Thursday, May 18, 2023

Logarithmic entropy

Conflict & confrontation

If someone or something are armed in conflict or only want is to confront you. In that confrontation be sure of yourself no matter the parameters of your relationship. Just say to yourself: I am glad I am me and not the asshole in front of me.

The secret to humor is surprise. - Aristotle

The quality of happiness lay in the secret state of logical deviation. Happiness is power. Therefore, power is not a quality of happiness.

Don't blow my mind with a character assassination of myself being judged on a basis of how we feel. I have a deeper understanding of myself. Like can quantum theory explain the origin into neurons are created. Therefore, our brains are the unilateral central force in a universe made of unknown variables and is infinite. Only we can't see it. That is as inexplicable as dark matter.

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