theory does exist in future time, I believe that the model for time travel would mean my double would already have visited me in real-life and altered the course of my life.

Now prove it. Prove that I am simultaneously not in between a future and present day. It's improbable.  Time travel cannot exist otherwise I'd be completely changed as result.

Psychological order


I reject things that usually means something I haven't yet understood. But I learn to provoke thought into it. That is how I reject arithmetic because why should I consume myself with symbols and formulas which are entirely unrelated to the universe as a whole. Math is something I never understood and probably never will expect if it offers theories. I am a theoretical style thinker which means I rather postulate using inference as a form of logical dialogue. Mathematics independent of language makes no sense to me. Never has.

The model of light-years in its entirety ties into quantum physics which I also know nothing about on a quantitative level. I rather understand things through qualifying my own thoughts, against a theoretical framework.

In order to undertake any real properties related to numbers I rather using logic to decipher what everything that means.

Is math useless? That's my question from which I placehold my own theory to.

How can we possibly reach other solar systems..think about it. Theoretically it will be impossible to achieve.

Unless physical teleportation is possible. Which means we can transfer uniform particles being that we are made of as energy and transport a compound as particles light years away. How is this not a reality yet. Isn't it fair to ask. And if so, what does it point to. Teleportation is the only thing imaginable.

My theory of time travel is another element in teleportation through dimensionality.

My theory is simple. 

If future time travel in theory does exist in future time, I believe that the model for time travel would mean my double would already have visited me in real-life and altered the course of my life.

Now prove it. Prove that I am simultaneously not in between a future and present day. It's improbable. Time travel cannot exist otherwise I'd be completely changed as result.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Unlocking secret to mastery

 Being empowered by such a technique of deprogramming the mind takes skill. It becomes a material personal awareness that takes on a psychology of its own. Follow that with unlocking the secret to a greater way of thinking. Your ability in knowing nothing come from eliminating thought from body and mind. It will be as personal to you in growth and accomplishment.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

On epistemology

 A social scientific overview of the thinking process which is a law for all observable phenomenon. Therefore, thinking about what to process is obsolete. Asking 'What is' is personal to you and your aim to define that us epistemological in value.


 As to wonder how the seeds of time magically somehow appeared in the palm of your hand, that you never let go of.

How the seedically -

Somehow -

Appeared in the palm of your hand, that you

Observable phenomenon & corruption

 Feminists are never wrong about anything they're just fucking hypocrites. I on the other hand still look cool without wearing sunglasses.

Karma is and will always be my personal guide to being happy. I relate everything to philosophical investigation *gender specific stereotypes.

Dark Psychology informs gender roles forging false stereotypes into language associated with such deviance, which goes socially ignored on an antisocial level. That is the secret to living between extremities and not getting what you want out of life. It is entirely observable.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Old school confessions of revenge (2nd part)

 The sounds of a bird.

The scent of nostalgia.

The ascension of critique.

The summit of empowerment.

The spiderweb of emotions.

The revenge of instruction.

The weapon of choice.

The awareness of disarmament.

The songs of music.

The future of measurements.

The psychic of psychics...

And the physical prediction of all things being equal.

The taming of a wild animal.

The complacency of control.

The victim of compliance.

The source of complaint.

The element of cause.

The nature of inhibition.

The form of argument.

The shape of logic.

The cancelation of numbers. (Omission)

The introduction of learning.

The beauty of models.

The mechanics of body.

The body of wisdom.

The wisdom of life.

The arduous recall of memory.

The longing of experience.

The fear of God.

The issue of prayer.

The threat of guilt.

The salvation of famine.

The slavery of thought.

The pain of intolerance.

The reaction of instinct.

The innocence of children.

The love of learning.

The mastery of reaction.

The help of feeling.

The feeling of nothing.

The psychology of honor.

The transparency of judgement.

The mystery of seduction.

The deduction of meditation.

The query of contradictions.

The conditions of laws.

The timing of movements.

The starvation of will.

The pulse of hunger.

The heat of danger.

The survival of humanity.

The eyes of prey.

The lifestyle of failure.

The mirror of magic.

The magic of mind.

The death of hunger.

The mouths of desperation.

The ideas of artistic expression.

The error of language.

The enemy of good.

The evil of imagination.

The imagination of dishonesty.

The code of morality.

The error of truth values.

The correction of lies.

The connection of random variables.

The hope of unconditional freedom.

The channeling of conscious.

The energy of words.

The words of knowing.

The consequence of reality.

The reality of discipline.

The romance of rain.

The reasoning of creation.

The inquisition of fallacies.

The diversity of science.

The nature of physics.

The perdition of secrets.

The image of peace.

The vision of poetry.

The voice of angels.

