According to Berry's information, what he has, what he reads, that Glenn's character is undaunting. It means, yeah, we have no better alternative. Unconventional as that is.
Da Bomba's Bunk-ah
It's getting awful cozy in Bauer's foxhole.
TrueBlue2008 RE: Da Bomba Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 07:38 PM
I think it's going to resemble Saddam's "spider hole" after Labour Day.
"Never Alone?" Bauer's got that right. Not only is half of Bomberland looking for his scalp, but they'll be looking for other sacrificial lambs to slaughter for this 'act of wonton terror' we call the 2008 Grey Cup run.
Bauer's reign of terror in Bomberland is hanging by a thread. He probably is alone in a bunker somewhere. I hope that he has a pistol. Maybe Bauer will put himself out of our misery, not wanting his 'corpse' to dragged through the streets by horses like Mussolini's body was.
bigcanadiano Post subject: RE: Da Bomba Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 07:47 PM
Wasn't hitler so anxious to've his corpse toasted so that no one could handle the body.
Something to that sacrificial end.
I loathe those types, that make-beleive in yellow brick roads.
disciplineandpunish Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 07:42 PM
The real goat today is Kit Cartwright. If he were able to do his job, Glenn wouldn't have been forced to call his own plays. It's one thing to have success against the Tiger-Cats calling your own plays for the first time. It's quite another when you're facing the defending Grey Cup champions.
Glenn wasn't great today, but IMO he is not in a position where he can succeed.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 07:44 PM
Give me a break.^ The receivers we have are few and far between. Enough said. (Not to sound hyper-sensitive.^) But, come on. . . really. No more excuses.
"Kevin Glenn is a winner." Doug Berry's hear no evil see no evil philosophy.
"I guess we should have known that Glenns success against the Ti-Cats was only an apparation" - papazoola
I guess we should have known that Glenns success against the Ti-Cats was only an apparation
my new sig^
thanks, zoo.
re; jimbo
dearest glass-half full, (The other half hath spill). . .
You went into my post and answered that Kevin's credentials were unquestioned and then said that was a red herring.
Absolutely. Correct as moses was himself.
So I am reading that you feel that Kevin's ability makes no difference to the Bomber's losses or the last win.
Again, correct.
I think that it's generally accepted that even Anthony Calvillo's performance. . .
No, I wish. . . but we all do really.
That's not to say that I won't get on you again, if I feel that I have something to add.
Please, feel free to add more before entering the discussion again.
yours best,
How about this for a Berry-ism. . .
Sask. only managed to score under 20 points and still won. Funniest thing shouldn't it be us winning, Doug?
TrueBlue2008 Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 07:20 PM
gfry09 wrote:
can anybody explain to me why we didn't grab Bishop when anybody with any common sense can see that Glenn just plain bites. Has he ended a single game that they were down and coming back without throwing an interception. We probably have the best receivers in the league, but a qb with the arm of a 2 year old. And Berry has got to go.
I can. Did you see the second half? That is the real Bishop. Unless the winds are blowing at 70 km/hr., he's useless. Though he possesses the strongest arm in the CFL, most of his passes are wild. Bishop's only success came from his running and dink and dunk stuff, which does NOT suit the WPD (Weapons of Pass Destruction) that the Bombers have.
Glenn looks washed up. If Chang or Randall can't get the job done, the Bombers will fizzle out this season at a pathetic 5-13 (+/- a win) and the Bombers will be seeing wholesale changes, which I hope includes, Cartwright, Berry, Taman, & Bauer.
2009 will definitely be a rebuilding year with old guards Stegall, Roberts, & Glenn gone, not to mention the rush for free agency after so many of our players took pay cuts for a Grey Cup run this year. This whole organization needs an enema, as far as I'm concerned.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 07:09 PM
I say make a petting zoo at Assinaboine Park with a sign that reads "do not feed the animals" in defiance of the assets this team has procured. This follows: make a personal appeal to Lyle Bauer that begs the team to report, while trading places with our animal friends, establish a non-negotiable agreement with the city's bureaucracy only to redeem the value of a never before used venue. (That way we can expose the vermin of species into the wild.) Finally, last but not least tell the players that act on incentive they must prepare to bag all their own groceries on a yearly basis.
papazoola wrote:
Hmmm. Think of making a FUTURE to do list:
Get rid of Taman. Check.
" " Bauer. Check.
Doug Brown-noser with a 2-7 record. Check.
BigBlew wrote:
B&G and Papa, ...yep, that sums it. I don't even invest any emotion anymore, like watching reruns of "Everybody Loves Raymond".
You know something. . . that was gold.^
Sask. jehovas vs. Wpg Blue Bauer's
Let the barn burner begin. . .
I have to say that the Bomba's brigade of panada fanatics look even better than I expected out in boonie country.
1st half
da bourgeois bombas 3
jehovas united 13
BigBlew Post subject: RE: Sask. jehovas vs. Wpg Blue Bauer Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 06:13 PM
Opinions based upon fact does not necessarily make them correct, at least that's what I think.....
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 11:26 AM
Excellent post by the shadow.
Cuts through all the bs and gets right to the heart of the matter. I wonder how many of those opposed to the public private partnership for a new stadium are actually season ticket holders ?
Bauer and the BOD, despite all the gloom and doom, have returned the season ticket base of this team to it's highest historic levels.
As I said before, show me another solution, that hasn't been drafted in fantasy land, that will ensure the long term viability of the club and I would throw my support behind it.
The fact is, without a new multi-use facility and guaranteed revenue streams from development, the team can't survive the long haul.
There is no hidden agenda here folks. The tax payers of the city and province shouldn't be burdened forever with the losses of the team or the expense of upkeep on a money losing facility.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 12:59 PM
When a jehovah witness stops at my door to ask what I feel about god, all I do is listen intently.
Excellent post by the shadow.
As for that other 'bs' as pigs loves to refer to, I believe it's hard to equate the terms "money losing facility" without referring to the plausibility of an argument.
This is not a taxpayers initiative. It is Bauer undermining the good of a community ownership model into a vaccuum. It is a means to an end. (Which by all accounts of a community based team, does not equate with.) The COMMUNITY is an ENDS in ITSELF. To disguise Bauer with a masked outlaw does not give the authority to fulfill what the COMMUNITIES objectives are. The job is to maintain our value on a football field. I trust this paraphrases the ultimate reason, which Bauer as president of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers has lost. There is simply no better alternative in describing this fact.
(1) As a taxpayer myself: Bauer does not make the rules. (remember this follows pigseye's logical rehbailitation of a team in "Desperate Need of Future Sustainability.")
(2) If what the headlines read in our newspapers follow Bauer's profit motive, does this make every citizen accountable simply due to its propaganda. This seems as if a clever way of hiding in a foxhole.
(3) As far as the foxhole goes, it runs deep into the bushery of a Bomber BoD's straight into the secret quarters of Lyle Bauer's office "of the commander". (This also points out. . . )
(4) Sam Katz as mayor making a point of calling out Asper's bids that the city join "The Old Boys Club".
All of the above states that the teams interest have polarized into what Bauer's intentions are for the club. It does not in fact illustrate a COMMUNITY owned portion of the club, but that Bauer acts as a unilateral investor seeking to make the status quo abide to such deceit.
It is in conclusion,
1) The city should immidiately interven with Bauer's pyramid-like scheme, and infiltrate a new president.
2) This follows that Bauer has not been performing the duty of a community owned team, that the Winnipeg Blue Bomber's BoD's be immediatly replaced with new LONG TERM members.
3) That the city appoint a new private council that have rules and guidelines specific to what a community owned team should dicipate, based on the product on the field.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 02:26 PM
I think you have a couple things confused there bigco.
The BOD, headed by Hildahl, are separate from the football operations side, ofwhich Bauer is President.
The BOD are the ones who call the shots as far as the future of the team goes, not Bauer.
Do you really think that Bauer has been able to pull the wool over the eyes of the entire BOD for his own self serving interests ? Do you even know who sits on the BOD ? I suggest you take a look at those sitting on the board as you will see they are some of the finest business people this province has ever produced.
At which point, your entire theory of corruption and self serving interest on the part of Bauer completely falls to pieces.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 02:44 PM
From the perspective of a BoD's objectively looking to seek removal provided the president has been compromised due to collusion.
As far as abdicating from that ever so insightful Mr. Hidahl I should suspect speaks volumes in favor of what my argument originally proposes.
Any ulterior motive that Bauer abstains from reveals nothing - but that as long as the BoD's remain on side is completely relevant. The task is simple: Bauer markets the feasibility of the team in order for Asper to keep pumping out proposal after proposal after proposal.
The city won't buy it - neither should we.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 02:47 PM
blue&gold4ever wrote:
Housedog, your just another blind fan who thinks that Canadinns Stadium is fine and as for 27,000 fans not complaining about the washrooms and legroom, your dead wrong, if you polled the 27,000 fans, i guarantee at least half if not more would say our stadium is outdated and totally disgusting.
