Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Old school confessions of revenge (2nd part)

 The sounds of a bird.

The scent of nostalgia.

The ascension of critique.

The summit of empowerment.

The spiderweb of emotions.

The revenge of instruction.

The weapon of choice.

The awareness of disarmament.

The songs of music.

The future of measurements.

The psychic of psychics...

And the physical prediction of all things being equal.

The taming of a wild animal.

The complacency of control.

The victim of compliance.

The source of complaint.

The element of cause.

The nature of inhibition.

The form of argument.

The shape of logic.

The cancelation of numbers. (Omission)

The introduction of learning.

The beauty of models.

The mechanics of body.

The body of wisdom.

The wisdom of life.

The arduous recall of memory.

The longing of experience.

The fear of God.

The issue of prayer.

The threat of guilt.

The salvation of famine.

The slavery of thought.

The pain of intolerance.

The reaction of instinct.

The innocence of children.

The love of learning.

The mastery of reaction.

The help of feeling.

The feeling of nothing.

The psychology of honor.

The transparency of judgement.

The mystery of seduction.

The deduction of meditation.

The query of contradictions.

The conditions of laws.

The timing of movements.

The starvation of will.

The pulse of hunger.

The heat of danger.

The survival of humanity.

The eyes of prey.

The lifestyle of failure.

The mirror of magic.

The magic of mind.

The death of hunger.

The mouths of desperation.

The ideas of artistic expression.

The error of language.

The enemy of good.

The evil of imagination.

The imagination of dishonesty.

The code of morality.

The error of truth values.

The correction of lies.

The connection of random variables.

The hope of unconditional freedom.

The channeling of conscious.

The energy of words.

The words of knowing.

The consequence of reality.

The reality of discipline.

The romance of rain.

The reasoning of creation.

The inquisition of fallacies.

The diversity of science.

The nature of physics.

The perdition of secrets.

The image of peace.

The vision of poetry.

The voice of angels.

The work of purgatory.

The sentence of hard labor.

The fascism of dictators.

The theocratic method of true democracy.

The abolition of denomination. (Divison)

The imprint of equality.

The problems solving of religious artifice.

The elimination of political discourse.

The awareness of duality.

The dichotomy of religions.

The proof of fallacy.

The divergence of history. (Contextual)

The relevancy of confession.

The solution of dialect.

The guilt of design.

The crisis of understanding.

The self conscious of depression 

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