The work of purgatory.

The sentence of hard labor.

The fascism of dictators.

The theocratic method of true democracy.

The abolition of denomination. (Divison)

The imprint of equality.

The problems solving of religious artifice.

The elimination of political discourse.

The awareness of duality.

The dichotomy of religions.

The proof of fallacy.

The divergence of history. (Contextual)

The relevancy of confession.

The solution of dialect.

The guilt of design.

The crisis of understanding.

The self conscious of depression 

Old School confessions of revenge

 I don't care to disappear...

I make an effort to observe things,

Taking into account I'm not, without

purpose without identity.

At conflict with the divinity of what knowledge is.

Is knowledgability evaluative empirically ONLY or is knowledge strictly a conscious craft upon the same basis our thoughts are made of unconscious... an a prioiri imprint to interpretively accept or deny.

So what then dictates reality.

If not reality then the question of god,

Can (god) only exist independent of phenomenon.

This equates to freedom and a normal perception of it in the world.

My sweet sweet devotion.

Liar Liar

 Criminality makes you mentally compulsive in the liars club.

Whereas standards are acclimated to dictate the norm.

The compulsive liar.

A case of prostituting your disposition to the world.

That hint of class for the privilege of being with you.

You can't plagiarize my style... you can't cheat my prestige... take away my fame.

Until I take you to my Gothic underground.

I am characterized by the famine you seek in me.

Because maybe just maybe liars are problematic poets just as sensitive with thoughts as with words.

Plotting Ambiguity

 Plotting ambiguity...

What not if everything you did were imaginary.

What would that look like.

Would it be as though Alice in Wonderland

Mastering the art of outer worldly all things being irrational.

Put myth in information.

Perhaps it either will show you are simply trying to make the purpose of your recourse seriously or not give it meaning - meaning inspiration.

Feeling the brail written beneath your finger tips.

The dubious distinction between what you feel vs

The danger in knowing if you have a soul or not.

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Anti social cues and the declaration of war

 Whe you stopped.

You quit talking to me.

So to me... I waited.


In the background you will feel

How lonely I am.

Directly into this distance behind me,

Is where you'll find me.

I found myself there.

A revelation unlike any other.

That, in my own mind...

Quit talking.

You may wonder why that is.

I am outside my thoughts.

My thoughts are not just words,

Which come out of my mouth.

Only for you to normalize them.

What I want is to feel excitement.

It's in your voice,

But in a cone shape vessel

That spirals down ward.

And all the words...

All of that vocabulary...







Someplace else is where I can imagine you.

That place is my minds eye resetting

Each movement in the conversation you take.

I can feel your pulse is into the conversation

My only intent pours my heart out to you.

I love that feeling.

Each and every time I accidentally fall.

You will catch me there.

Living the words.

Monday, May 01, 2023

The basic elements of anomaly

 “The noble soul reveres itself” Friedrich Nietzsche

"Freedom is self-determination."

Baruch Spinoza

“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

What acts as true definition of passion? It is simple: passion is a logical romance which is done in the most illogical of circumstances. - Marco Almeida

To be a philosopher... is to solve some of the problems of life, not only theoretically, but practically.

Henry David Thoreau

Monday, April 03, 2023

 Intelligence is not knowledge. -- Jiddu Krishnamurti. 

Right thinking comes with self-knowledge.

Without understanding yourself, you have no basis for thought; without self-knowledge what you think is not true... You are the centre of the whole and without understanding yourself you cannot understand reality. -- Jiddu krishnamurti

Monday, March 27, 2023

Why Aquinas why

 "No evil can be excused because it is done with a good intention." - Aquinas

Aquinas is total and utter bullshit only appeasing to himself. 

A misdemeanor is not an evil being done in some form of contemptual denial. As my personal belief is to dial forgiveness in that you see the error of your ways as a path to enlightenment. This fosters truth in all things being equal. Hitherto everyone has a skeleton in their closet.

Aquinas is a fraud of a politician and even worse philosopher of his time. 

You cannot covert faith in the same manner Aquinas claims is evil. If you are evil then all you can have are bad intentions. I am not evil. Therefore, I have no bad intentions. This of course is a fallacy and to Aquinas an embarrassingly faulty point of reason. No one in their right mind can have bad intentions. That is, of course, false.

Aquinas is not the root of philosophy. It is a lie.

Don't be fooled by Aquinas. Ever!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

An examination of the self



I find my personal depiction relating to the pics message is not unnecessarily true. If you look at it from a particular angle there are beliefs which are impervious as opposed to something else less practical. It all depends on the morality of one's perspective according to a belief. I can make example of the freedom convoy from which anti vaxxers organized. They felt purged which resulted in a false notion  of reality that Canadian democracy was being tested. The convoy formed a mob mentality. 