You cannot tell me there is nothing wrong with the washrooms, consessions, legroom and the list goes on. If your happy with a dump for a stadium so be it, i sure as heck hate Canadinns Stadium, downright ugly, dirty, disgusting and quite frankly embarressing. Everyone is entitled to there opinion, but honestly, how can you sit there and say 27,000 fans are happy? That is just a bad argument.
....for those who think a white-wash job of our present stadium will work ...welll for lack of a better word it, WON'T 'WASH' ...for those who use the washroom facilities...make sure you have a bio-hazard suit on and a close-pin on your sniffer...cuz the washrooms are disgusting...Lets face it ...the days of this ol stadium are numbered...Too many huge up-grades to make it viable...We need a new facility...plain and simple.....any other way is dreaming in high-definition....
_________________ of the most integral parts overlooked in to hear what's NOT being said....Anonymous
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 02:48 PM
Once again you skirt the issue, Bauer does not have the authority to determine the future ownership of the club. That responsibility lies with the BOD and would have to be by a majority vote.
So again I ask you, do you really believe that Bauer has fooled the majority of the BOD for his own self serving interests or are they also in collusion ?
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 02:50 PM
From the perspective of a BoD's objectively looking to seek removal provided the president has been compromised due to collusion.
As far as abdicating from that ever so insightful Mr. Hidahl I should suspect speaks volumes in favor of what my argument originally proposes.
Any ulterior motive that Bauer abstains from reveals nothing - but that as long as the BoD's remain on side is completely relevant. The task is simple: Bauer markets the feasibility of the team in order for Asper to keep pumping out proposal after proposal after proposal.
The city won't buy it - neither should we.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 02:53 PM
^ So again there is an integral lesson to be had, especially when considering how Bauer has spun a pyramid monopoly on a community owned franchise.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 02:56 PM
Question for you bigco, before the whole private ownership issue took hold, what was the plan for the future survival of the franchise ?
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 04:09 PM
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 06:46 PM
Question for you pigseye, tell me was there a hostile take over bid before the whole private ownership issue took place?
Post subject: Posted: Aug 30, 2008 - 01:16 PM
I would like to see the best possible situation for the Bombers...and if that means private ownership..i say go for it....we know what public ownership has netted us recently...a sea of debt...and i faintly remember a Grey Cup we a long-forgotten time
As for now, i don't see aything happening with govt. funding ,seeing as Harper and his gang are ready to pull the plug... everything will be put on the back-burner; IF the Liberals are elected there might be a more sympathetic ear in Ottawa for Asper, but that might be a stretch, seeing as the economy is going into the tank.... looks like it's nada....The new stadium and venture for the Peg could be doomed to get used to the dump could be around for quite awhile....Just my opinion, hope i'm wrong/////
Post subject: RE: Predictions for Labour Day? Posted: Aug 27, 2008 - 11:16 AM
I've been really hard on Berry, Cartwright, Bauer, & the Bombers this year. This next game in Saskatchewan will define their season.
If the Bombers can constructively (and destructively) channel the rage of having last year's Grey Cup stolen from them by Saskatchewan, they will annihilate the Riders and go on to make the playoffs--maybe even the Grey Cup if they mothball Cartwright and Berry cuts back on the psychological abuse.
If they play without direction or passion, they will lose and go down with a whimper this season--just like Lyle Bauer planned it, in my opinion.
The masses will cry out for private ownership, Asper will get his sweetheart land development deal, and Bauer will double his salary.
Call me cynical, but that's the way I see it.
Post subject: RE: Predictions for Labour Day? Posted: Aug 27, 2008 - 12:51 PM
....i'd love to think success on the field always equates to happenings with the team , off of it....doesn't work that way all the prediciton
IF the real Blue Bombers show-up and also looking at a Rider injury list a mile long; coupled with dysfunction and confusion in their quarterbacking ranks ...BigBlue should come out on top... You just never know with the team this year...We could hammer the hell out of them orrrrr go back into our funk, slink back to the Peg a beaten lot, looking at BIG changes around the cornor...we'll see after this game which road we're going down....the picture will become quite clear????
Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:00 PM
Blue 37
Green 11
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 12:42 PM
bigcanadiano wrote:
Are you serious??
As serious as nudist in a deep-frying contest!
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 01:08 PM
Well then that settles it. 8-ball in the corner pocket. That will be the score.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 12:52 PM
How did this spin from Bishop to Milt?!?
Just one more example of a bad idea for a thread being salvaged I guess...
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 01:07 PM
Yes, precisely.
Bombers sign Chang...
Chang is good. That's the unofficial scouting report.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 30, 2008 - 01:27 PM
...Milt will be doing his thing in Riderville....annoying the locals and scoring tds.......Stegall is a class act...a fact the opposition recognizes....he will be missed on this Bomber team ...more than a lot of people would like to admit....
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 12:34 PM
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 11:51 AM
shadow7 wrote:
Papa you might as well give up the arguement with these two as you only provide bighead with more reason to write his senseless dribble that most people including myself can not figure out what he is trying to say. Compensating for something small? While were Bauer bashing let me ask these questions. How much in debt was the franchise before Bauer came on board? How much in debt are they now? How does Bauer equate to the on field performance when he does not recruit or coach the players? Exactly what has Bauer done to destroy this team?
Another excellent post by the shadow.
A discussion can only be taken so far. Once all the facts have been laid out, it's them up to the people to decide for themselves what is real and not just slander.
What I see on here is a disgruntled mob, moreso by the teams performance than anything else, who blame Bauer and the BOD for maintaining the status quo with the team. Yet in the same breath, they want Bauer and the same BOD to maintain the status quo when it comes to the long term viability of the team ? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Pappa and I rarely see eye to eye on anything outside of football, because our political views diverge, but when it comes to the future of our football team, we are as united as two can be.
It's not just Bauer and the BOD who think a public private partnership is the way to go. It's our political leaders as well, Doer on the left and Katz and Toews on the right. How can two diverse political ideologies agree ? Because it is the right thing to do for the best interests of everyone involved, from the team to the tax payer.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 12:24 PM
So I guess that means the Bauer has made a choice to ignore the community ownership model in doing so.
Here's another thing pig, if you are preaching to be a blindman hopping on one leg I suppose Bauer will be really happy you're deciding to weigh anchor. Instead Bauer commands a ship that no one wants, but creates an illusion that the stadium issue is within sight.
Think about it.
- This way Asper makes a collective amount of bidding in the process.
- Bauer is taking a unilateral condition which this marketing campaign acts as the focus.
- As team president Bauer has projected this to the fans in a mere effort to sway us, but the political ideologies are skewed to say the least.
blame Bauer and the BOD for maintaining the status quo with the team. Yet in the same breath, they want Bauer and the same BOD to maintain the status quo when it comes to the long term viability of the team ?
I completely agree with you. Well said.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 08:14 PM
Don't worry. Now that this season has finally tanked on Labour Day like Lyle Bauer planned, the Asper takeover bid will go unopposed as Bomber fans look for a savior to resurrect this dying team.
Unfortunately for Bomber fans, their misery is only beginning. Darth Bauer was greased by Asper for tanking the 2008 season and will take his place at the Emperor Asper's side as lapdog/GM.
The next few years in Bomberland will make the Gliebermans in Ottawa look like professionals. The Bombers will get the team they deserve, one way or another.
Post subject: RE: Lions-Als 08-29-2008 Postgame Discussion Posted: Aug 30, 2008 - 03:08 AM
Duval is one of the best kickers in the cfl. I'd have him on my team any day.
I also agree about the call on Samuels. I love the guy.
trade him to BC or Hamilton.
Obviously, $300k for Printers salary might work there. Who knew? Taman was the same guy who drove up Printers asking price before he signed in Hamilton. Go figure. Rude awakening by Taman. Short on the sweet irony department. B.C. would be interesting to see reunited with Buono-albino.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 08:25 PM
xJdawg13x wrote:
there are 2 factors in this loss that need to be fixed and fixed NOW Serna was pathetic there was no need for the riders to be startin mid feild every drive in 1st half his punts with the wind were what 30-35 yards.
And Glenn needs to go and the only way now is for him to be traded and i think are only hopes of that is either trade him to BC or Hamilton.
And where was Stanford Samuels i thought he played amazing at corner against hamilton and i think he's better than Amos.
....Samuels had to be sacrificed due to the import ratio (a healthy scratch) we could start offence to Edwards cuz i know he;s a good one ...BUT C'MON a guy with torn cartilage in his ribs for a healthy db. who can make a difference...That's a coaches call...and the wrong one was made in my estimation.....just one of many
Here's how fans of probably the best team in the league right now are talking, zoo.^ Time we measure up, n'est pas?
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 08:32 PM
....SELF-DESTRUCTED...would be one summation of Glenns season so-far...and probably the last we've seen of him as the NO.1 pivot...There is also under-lying problems with the team....BUT Kevin has made himself the visible target and will wear the Kev... it's been a tough year...
