Where does rejection come from.
Prairie Ink waitress
Where does rejection come from.
What is its code.
This is not an epistemological question as to why.
But why is it.
Such as why do Lawyers turtle.
That pretentious air.
Where they must never give an inch.
You know the type that do this.
How he or she doesn't care to feel exposed
For what they really think.
Such is the art of philosophy and all philosophical inquiry.
Expect you find its form like an octopuses.
Each tentacles trying to suck its open pore onto you. Only your skin repels it.
Your skin denies it and doesn't allow the tentacles to stick.
Those pulsating tentacles!!
Wanting always wanting more to suck on.
Only why don't lawyers appeal to the same intelligence. Instead he or she getting sucked in.
What good is knowing.
The world doesn't revolve around me and it doesn't revolve around anything else either.
When transcendence and empathy are at war.
It is an internal issue. The struggle is real. The conflict one of a declartion of war within.
What new direction does this take you in Mr Octopus.
Where there is no necessity to reason,
Only if you choose to wait for it.
What makes me the doctor.
Before I was an actor I became a philosopher king and before that I was a value of observation and before that I passed every test I was ever given never failing once.
Who is living a lie vs who is living the truth.
I like being watched.
Because he who is learned in their behavior knows everything that the Dr does before they do it.... and everyone knows the octopus. Their motives are clear.
So like I said....
I like being watched.
The BIG questions:
Victim vs victim
Man vs man
Man vs god
Dr vs octopus
Fork vs spoon
Philosophy vs science
Religion vs atheists
Right vs wrong
Time vs space (time spent)
Matter vs antimatter
Debunking vs necessity
Contradiction vs contingency
I believe in Divine intervention:
Complaining about the weather.
The state of being...
Modern Convention vs
Cooperation over confrontation (not to over compensate)
Hero's are self made; so are your enemies.
The self regulation of overcoming or normalizing your fears.
Selling one short to purge their thinking takes
Reverse psychology.
And finally...
Reductive logic.
Vacuous intention
Reality is thought (of)
Thought is interpretation
Out of mind is where we stare death in the face.
Must you look at me this way....
You have too!!
If we domesticated God in our own image;
I am not made to be delusional.
I am quite simply an unknown genius.
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