How this is relevant as in the picture depicting one person leading our countries best interests should be obvious. Trudeau stood his ground and held a defensive position. You can see this mob in the caricature represents a greater number of falsely purged upon terrorists portraying themselves as victims. The element of truth springs from a single idea. It's a mastering of the mind.

Valentines Day


Do not seek fame. Do not make plans. Do not be absorbed with activities. Do not think that you know. Beware of all that is and dwell in the infinite. Wander where there is no path. Be all that heaven gave you, but act as if you received nothing. Be empty, that is all.

- Master Zhuang

The above is an undying wish that in ones secret life you are not tied down by the vacuum of success. I would even describe this as an active definition of freedom in that you feel it as opposed to something more vacuous.

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Atrophied are rules of the heart

 Are you erudite in your wisdom.

What causes wisdom is divergence.

Divergence from the elements of your mind in transformation. 
Powered by something like dead air in a desert night.
What is the brains circuitry that triggers emotions.
Where is the hide out that you live in when you feel you've been double crossed.
Are you leading yourself out of that cave in the custody of all images you've portrayed yourself as.
LIke a maze in mirrors counting down memories days upon days of its deafened fear based reality.
Covering your assets.
Cutting your losses.
Never clouding your better judgement deep inside the dreamland of your conscious.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

The reduction of Good Will

 Weightless are the eyes mirroring your true reflection. Only you cannot see it.  

That sense of an evolutionary property on the inside.  Only you cannot see it.

Something so far from being elementary (because we cheat to have found an easier way...) its only cause is self destructive. Only you cannot see it.

And measurement is the abduction of your logical state of mind.  A reduction of memory.

Friday, January 27, 2023

The awareness of thoughtless pastimes lost

 Image is the thought.

Expression is the emotion.

Response is the reaction.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

The undercover life


I cry without such contempt, carrying my compass that would give me some purpose in Iife.

What does it mean to find meaning.... the truth in all things.  This wizardry of all words in any language and God's tongue.

That magical testing ground you are found on the path of a broken dreamland with a broken foot and black footprints 👣.

Where thoughts of mine are psychologically outdated.

Restoring your primitive rights only to extinguish the sparkling of stars tracing ancient worlds... forbidden thoughts less than desirable.

What if our primal instincts were subject to change. Reading useless material or listening to me talk all day as a hero of poetry.
A scent of the art in a perfume so fragrant it encapsulates the mind.

In this game of snakes and ladders....
Where I tell you if I care to know who you are and what you're about or if the rules should be followed, "I don't care."

Only because all certainty increase fear and holds onto the value of nothing. Taking away all false hope as lost.

The thinker


Friday, January 20, 2023

Fratboys and Sororities

 You can put a Hugo Boss suit on God but you can't take God out of the boy. Just a simple reminder of what it means to be true to yourself. No matter the alpha look God always knows.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Right of privilege

 I struggle with my weight and have been clinically depressed in my lifetime and for both of these things treated second class. I have found my personal journey throughout this time is not without recourse into action. We all have our own coping mechanisms and faith to win the battle.  I am obese. I rather be judged for it. Why? Because it shows how shallow people are on a sociological level pertaining to blaming the victim.

Now that Brendan Fraser has found peace with himself I am happy for him. 

However, I refuse to believe that as he specifically chose in acknowledging his credence as an actor, benefited because of what he describes the director inspired him by "showing him where to go." It is completely as irrational as stating "go to the light" where going there will somehow save you in the form of a miracle.

To rewind what I have been through it is a given we all have different circumstances from which limit us or prosper from.

It is a psychological implication on two equal parts.  One part: is Fraser's movie role may in fact inspire those struggling either with their mental health also tied together results to a person's obesity. The second part: that of the limitations in which we make our journey imperatively speaking is judgement free. 

As a person who has suffered from both obesity and obesity from depresssion all I can say that it is impossible defensively to react positively.  That is to say I detect the courage it takes on an angel which borders of being a defective human being with flaws.  Brendan Fraser does not characterize there are things beyond that measure and to me is a disservice. 

I refuse to imitate the glorification of obesity on the same superficial level Brendan Fraser champions.

The truth is I have met toothless counts of individuals in the amateur scene of movie 🎬 dreamers.  Not one has ever achieved the kind of faith required to be a true hero without defects.

Months ago... I asked here on Facebook what is acting.

Not one person has come across with an answer. Fast forward...

The secret to acting is in your faith. Not faith in yourself or the kind of faith that you read from.  You learn to develop your conscious framework as an individual who may be caring, compassionate and brave enough to put yourself out there in the parameters of faith governing your actions. Your faith in action. Action to your awareness of how you treat others as in others. In truth you never stop your searching. 