_________________ of the most integral parts overlooked in to hear what's NOT being said....Anonymous
Post subject: RE: "The Passion of the Glenn" Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 08:07 PM
I think i know where Crandell is going
Post subject: RE: "The Passion of the Glenn" Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 08:37 PM
Probably for an MPI detuctable, maybe.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 08:39 PM
bigcanadiano wrote:
Who is Trestman?
...a coach at the beginning of the year WHO asked for and received advice from Berry on how this game should be played (would you believe it)....Either Berry doesn't listen to his own advice on how to be successful in this league or he's a complete _ _ _ _ _
i'll let you fill in the last word
Post subject: Posted: Aug 31, 2008 - 08:41 PM
Nice post, zoo. I completely forgot who HfxTC was referring to Trestman as the coach.
Glenn wasn't great today, but IMO he is not in a position where he can succeed
About the only post in this entire thread that actually has a clue, and he isn't even a Bomber fan.
The offense has absolutely no identity. Two weeks ago against Hamilton, they were a power running team, smashing the ball with tight ends and Haywood at full back and going deep with the pass. Today they were back to a bunch of pansies, who got their azzes handed to then physically by the Rider defense.
You would think the entire offense went with a game plan wouldn't particularly show a defense what they've already done this season. The problem has been on execution all season. Therefore, without consistency on offense, no guts, no glory. Cliche as it sounds, it's not really.
Post subject: Re: RE: I knew MTL had great fans Posted: Sep 01, 2008 - 01:12 AM
bigcanadiano wrote:
You would think Berry has taken all of this into account.
Accountability has to start from somewhere to get this across, it starts with Bauer and Taman nesting eggs without the hatching, they've incubated this team instead.
Bauer and Taman have incubated a bunch of ROTTEN EGGS!!!!!
Post subject: RE: Re: RE: I knew MTL had great fans Posted: Sep 01, 2008 - 01:14 AM
Yes - yes absolutely my friend. All is not fine.
Post subject: I knew MTL had great fans Posted: Sep 01, 2008 - 01:03 AM
but this is about a pm re; Trestman from HfxTC gave me.
Career Offensive Coordinator in the NFL (16 years). Ran in to trouble on the Dolphins in 2004 then went to coach in North Carolina and his (1) lack of recuiting skills and interest prevented him being succesful.
Was invited last season as a guest coach in Montreal by Popp who knew Trestman from his father (Popp) and Trestman coaching together with the Cleveland Browns.
Got the job in Montreal and asked the owner to increase the coaching staff by 500k and his player budget by 500k to allow Trestman a scout team.
Hired Martino and Elizondo and met with the Als Captains and Oline in January.
Rebuilt the entire playbook, Training camp and practice schedules and
(2)told players jobs and playing time would be awarded based on work ethics, Team spirit and character. He honnored that.
Never ever takes credit for anything.
(3)Hones up to his mistakes
When asked about a player's performance always relates back to their work ethics rather then performance and credits their teammates for making the individual performance possible.
In my opinion the man is in the process of building a football dynasty in Montreal. He has a 3 year contract but I'm affraid as Marv Levy before him. The Als will lose him to the NFL within two years.
Hope that answers your question. I hope Bomber fans get a Coach and GM next year they deserve.
This post summarized a lot of vitues associated with what has put MTL on the right path this season. Something you have to wonder; would make more sense.
I traced what I Thought were important points 1-3 are italicized.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
no comment
Duval is one of the best kickers in the cfl. I'd have him on my team any day.
There is no milt in Regina. Only the bombers. What Rider pride has anything to do with milt, is only once every year in sask. Please stop acting as though you don't know that.
buffalo1 Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 07:05 PM
And when Milt is done with this game career wise, the league will miss him dearly. I have watched him play this classic in the past and he brings alot of heat to the field. I know when we face for the final time, it will be a sad moment both sides of the ball.
Thanks Neilca for your comments about Milt - I agree. Whatever happens in these next two games lets hope for barnburners that will keep us on the edge of our seats!
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:46 PM
Stop with the milt adieu, please. The guy gets to walk away quietly, as he deserves. . . none of this other stuff. This is how a real bomber fan feels it.
As for Lab day, our kicking game is a joke, and I expect it will rest on it.
billyjimbo Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:00 PM
Blue 37
Green 11
bigcanadiano Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:43 PM
Are you serious??
Going into Saskatchewan is asking for a tough hard fought victory, and that is putting it mildly. I'm just saying, you're all vying to perform as miracle workers.
This post has a lot to do with the actuality of its context. In reality, we're being faced with a (as I mentioned before) right wing dogmas, spear headed by an Asper ultimatum through the city's bureaucratic system. Which is the opposite, as in this case a stadium issue is in Winnipeg. People that don't want a new stadium being built, is much the same as the mosque in Germany. People with little faith (pro asper) engage in a pro-right wing division. Those against it see it as their right (as those opposing a mosque) to eradicate those vying for political favor (as in the case of Asper.) I think it makes perfect sense. Anti-mosque are not in fact anti-germans per se. I welcome any dispute over lack of clarity on my part; but it is hardly bizarre if you take the time to think. You realize it is democracy at work.
housedog Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 02:28 AM
shadow7 wrote:
then the provocative assembly of Bauer's ego tripping will dissipate. over-ambitious right-wing dogma is a pompous choice to make. You need to save those lines for your friends at the bridge club. LOL trying to impress us trailer park boys. Watch the TV show and learn how to communicate. House dog you slam a team that you obviously know little about. As a Bomber season ticket holder I however follow all the sports in Winnipeg which includes our three major league sports. Our football stadium should be renamed the toilet bowl. I took some friends from Calgary to a recent bomber game and they commented that they could understand why we struggle to fill the stadium, and they were not refering to the high school performance put on by the Bombers. They all commented on how ugly and dirty this stadium is. I don't give a crap who owns the team as long as a new stadium is built and the team remains viable and competitive.
You don't give a crap who owns the team as long as it stay's viable. You have no way of knowing if in the future a private owner will keep it viable. Why don't you go to Ottawa and blab about the benefits about private ownership. I'm sure they would appreciate hearing from you. Can you say Loonie Glieberman.
bigcanadiano Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 01:28 AM
Whether they get thrashed or not the Bomba's could be an undefeated team in their last 5 road games and it still wouldn't matter. That's how intangible things get when going into Labour day. Expecting a victory is completely foolish.
sanjay Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 12:06 AM
Bauer does not care about fans or performance of team. He said he would not make any changes such as firing Taman. As team president he refuses to fix issues and is happy with team record. shadow you should be smart enough to understand this,maybe you are not. If someone does a good job many years past. it does not mean he has job for life.
shadow7 Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 11:34
Papa you might as well give up the arguement with these two as you only provide bighead with more reason to write his senseless dribble that most people including myself can not figure out what he is trying to say. Compensating for something small? While were Bauer bashing let me ask these questions. How much in debt was the franchise before Bauer came on board? How much in debt are they now? How does Bauer equate to the on field performance when he does not recruit or coach the players? Exactly what has Bauer done to destroy this team?
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 01:23 AM
If what I say included most people, I think we'd have a much better football team actually. Who'd have thought, eh.
shadow7 Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 11:08 PM
then the provocative assembly of Bauer's ego tripping will dissipate. over-ambitious right-wing dogma is a pompous choice to make. You need to save those lines for your friends at the bridge club. LOL trying to impress us trailer park boys. Watch the TV show and learn how to communicate. House dog you slam a team that you obviously know little about. As a Bomber season ticket holder I however follow all the sports in Winnipeg which includes our three major league sports. Our football stadium should be renamed the toilet bowl. I took some friends from Calgary to a recent bomber game and they commented that they could understand why we struggle to fill the stadium, and they were not refering to the high school performance put on by the Bombers. They all commented on how ugly and dirty this stadium is. I don't give a crap who owns the team as long as a new stadium is built and the team remains viable and competitive.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 01:19 AM
You mean through use of coersion, that Bauer should make a stand in appearance on Trailer Park Boys? (I wouldn't put it past Bauer.)

^ A right-wing citizens' initiative is protesting against Germany's largest mosque, which is being built in Cologne.
housedog Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 07:37 AM
shadow7 wrote:
Housedog turn your name around and that's exactly what we have for a stadium a doghouse. The entire bulding smells like a dirty old urinal. Now I know that big old smelly bubba from the trailer park with his six pack of beer and gut hanging out from under his shirt doesn't care. But we need more than just the trailer park boys to attend. Take a look at the Goldeyes for case in point. They have not won many championships but continue to sell out. Why? Good entertainment, clean facility, good seating, good venues - concessions and guess what it is privately owned. Spread your wings housedog and take a step up in life check out a goldeye game.[/img]
Have you been learning your manners from Bauer. So you think that 27,000 fans who attend the games are trailer trash, and beer guzzling pigs. I will tell you why the Goldeyes sell out. The tickets are only 6.00 a piece. These are your real trailer park welfare trash types. They would not think of spending a buck on a cup of coffee let alone buy a Bomber ticket. You call going to a Goldeye game a step up. How many teams have folded in that joke of a leaque ?
I could field a team of Transcona high school types and compete in that league.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 04:59
Another excellent post by housedog. The lions share of a private ownership group headed by an over-ambitious right-wing dogma is a pompous choice to make. You follow that line of reasoning right through to Bauer's front door of the BoD's boardroom. . . there you will find not a future exit sign but a unilateral intiative which has cost us on the field. You abuse your privilege as an icon such as Bauer has done, then the provocative assembly of Bauer's ego tripping will dissipate.
\housedog //Post subject: Posted: Aug 27, 2008 - 09:03 PM
blue&gold4ever wrote:
Man i never thought this would turn out to be a debate over the obvious, but it doesn't surprise me. Piggy and Papa have great points and knowledge of the Bombers financial situation and i've said it myself many times, people are just plain scared to see a private owner, even though it IS NEEDED.
As mentioned if we stay public, we will only see a winning team every few years when we actually make profit that can be spent, or a Grey Cup, which happens every 6-10 years, and i personally wanna see a winning product EVERY YEAR.
Asper and i new stadium will allow us to be financially stable, we will see more revenue from more than just football operations, better concessions and more fan support, more Grey Cups and this will happen because alot of people stay away from Canadinns Stadium due to (lack of legroom, poor concessions, poor washroom facilities and the list goes on) NOW I KNOW saying that, your thinking well we don't want fans like that, and i feel somewhat the same, but imagine what these NEW/OLD fans would do, it would provide more revenue to put a winning team on the field every year, not every 6-10 years.
It is about time we finally go private and put a Competetive team on the field EVERY YEAR. Good Point about the ALS as well, they would lose money this year if not for the Grey Cup and the Games in the O-Dome, and even with the GC and those games, it will be a tight profit out there.
My point is that it's about time people STOP whining about the team going private and EMBRACE it as a new start in BomberLand. I don't agree with Asper on EVERY aspect, but most makes sense and you have to be completely blind not to see this.
With all due respect your assumptions that a new stadium will draw more fans are false. There is only so much entertainment dollars in our city. The Bombers are damn lucky they are drawing the crowds they are with the lousy team we have. It is no credit to Bauer as some would suggest. As he has stated he is quite happy with the present situation. it's loyalty to the team and the false believe this team will repeat and go on to the Grey Cup. Can you imagine if the GM in Sask after posting the record we have, made comments to the fans such as BLAH BLAH BLAH. He would be run out of town immediately. Maybe even tarred and feathered.
As for a winning team with the people presently in management we won;t win anything. They have been around for 10 years. They could spend to the Max of cap, and will bring you the same results. Many of us long time fans want drastic change. Removal of both Bauer/BODs/Taman.
As I said good management goes hand in hand with viability. Washrooms are just a petty excuse by piggy and others to say we need a new stadium. The 27.000 presently attending games are not that bothered by poor washrooms. legroom, and sorry to say a lousy 3rd rate team that looks like a high school football team. As for whinning I would suggest you look at the present situation concerning the manner in which this team is run, that will explain much of our so called whinning.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 12:41 AM
Excellent counter-argument by housedog. It's this borderline type of misplaced passion that Bauer has been feeding off of the fans misdirected sense.
To see a few dozen signatures on the petition seems discouraging. . . I say it is Bauer's fear mongering that poisons the apple from the tree.
When I take my time to view ourbombers, it makes this place a whole lot more worthwhile a perspective.
housedog Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 07:54 PM
TrueBlue2008 wrote:
PIGSEYE wrote:
Like I said before, show me an actual economic forcast that concludes that this strategy will guarantee the football team will survive in the long run.
btw, that land at Polo Park, has already in principle, been sold to CanadInns for $7M, at the current market value by the City.
The real value of that land is in the development of it, not the property itself, and is a major factor why any private investor would want to cough up $60M of their own cash and dump it into a money losing venture like the Bombers.
The City, Province and Feds have already basically said they do not have money to invest in a new stadium without certain guarantees from the private sector towards investment in it.
To think that the team can go this alone is just a blind fantasy.
"Sold in principle?" The land is worth a heck of a lot more than that due to, as you say, development potential. Show me something on paper & then we'll talk.
What do people dispute?
1. When real estate prices took off in Winnipeg and the area near Polo Park, the Bombers suddenly had a parcel of prime real estate that could have been sold and used towards building a new stadium. TRUE OR FALSE?
2. Staying at Maroons Rd. was a stupid business move because a new stadium open 365 days a year would have brought in much more money each year for the club. TRUE OR FALSE?
3. The Blue Bombers do not require David Asper to relocate and build a new stadium. TRUE OR FALSE?
4. Given that the citizens of Winnipeg own this team, the Board of Directors had no right to entertain selling the club without consulting us, the fans. TRUE OR FALSE?
5. Given that no one on the BoD opposed David Asper's letter of intent to purchase the club, they are acting on their own behalf, with many positioned to make much higher salaries if the Asper deal goes through. TRUE OR FALSE?
6. The current BoD are caught in a conflict of interest situation, and consequently, the current BoD should be immediately dissolved as per the Winnipeg Enterprises Corporation Incorporation Act. (In other words, this deal ain't Kosher) TRUE OR FALSE?
7. Regardless of who owns the football club, should a domed stadium be built, the club will make more than enough money to fully fund a successful football operation. TRUE OR FALSE?
8. David Asper stands to make a lot of money from this deal, money that could and should made for us the citizens of Winnipeg. TRUE OR FALSE?
9. The Bombers are in the process of being sold from under our noses like a naive runaway on a street corner. TRUE OR FALSE?
10. No one has stepped up to save this community owned team from the clutches of private ownership. TRUE OR FALSE?
11. Winnipeggers don't care that this team is currently devoid of leadership, and are tanking the season under do-nothing CEO and President, Lyle Bauer. TRUE OR FALSE?
12. Doug Berry is an abusive incompetent coach and his sidekick Kit Cartwright has a history of not being able to effectively utilize talent. In the last 17 regular season games, both have combined for a dismal 4-12 record when Cartwright was acting as OC (Kevin Glenn called his own plays last game). TRUE OR FALSE?
13. The Bombers won their playoff games last season by sheer determination, and lost the Grey Cup b/c of incompetent coaching and Berry and Cartwright deserved to be fired the Monday after the Grey Cup. TRUE OR FALSE?
14. Lyle Bauer is softening up this team for a hostile takeover bid by David Asper. TRUE OR FALSE?
Maybe Bomber fans are so used to losing that they enjoy being punked by Asper. Winnipeg has always had an inferiority complex and deep down don't believe that they can be successful at anything unless a "white knight" like David Asper comes along and does it for them. Maybe that's what this is about.
At least Canad-Inns was willing to let the city keep the Bombers. ... ledohowski
Maybe Bomber fans are such sticks in the mud that they can' t agree on anything, and need a single-minded person like David Asper to get things done in this city. Maybe living on the prairies turns people into cowards, afraid to stand up and be counted, preferring to play it safe and let others be movers and shakers. Maybe that's why Winnipeg has had all its best and brightest leave town. Maybe this is Loserpeg, a city that was too stupid, lazy and cheap to keep the Jets from leaving town.
Maybe Winnipeggers don't like it on top and enjoy getting the screw.
Do what you want. Sign the petition or don't sign. My conscience is clear.
You forgot to mention our dirt bag media types along with some would say, upstanding WPG citzens ( NOT ) threw a party for Bauer. This is enough to say we have a lot of garbage residing in this town.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 27, 2008 - 02:45 AM
Which helps explain Bauer's brilliant marketing strategies?? Give me a break!!OL The BoD's have their heads so far up their collective rears it's savage how brain-washed they've become to Bauer. Sickening for obvious reasons to say the least. Enough is enough.
Bottom line is simple: Bauer + BoD's have to take the nearest exit through a toilet hole. Taman has already taken the team there with him, so unfortunately not all is lost. (Taman prefers luring players as social rejects.)
bigcanadiano wrote:
Convention of conservative ideology combined with mass hysteria, improbable truths reserve entitlement toward undermining community ownership in principle. . . the fact this is enigma of Lyle Bauer or emblematic of irrefutable truths given Asper's example for intolerance.
The train have been off the tracks for some time now.
Get over it.
I truly feel that once you read this^ in a sequence of 10 times over, it should take you about only a minute worth of your time. Reason being, it simply exemplifies the nature of what is the state of Winnipeg's football team verbatim.
The second part to this is simple: it is simply mind boggling that the peril of this community is so shallow to think of how ignorant they are when compared to lyle bauer's Dr. Suess outfit. It is almost shameful to view how obvious this one person is completely able to undermine its status quo, only to offer a make-believe stadium issue which there is "no resolve" in order to move forward. To recycle this in factuality, is the one thing keeping people's false hope alive, and yet, yes - bauer is laughing because (as he sees it) we're doing it to ourselves.
An utter case of despondant protesters in this case, I accuse lyle bauer of sabatoging this season for the purpose of soliciting a false-ideal whcich degrades the good name of this COMMUNITY owned franchise.