Brendan Fraser has your attention but has he ever earned your faith by design. In that sense he has now been revered as a symbol of obesity and depression by design into a film 🎥 spectacle. Ask yourself is that true faith in something. It is a mere speck of dust In a much much smaller world of what really means Depression or Obsity in full body Armour.  

I have come across plenty of shit mongering misfits as per my interpretation. I am resigning to the fact that Brendan Fraser acted a good story because it's been manipulated. It doesn't mean everything in everything.

Depression is such a personal thing to overcome. Obesity you register as second class.

Friday, January 06, 2023

Cactus & Fossil

 True meaning in the invention of sin. Its truth. Its definition. Its cause. The inner working of faith.

2 Corinthians 5:21

“For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. . ”

Syncretism in the causal nature of inference


Without fear there is no bravery.
How does one express themselves like that
Not if in every moment. MA2023 

If you think out, feel out each repetitive thought-feeling and complete it as far as you can, you will find that it ceases to return. For, in understanding there is freedom. J. Krishnamurti

The categorical imperative: commitment to ambiguity of discharge (by: Marco Almeida)

There are rules set for causing categorical dysfunction when looking at future events in real time either which error can occur or what history calls subjective human nature.  That which laws of logic will together dictate reality and historically broaden the spectrum of speculation into one-dimensional formless bond. Such is why words cannot describe what is natural to the humam condition because of recurring mutations in social science as language reveals it to us.  That to us such traceable evidence of thought equals the same dimension from which it can never revert back to its original specifiable function.  This is indisputably how human nature toward all fallacy occur (if in error or not) in plot.  Ambiguity is this cause. From which all good things come.  History through the measure of this dimensional instruction that enters the course in reasoning shall then infer the inner functions of meaningful answers to questions being asked under the observers discretion.

There comes a time when the truth not only sets you free but it becomes you.

"… it is not possible ever to understand the totality of living, which includes all the fragments, from a fragmentary or peripheral outlook. You have to see the whole picture, … and in seeing the whole picture, you will then able to answer the particular, the personal issues, problems, and so on.”
J. Krishnamurti 

Monday, January 02, 2023

Large are Victory of the heart; smaller are the mysteries than to equal

 1 Samuel 16:7

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Right thinking comes with self-knowledge. Without understanding yourself, you have no basis for thought. – Jiddu Krishnamurti

You are the center of the whole, and without understanding yourself you cannot understand reality.


Let me be judged. I feel I'm the best example of an archetype with a heart big enough to fill. If I am judged for that it is because more often than not I'll be resented for it - without really being known for the person it makes me. MA2023

I am not sure as to why I feel this way other than answering it truthfully speaking. I've been categorizing my words appealing to what asks: does having a good heart not dictate being relevant in society. I am unclear as to what defines having a big heart. I just feel I have one. That also doesn't mean having a big heart is always meant to be catered to. On the contrary... I've always felt I possess a big heart as.a part of who I am. As I have grown or changed via evolution throughout my life... I feel it has been constant. What has equally been as constant is the relationships I've made over a span of time where I've either been taken for granted. If I fast forward into my history, today feels much much different. It feels like my equals that I depended on are no longer here nor there.

I also think if people started benefitting from assessing their personal space... a  place of mindful character inhibitions... rather than seek what makes them reputable on a superficial level.  That is where you feel bigger and not make-believable fairy tale fiction. Fairy tales in a manner that you or someone you may know are in a constant battle with the ego searching for what is untrue like a chicken with their head cut-off. They're the types that can never be satisfied. The alpha lifestyle that borders on an endless supply they have short fuse for everything.

Making oneself usefully relevant

 @bigcanadiano: #femalelies I am not really a slut, if you wait for it I will explain everything. > I love it how people in general fail to realize females have become equally as sexist than are their male counterparts, it has become prevalent in society, norms associated through such stereotypes - in which the lines have been blurred.  Feminist ideology as such, has become rather typical of its power struggle.

@bigcanadiano: The whole point behind finding out who is what from what is to distinguish yourself as something you know others cannot appreciate.

@bigcanadiano: Nihilists are fucking hilarious especially because most fail at it secondly because they are unaware. It is an unconscious perverse reality.

@bigcanadiano: You cannot abandon an entire spectrum of laws but you can always abate them.

@bigcanadiano: The principle of charity is a belonging to embark on an existential lifestyle. The nihilist precedes this notion and becomes territorial.

@bigcanadiano: And nihilists hate existentialists because existentialists wage a war of sacrifice. Nihilists practice escapism and participate in that.

@bigcanadiano: If you are a conservative ad hoc republican in this day and age you are brain washed and are the ultimate nihilists.