Get over yourselves. Do yourselves the favor.
housedog Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 02:08 PM
I thought I seen piggy standing outside the Bomber office. It seems that he was cooking up some of those famous hotdogs for Bauer and the Board of Directors.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 02:14 PM
Yeah. I call it, let's collect these words for my judgment. I doubt it. It's more along the lines of wishful thinking.
So to answer the truth, validity would suggest the course of a 'never' alone social also coincides with a viable private ownership group. Those are the 'pro-bauer/asper' advocates. I cannot say I dispute your views, whatsoever.
However, when my better experience is dismissed for that tiny shadow who is lyle bauer, mine gets a badge for parody as innuendo in spite of opportunity.
Rather convenient of both zoo' or the now absentia pigseye. . . who's rolled over and played dead so to speak.
I mean get off the high horse already.
papazoola wrote:
...answer to no 2...i guess all bids would have to be considered as hostile in that case....cuz there sure was more than just Asper putting forth plans for the franchise...Which hostile group would you have approved????lol lol
How about Bauer's brilliant marketing campaign of 'We got it going on' removed in checking favorably with Bauer's true, "We've got it going wrong." conspired subliminally as this concept. Wow, how solid. Bauer acts like a kindergarten cop, and the rest of us are facing a moral duty that befuddles me.
papazoola Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 10:09 AM
...i'll answer no 3 real quick /false/ and then ask you a question???.....where are you going to get the kind of dollars required to build a 'decent' stadium of any kind...without investment coming from a person like Asper in conjuntion with govt. answer/// no-where...unless you have some kind of magic money pot stashed somewhere....HUGE DOLLARS ARE REQUIRED....what you have come-up with monetarily is a stretch and pie in the sky...
Also in closing i would suggest to you ,trueblue 08, that labelling your city as a loser and the people in it as such,because they don't agree with your stance, will receive the obvious response ..Maybe you would be better off living in Toranna....the centre of the universe, where all of the movers and shakers
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 01:42 PM
So to answer the truth, validity would suggest the course of a 'never' alone social also coincides with a viable private ownership group. Those are the 'pro-bauer/asper' advocates. I cannot say I dispute your views, whatsoever.
However, when my better experience is dismissed for that tiny shadow who is lyle bauer, mine gets a badge for parody as innuendo in spite of opportunity.
Rather convenient of both zoo' or the now absentia pigseye. . . who's rolled over and played dead so to speak.
I mean get off the high horse already.
For the record this article:
. . . belongs in this thread to futher substaitate my point of how post modern fascist thought is ruling the right wing freedom we call "democracies" in this world.
It deserves it's own thread as well.
I've seen this argument before, it looks. . . very farmiliar. Oh wait, now I remember it. For the most part it's one part reminding me of the fact Jesus was not a jew. Then, after they crucify him, they say, "Wait, Jesus was a jew - but - we didn't mean to first enslave a priori sentenced to crucifixion." Just so everybody can see that Judaism's religious right weren't censoring anyone - not even the man people now regard as 'the christ child.'
The argument between eastern communism and westernization smacks of post modern fascism to say the least.
Bravo. Quite brilliant actually.
Yes, U2 live is the epitome of a nike fashion show.
Quote from: Hap on August 26, 2008, 07:46AM
but... in the world of fake, loveless marriages, you could do worse.
ain't that the truth.
4 = the number of times the word 'bud' has been applied in this thread.
5 = " " " " " " 'pizza' " " " " " " .
4 = ' horny' .
0= fully clothed. no finished product. Yet glory in many ways.
There is no milt in Regina. Only the bombers. What Rider pride has anything to do with milt, is only once every year in sask. Please stop acting as though you don't know that.
buffalo1 Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 07:05 PM
And when Milt is done with this game career wise, the league will miss him dearly. I have watched him play this classic in the past and he brings alot of heat to the field. I know when we face for the final time, it will be a sad moment both sides of the ball.
Thanks Neilca for your comments about Milt - I agree. Whatever happens in these next two games lets hope for barnburners that will keep us on the edge of our seats!
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:46 PM
Stop with the milt adieu, please. The guy gets to walk away quietly, as he deserves. . . none of this other stuff. This is how a real bomber fan feels it.
As for Lab day, our kicking game is a joke, and I expect it will rest on it.
billyjimbo Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:00 PM
Blue 37
Green 11
bigcanadiano Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:43 PM
Are you serious??
Going into Saskatchewan is asking for a tough hard fought victory, and that is putting it mildly. I'm just saying, you're all vying to perform as miracle workers.
This post has a lot to do with the actuality of its context. In reality, we're being faced with a (as I mentioned before) right wing dogmas, spear headed by an Asper ultimatum through the city's bureaucratic system. Which is the opposite, as in this case a stadium issue is in Winnipeg. People that don't want a new stadium being built, is much the same as the mosque in Germany. People with little faith (pro asper) engage in a pro-right wing division. Those against it see it as their right (as those opposing a mosque) to eradicate those vying for political favor (as in the case of Asper.) I think it makes perfect sense. Anti-mosque are not in fact anti-germans per se. I welcome any dispute over lack of clarity on my part; but it is hardly bizarre if you take the time to think. You realize it is democracy at work.
housedog Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 02:28 AM
shadow7 wrote:
then the provocative assembly of Bauer's ego tripping will dissipate. over-ambitious right-wing dogma is a pompous choice to make. You need to save those lines for your friends at the bridge club. LOL trying to impress us trailer park boys. Watch the TV show and learn how to communicate. House dog you slam a team that you obviously know little about. As a Bomber season ticket holder I however follow all the sports in Winnipeg which includes our three major league sports. Our football stadium should be renamed the toilet bowl. I took some friends from Calgary to a recent bomber game and they commented that they could understand why we struggle to fill the stadium, and they were not refering to the high school performance put on by the Bombers. They all commented on how ugly and dirty this stadium is. I don't give a crap who owns the team as long as a new stadium is built and the team remains viable and competitive.
You don't give a crap who owns the team as long as it stay's viable. You have no way of knowing if in the future a private owner will keep it viable. Why don't you go to Ottawa and blab about the benefits about private ownership. I'm sure they would appreciate hearing from you. Can you say Loonie Glieberman.
bigcanadiano Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 01:28 AM
Whether they get thrashed or not the Bomba's could be an undefeated team in their last 5 road games and it still wouldn't matter. That's how intangible things get when going into Labour day. Expecting a victory is completely foolish.
sanjay Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 12:06 AM
Bauer does not care about fans or performance of team. He said he would not make any changes such as firing Taman. As team president he refuses to fix issues and is happy with team record. shadow you should be smart enough to understand this,maybe you are not. If someone does a good job many years past. it does not mean he has job for life.
shadow7 Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 11:34
Papa you might as well give up the arguement with these two as you only provide bighead with more reason to write his senseless dribble that most people including myself can not figure out what he is trying to say. Compensating for something small? While were Bauer bashing let me ask these questions. How much in debt was the franchise before Bauer came on board? How much in debt are they now? How does Bauer equate to the on field performance when he does not recruit or coach the players? Exactly what has Bauer done to destroy this team?
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 01:23 AM
If what I say included most people, I think we'd have a much better football team actually. Who'd have thought, eh.
shadow7 Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 11:08 PM
then the provocative assembly of Bauer's ego tripping will dissipate. over-ambitious right-wing dogma is a pompous choice to make. You need to save those lines for your friends at the bridge club. LOL trying to impress us trailer park boys. Watch the TV show and learn how to communicate. House dog you slam a team that you obviously know little about. As a Bomber season ticket holder I however follow all the sports in Winnipeg which includes our three major league sports. Our football stadium should be renamed the toilet bowl. I took some friends from Calgary to a recent bomber game and they commented that they could understand why we struggle to fill the stadium, and they were not refering to the high school performance put on by the Bombers. They all commented on how ugly and dirty this stadium is. I don't give a crap who owns the team as long as a new stadium is built and the team remains viable and competitive.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 01:19 AM
You mean through use of coersion, that Bauer should make a stand in appearance on Trailer Park Boys? (I wouldn't put it past Bauer.)
^ A right-wing citizens' initiative is protesting against Germany's largest mosque, which is being built in Cologne.
housedog Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 07:37 AM
shadow7 wrote:
Housedog turn your name around and that's exactly what we have for a stadium a doghouse. The entire bulding smells like a dirty old urinal. Now I know that big old smelly bubba from the trailer park with his six pack of beer and gut hanging out from under his shirt doesn't care. But we need more than just the trailer park boys to attend. Take a look at the Goldeyes for case in point. They have not won many championships but continue to sell out. Why? Good entertainment, clean facility, good seating, good venues - concessions and guess what it is privately owned. Spread your wings housedog and take a step up in life check out a goldeye game.[/img]
Have you been learning your manners from Bauer. So you think that 27,000 fans who attend the games are trailer trash, and beer guzzling pigs. I will tell you why the Goldeyes sell out. The tickets are only 6.00 a piece. These are your real trailer park welfare trash types. They would not think of spending a buck on a cup of coffee let alone buy a Bomber ticket. You call going to a Goldeye game a step up. How many teams have folded in that joke of a leaque ?
I could field a team of Transcona high school types and compete in that league.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 04:59
Another excellent post by housedog. The lions share of a private ownership group headed by an over-ambitious right-wing dogma is a pompous choice to make. You follow that line of reasoning right through to Bauer's front door of the BoD's boardroom. . . there you will find not a future exit sign but a unilateral intiative which has cost us on the field. You abuse your privilege as an icon such as Bauer has done, then the provocative assembly of Bauer's ego tripping will dissipate.
\housedog //Post subject: Posted: Aug 27, 2008 - 09:03 PM
blue&gold4ever wrote:
Man i never thought this would turn out to be a debate over the obvious, but it doesn't surprise me. Piggy and Papa have great points and knowledge of the Bombers financial situation and i've said it myself many times, people are just plain scared to see a private owner, even though it IS NEEDED.
As mentioned if we stay public, we will only see a winning team every few years when we actually make profit that can be spent, or a Grey Cup, which happens every 6-10 years, and i personally wanna see a winning product EVERY YEAR.
Asper and i new stadium will allow us to be financially stable, we will see more revenue from more than just football operations, better concessions and more fan support, more Grey Cups and this will happen because alot of people stay away from Canadinns Stadium due to (lack of legroom, poor concessions, poor washroom facilities and the list goes on) NOW I KNOW saying that, your thinking well we don't want fans like that, and i feel somewhat the same, but imagine what these NEW/OLD fans would do, it would provide more revenue to put a winning team on the field every year, not every 6-10 years.
It is about time we finally go private and put a Competetive team on the field EVERY YEAR. Good Point about the ALS as well, they would lose money this year if not for the Grey Cup and the Games in the O-Dome, and even with the GC and those games, it will be a tight profit out there.
My point is that it's about time people STOP whining about the team going private and EMBRACE it as a new start in BomberLand. I don't agree with Asper on EVERY aspect, but most makes sense and you have to be completely blind not to see this.
With all due respect your assumptions that a new stadium will draw more fans are false. There is only so much entertainment dollars in our city. The Bombers are damn lucky they are drawing the crowds they are with the lousy team we have. It is no credit to Bauer as some would suggest. As he has stated he is quite happy with the present situation. it's loyalty to the team and the false believe this team will repeat and go on to the Grey Cup. Can you imagine if the GM in Sask after posting the record we have, made comments to the fans such as BLAH BLAH BLAH. He would be run out of town immediately. Maybe even tarred and feathered.
As for a winning team with the people presently in management we won;t win anything. They have been around for 10 years. They could spend to the Max of cap, and will bring you the same results. Many of us long time fans want drastic change. Removal of both Bauer/BODs/Taman.
As I said good management goes hand in hand with viability. Washrooms are just a petty excuse by piggy and others to say we need a new stadium. The 27.000 presently attending games are not that bothered by poor washrooms. legroom, and sorry to say a lousy 3rd rate team that looks like a high school football team. As for whinning I would suggest you look at the present situation concerning the manner in which this team is run, that will explain much of our so called whinning.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 12:41 AM
Excellent counter-argument by housedog. It's this borderline type of misplaced passion that Bauer has been feeding off of the fans misdirected sense.
To see a few dozen signatures on the petition seems discouraging. . . I say it is Bauer's fear mongering that poisons the apple from the tree.
When I take my time to view ourbombers, it makes this place a whole lot more worthwhile a perspective.
housedog Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 07:54 PM
TrueBlue2008 wrote:
PIGSEYE wrote:
Like I said before, show me an actual economic forcast that concludes that this strategy will guarantee the football team will survive in the long run.
btw, that land at Polo Park, has already in principle, been sold to CanadInns for $7M, at the current market value by the City.
The real value of that land is in the development of it, not the property itself, and is a major factor why any private investor would want to cough up $60M of their own cash and dump it into a money losing venture like the Bombers.
The City, Province and Feds have already basically said they do not have money to invest in a new stadium without certain guarantees from the private sector towards investment in it.
To think that the team can go this alone is just a blind fantasy.
"Sold in principle?" The land is worth a heck of a lot more than that due to, as you say, development potential. Show me something on paper & then we'll talk.
What do people dispute?
1. When real estate prices took off in Winnipeg and the area near Polo Park, the Bombers suddenly had a parcel of prime real estate that could have been sold and used towards building a new stadium. TRUE OR FALSE?
2. Staying at Maroons Rd. was a stupid business move because a new stadium open 365 days a year would have brought in much more money each year for the club. TRUE OR FALSE?
3. The Blue Bombers do not require David Asper to relocate and build a new stadium. TRUE OR FALSE?
4. Given that the citizens of Winnipeg own this team, the Board of Directors had no right to entertain selling the club without consulting us, the fans. TRUE OR FALSE?
5. Given that no one on the BoD opposed David Asper's letter of intent to purchase the club, they are acting on their own behalf, with many positioned to make much higher salaries if the Asper deal goes through. TRUE OR FALSE?
6. The current BoD are caught in a conflict of interest situation, and consequently, the current BoD should be immediately dissolved as per the Winnipeg Enterprises Corporation Incorporation Act. (In other words, this deal ain't Kosher) TRUE OR FALSE?
7. Regardless of who owns the football club, should a domed stadium be built, the club will make more than enough money to fully fund a successful football operation. TRUE OR FALSE?
8. David Asper stands to make a lot of money from this deal, money that could and should made for us the citizens of Winnipeg. TRUE OR FALSE?
9. The Bombers are in the process of being sold from under our noses like a naive runaway on a street corner. TRUE OR FALSE?
10. No one has stepped up to save this community owned team from the clutches of private ownership. TRUE OR FALSE?
11. Winnipeggers don't care that this team is currently devoid of leadership, and are tanking the season under do-nothing CEO and President, Lyle Bauer. TRUE OR FALSE?
12. Doug Berry is an abusive incompetent coach and his sidekick Kit Cartwright has a history of not being able to effectively utilize talent. In the last 17 regular season games, both have combined for a dismal 4-12 record when Cartwright was acting as OC (Kevin Glenn called his own plays last game). TRUE OR FALSE?
13. The Bombers won their playoff games last season by sheer determination, and lost the Grey Cup b/c of incompetent coaching and Berry and Cartwright deserved to be fired the Monday after the Grey Cup. TRUE OR FALSE?
14. Lyle Bauer is softening up this team for a hostile takeover bid by David Asper. TRUE OR FALSE?
Maybe Bomber fans are so used to losing that they enjoy being punked by Asper. Winnipeg has always had an inferiority complex and deep down don't believe that they can be successful at anything unless a "white knight" like David Asper comes along and does it for them. Maybe that's what this is about.
At least Canad-Inns was willing to let the city keep the Bombers. ... ledohowski
Maybe Bomber fans are such sticks in the mud that they can' t agree on anything, and need a single-minded person like David Asper to get things done in this city. Maybe living on the prairies turns people into cowards, afraid to stand up and be counted, preferring to play it safe and let others be movers and shakers. Maybe that's why Winnipeg has had all its best and brightest leave town. Maybe this is Loserpeg, a city that was too stupid, lazy and cheap to keep the Jets from leaving town.
Maybe Winnipeggers don't like it on top and enjoy getting the screw.
Do what you want. Sign the petition or don't sign. My conscience is clear.
You forgot to mention our dirt bag media types along with some would say, upstanding WPG citzens ( NOT ) threw a party for Bauer. This is enough to say we have a lot of garbage residing in this town.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 27, 2008 - 02:45 AM
Which helps explain Bauer's brilliant marketing strategies?? Give me a break!!OL The BoD's have their heads so far up their collective rears it's savage how brain-washed they've become to Bauer. Sickening for obvious reasons to say the least. Enough is enough.
Bottom line is simple: Bauer + BoD's have to take the nearest exit through a toilet hole. Taman has already taken the team there with him, so unfortunately not all is lost. (Taman prefers luring players as social rejects.)
bigcanadiano wrote:
Convention of conservative ideology combined with mass hysteria, improbable truths reserve entitlement toward undermining community ownership in principle. . . the fact this is enigma of Lyle Bauer or emblematic of irrefutable truths given Asper's example for intolerance.
The train have been off the tracks for some time now.
Get over it.
I truly feel that once you read this^ in a sequence of 10 times over, it should take you about only a minute worth of your time. Reason being, it simply exemplifies the nature of what is the state of Winnipeg's football team verbatim.
The second part to this is simple: it is simply mind boggling that the peril of this community is so shallow to think of how ignorant they are when compared to lyle bauer's Dr. Suess outfit. It is almost shameful to view how obvious this one person is completely able to undermine its status quo, only to offer a make-believe stadium issue which there is "no resolve" in order to move forward. To recycle this in factuality, is the one thing keeping people's false hope alive, and yet, yes - bauer is laughing because (as he sees it) we're doing it to ourselves.
An utter case of despondant protesters in this case, I accuse lyle bauer of sabatoging this season for the purpose of soliciting a false-ideal whcich degrades the good name of this COMMUNITY owned franchise.
Get over yourselves. Do yourselves the favor.
housedog Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 02:08 PM
I thought I seen piggy standing outside the Bomber office. It seems that he was cooking up some of those famous hotdogs for Bauer and the Board of Directors.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 02:14 PM
Yeah. I call it, let's collect these words for my judgment. I doubt it. It's more along the lines of wishful thinking.
So to answer the truth, validity would suggest the course of a 'never' alone social also coincides with a viable private ownership group. Those are the 'pro-bauer/asper' advocates. I cannot say I dispute your views, whatsoever.
However, when my better experience is dismissed for that tiny shadow who is lyle bauer, mine gets a badge for parody as innuendo in spite of opportunity.
Rather convenient of both zoo' or the now absentia pigseye. . . who's rolled over and played dead so to speak.
I mean get off the high horse already.
papazoola wrote:
...answer to no 2...i guess all bids would have to be considered as hostile in that case....cuz there sure was more than just Asper putting forth plans for the franchise...Which hostile group would you have approved????lol lol
How about Bauer's brilliant marketing campaign of 'We got it going on' removed in checking favorably with Bauer's true, "We've got it going wrong." conspired subliminally as this concept. Wow, how solid. Bauer acts like a kindergarten cop, and the rest of us are facing a moral duty that befuddles me.
papazoola Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 10:09 AM
...i'll answer no 3 real quick /false/ and then ask you a question???.....where are you going to get the kind of dollars required to build a 'decent' stadium of any kind...without investment coming from a person like Asper in conjuntion with govt. answer/// no-where...unless you have some kind of magic money pot stashed somewhere....HUGE DOLLARS ARE REQUIRED....what you have come-up with monetarily is a stretch and pie in the sky...
Also in closing i would suggest to you ,trueblue 08, that labelling your city as a loser and the people in it as such,because they don't agree with your stance, will receive the obvious response ..Maybe you would be better off living in Toranna....the centre of the universe, where all of the movers and shakers
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 01:42 PM
So to answer the truth, validity would suggest the course of a 'never' alone social also coincides with a viable private ownership group. Those are the 'pro-bauer/asper' advocates. I cannot say I dispute your views, whatsoever.
However, when my better experience is dismissed for that tiny shadow who is lyle bauer, mine gets a badge for parody as innuendo in spite of opportunity.
Rather convenient of both zoo' or the now absentia pigseye. . . who's rolled over and played dead so to speak.
I mean get off the high horse already.
For the record this article:
. . . belongs in this thread to futher substaitate my point of how post modern fascist thought is ruling the right wing freedom we call "democracies" in this world.
It deserves it's own thread as well.
I've seen this argument before, it looks. . . very farmiliar. Oh wait, now I remember it. For the most part it's one part reminding me of the fact Jesus was not a jew. Then, after they crucify him, they say, "Wait, Jesus was a jew - but - we didn't mean to first enslave a priori sentenced to crucifixion." Just so everybody can see that Judaism's religious right weren't censoring anyone - not even the man people now regard as 'the christ child.'
The argument between eastern communism and westernization smacks of post modern fascism to say the least.
Bravo. Quite brilliant actually.
Yes, U2 live is the epitome of a nike fashion show.
Quote from: Hap on August 26, 2008, 07:46AM
but... in the world of fake, loveless marriages, you could do worse.
ain't that the truth.
4 = the number of times the word 'bud' has been applied in this thread.
5 = " " " " " " 'pizza' " " " " " " .
4 = ' horny' .
0= fully clothed. no finished product. Yet glory in many ways.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
sensitivity in the age of reason
Post subject: Kicking Circus Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 02:05 PM
...Don't look now ...BUT Duncan O'Mahoney is heading back to the Bomber practice field...How many shots does this guy get...He better get his act together quick...or the kicking fiasco on this team will turn into a nightmare...if it hasn't already reached that stage...Please...Taman....after the season is over (cuz i believe its too late now) straighten the Bombers kicking game fact, make it the no 1 priority,,,,this is getting ridiculous...
_________________ of the most integral parts overlooked in to hear what's NOT being said....Anonymous
Post subject: Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 03:51 PM
This is same circus that is going on in front office.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 07:46 PM
i will cry if that useless good for nothing sack-of-no-talent bum makes it back onto the roster.
I still perosnally think the biggest mistake made in the bombers kicking game this year was releasing bryan munroe. he looked fanatastic in punting averaging over 50 and in preseaon both were clear over 60 yards, and although not a placekicking specialist was getting reps in and was outkicking westwood no problem. although serna started strong he nor o'mahony should have been brought in.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 05:55 PM
This kicking fiasco is a rather ironic concept indeed.
The U of M proposal is not a good venue for this city, seeing a stadium is erected there for the Bombers? It is rather eratic to bestow such options in such a different set of circusmtances post-polo park/point douglas proposals. That being said: we've come to a cross roads in Bauer's humiliating business model as president of this club. We already reach a point that the pinnacle of such charade has impacted the team negatively on the field as a product. There is no unity conducive to a first class organization; it is a project filled with deceit, mutiny and corruption. This is all true, strictly based on fact that the present state of affairs befalls the community. How much clearer can more be brought on to prove what lay before our very eyes is the question.
It is a sad day in Winnipeg when not one of you commit to how strong this argument is fail to raise the bar. You carry hostility toward it rather than it being a positive thing to look at. We could haved hoisted Grey Cups in the past 18 years, only because Sammy Garza started ahead of Matt Dunigan (injured), Troy Westwood missing the mark in MTL vs. Calgary's Marcus Crandell, and last but not least Ryan Dinwiddie in for an injured Kevin Glenn. Which hurts us the most? I say none of them.
(1) My case in point being, through such a wide range of hysteria on the topic from Asper-to-Bauer-to a new stadium. . . the due process stems now to community that the basis of a renewal on the field stands.
(2) A new Board of Directors.
(3) The removal of Lyle Bauer immediately.
I measure things with duality, zoo. Part of me is liberally lassez faire. I'm also a traditionalist in the not so conservative department. I avoid Bauer's shot at a mini-ministry like the plague.
Actually, I decided to delete that reference. Far before you took offense to it. my bad.
Sure, so the greatest stage in all of sports wasn't a barn-burner. I'd say it was. Oh wait, I did already. go home.
No. Unless we want Bishop, and toronto has no interest in trading him within the east. We could have traded Dinwiddie for him, but if Toronto didn't want Dinwiddie and the riders do? I guess that'd make sense.
What may we ask is 'seeing the light exactly'? To agree with drastic change in ideology does not require a socioeconomic one as well. It speaks of an indian giving style of mentality. Case in point, any kind of intervention would not meet Lyle Bauer's best interest. Community ownership should in fact represent that lack of intervention which is required.
This is the same team, not the exact same team from a year ago. . . that almost came up with a Grey Cup. The qb for this team was Ryan Dinwiddie. I see nothing to prevent us from winning a Grey Cup in the future. I think this logic follows fairly honest, than what it leads to a change in ownership is not the answer. How much clearer can I make myself without the forecast of Bauer's ultimate plan? I feel I've done my part in addressing the problem NOT resorting to pro-Bauer philosophy. In fact, we had an opportunity to trade Kevin Glenn in the off-season to MTL for #13. Where does that take us, if not for the typical push-over type thinking that we give credit to? As I said already: this team narrowly missed a grey cup last year. This has nothing to do with Bauer, but has everything to do with where we are going if community ownership isn't holding Bauer accountable because he refuses to part ways with our 'viability'.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 01:02 AM
The only one who can't read is papa and piggy who are wearing the Asper tinted glasses. There is no gurantee that Asper will win any cups for Winnipeg. He has sat on the board for many years along with his cronies and we have won squat. The Jets had a private owner and where did that get us. Papa I have been going to Bomber games for 50 years. Please don't insult my itelligence with what Asper will do. If the Bombers are almost selling out their games and not spending to the max of the cap. Then this team is being mis-managed by Bauer. Other teams are not having these problems. If the Riders are selling team merchandise and making a fortune and we can't do the same. Then we have a marketing problem (Mis management )You can't even by a cheap Bomber shot glass or jersey in any department store in WPG. All aspects of how the team is operated should be looked into by a special appointed BODs. Appointed by civic and provincial gov'ts to see what is really going on before we hand over the keys to Asper for the price of a newspaper.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 23, 2008 - 11:22 PM
...sometimes drastic change is for the better bigcandiano...just takes a venturous spirit and a little imagination....change for the sake of change.....i don't like.....change for positives....yeah i can get on board...
Post subject: Posted: Aug 23, 2008 - 03:22 PM
So unsubstantiated bs equates with taking Bauer's line of bait at the end of a Bomber reefer? Right, as for the innuendo you've all but built to dismiss my critical input to suit your own, my basis is entirely of focusing on the real subject matter. This is to speak, some come to think of it, as the community ownership model.
How about your answer for that, pigseye, in the opposite form of a negated rebuttal perhaps? Please, negate this. . .again, with misunderstading as the moral high ground we land on. But, I invite you nevertheless.
Notwithstanding of course.
It's your choice.
You are either one of Bauer's following, in the ambition to place Bomber fans into a post-partum depression (of a fragile 2-6 record) or have selective memory of the position marketing profit motive.
I would take the latter for your won over satisfaction.
Please, negate this.
"Kevin Glenn is a winner." Doug Berry's hear no evil see no evil philosophy.
PIGSEYE wrote:
Like I said before, show me an actual economic forcast that concludes that this strategy will guarantee the football team will survive in the long run.
you're totally right pigseye...this venture WILL NOT proceed without govt. dollars....
So, judging from that standpoint if Bauer says "you're either with us or against us" means exactly the same thing from a COMMUNITY based equation?? (I suppose the PROFIT MOTIVE - is a mere illusion of the fact.) Perhaps, those of us that refuse to bow our heads in relief as victims have selective memory we should choose Bauer as you are.
Better think again.
If we need an approval from a far more generous venture, that is a perogative worth initiating against. No matter how impartial we come across, as Blue-toothed fairytales go, if Bauer tells us 'the cow jumps over the moon,' we're automatically fans that wear t-shirts which read "Bomber property - we do what we're told. . ." (on the front) "love, Lyle Bauer" (on the back.)
Let me tell you both something in ourbombers land. . . you've got another thing coming.
If Bauer says it, it's okay, but if we say it. . . it's not??
Give me a break. Get rid of Bauer first. Then we'll break the silence barrier before walking the walk. Talking the talk is Bauer's 2-6 laugher of a team.
Quote from: Vegas on August 23, 2008, 08:01PM
Marco'll say i'm stupid, but I just don't get him.....and I'm fine with that. Because him calling me a Nerf Ball is fine with me because i'm happy with my life
Vegas makes a good point; albeit common knowledge.
Quote from: Vegas on August 23, 2008, 07:59PM
Marco, you're alive! Be Happy!
Yes, there is the path we all must take.
4 = the number of times the word 'bud' has been applied in this thread.
5 = " " " " " " 'pizza' " " " " " " .
4 = ' horny' .
0= fully clothed. no finished product. Yet glory in many ways.
So based on your unidentifiable 'unreliable' instincts, I have a value next equal to nothing with respect to post modern relativism. I can live with that.
Mercules Re: She tried, Merk. She tried.
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2008, 06:17PM »
It doesn't even matter if I am right. I base my opinion on pure instincts (might be unreliable but so far so good in life)
I place 0 value in anything you have to say.
I believe you are a genuine nut case at this point.
Sweet dreams
well, if that'd be the case. . . you'll be in charge of the filming, and you'd do all the close ups.
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2008, 06:27PM »
^and sadie has a mad crush on vegas.
Tams Re: vegas.
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2008, 06:28PM »
don't we all?
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2008, 06:28PM »
^and with that i off'd myself because of her just to make everyone happy of course. that b.
Vegas Re: vegas.
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2008, 07:59PM »
Marco, you're alive! Be Happy!
Sadie Re: vegas.
« Reply #23 on: Today at 05:53 AM »
you're great too, biggs, when you're not hating me I think you're awesome
Hap Re: vegas.
« Reply #24 on: Today at 06:09 AM »
now get in the kitchen and make with the pizza.
Vegas Re: vegas.
« Reply #26 on: Today at 02:17 PM »
that was very Gandalf of you
Quote from: toonces on August 23, 2008, 06:07PM
when i was on the phone with her that one time, i did all the talking, and she listened intently, . . .story of my life in fact.
eh, that tends to be how it goes with people. i don't usually talk very much.
which explains the tams phenomena that we all grow to hold onto.
Mercules Re: vegas.
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2008, 06:22PM »
you admire me...I'm cool with that
I'm helping to mold you at this point. It is my mission in life
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2008, 06:21PM »
did you not just give me permission for me to love you?
Mercules Re: vegas.
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2008, 06:18PM »
I will take that at face value
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2008, 06:16PM »
fine. i love you merk. there.
Mercules Re: vegas.
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2008, 06:12PM »
dude you are ridiculous...don't get mad at me
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2008, 06:14PM »i'm not mad. i'm not mad. i'm not mad.
now don't fuck off please any better?
there is no way you can be this blind. force of habit i guess.
Quote from: Vegas on August 23, 2008, 02:30PM
**gets shot by Toonces**
oddly enough I feel happy for you, sadie's a great gal.
i don't get horny, it works nicely only if pizza is involved. yet somehow i find hard to repress pizza as an adaquate metaphor for 'horny'. i seriously thought sadie enjoyed a less meaningful experience. Pizza was the best i could come up with. i'm aware it'll never happen.
if keeping it real means you while naked making a pizza with me while naked. . . we're set for life.
Mercules Re: She tried, Merk. She tried.
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2008, 06:14PM »
Dude, I honestly don't 'know' Swedes.
My gut is that she says what she means. I could be wrong.
I don't think I am blind at all.
YES YOU ARE. You just don't know it yet.
She does it to make a statement you fool. It's the fashionable thing to do, it's trendy because it's unpopular. Are you that blind??
you two are like the resistence in France, negotiating a settlement on fine wines, on a bender heading to Naples.
So this has obviously happened, smart.
You see here's the thing. . . as perverse as the reality may be, it's all about the abnormal fantasy that surrounds it. 2 internet freaks, that like night or day carve out each and every move on one another. Therefore, the sexual deviance is at a stand still, and they act on impulse only to prove which of them are the better gay person, or more so prevelant in stature. I hated each and every one of those people by the time I left that board mess. I hated it then, I hated them now, I'll hate them tomorrow. Sadly, misinformation is over-rated in the world we live in. . . so here we are. But, I use the term hate because I mean it. Who knew? Here's my case in point: They can fake it all they want, it doesn't hurt anyone.
Do people respect it? Oh, sure they do.
^mind you, i feel rather heroic in this thread
^ i get mistaken for nobody all the time.
^I came up with that myself - btw.
Quote from: Sadie on August 21, 2008, 01:40PM
christ, I had no idea they were fucking. I had to go anal and read that dramarama over there, damn.
this is why I choose not to meet (or ultimately fuck) any of you.
just complicates things and looses that pleasent anonymity you get from message boards.
That's fresh.
A couple immune to break-ups, they're also too shallow minded to admit their weaknesses. Sounds like a hate-fuck. That or an over-compulsive romp based on poor sense of self, mainly in over compensating for their sexual ambigous escapades. As result, trusting a person of Aaron's nature is simply based on fact that even if god posted on his internet board proclaiming he was the son of judas. Jen, simply has one of those extra y-chormosomes that inebriates her libido in an unwholesome fashion. Congrats on your hate-fucking endeavors.
Stupidiest thing, if someone wants to talk to you - you can reply back. That's the last I heard
Post subject: Kicking Circus Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 02:05 PM
...Don't look now ...BUT Duncan O'Mahoney is heading back to the Bomber practice field...How many shots does this guy get...He better get his act together quick...or the kicking fiasco on this team will turn into a nightmare...if it hasn't already reached that stage...Please...Taman....after the season is over (cuz i believe its too late now) straighten the Bombers kicking game fact, make it the no 1 priority,,,,this is getting ridiculous...
_________________ of the most integral parts overlooked in to hear what's NOT being said....Anonymous
Post subject: Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 03:51 PM
This is same circus that is going on in front office.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 07:46 PM
i will cry if that useless good for nothing sack-of-no-talent bum makes it back onto the roster.
I still perosnally think the biggest mistake made in the bombers kicking game this year was releasing bryan munroe. he looked fanatastic in punting averaging over 50 and in preseaon both were clear over 60 yards, and although not a placekicking specialist was getting reps in and was outkicking westwood no problem. although serna started strong he nor o'mahony should have been brought in.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 05:55 PM
This kicking fiasco is a rather ironic concept indeed.
The U of M proposal is not a good venue for this city, seeing a stadium is erected there for the Bombers? It is rather eratic to bestow such options in such a different set of circusmtances post-polo park/point douglas proposals. That being said: we've come to a cross roads in Bauer's humiliating business model as president of this club. We already reach a point that the pinnacle of such charade has impacted the team negatively on the field as a product. There is no unity conducive to a first class organization; it is a project filled with deceit, mutiny and corruption. This is all true, strictly based on fact that the present state of affairs befalls the community. How much clearer can more be brought on to prove what lay before our very eyes is the question.
It is a sad day in Winnipeg when not one of you commit to how strong this argument is fail to raise the bar. You carry hostility toward it rather than it being a positive thing to look at. We could haved hoisted Grey Cups in the past 18 years, only because Sammy Garza started ahead of Matt Dunigan (injured), Troy Westwood missing the mark in MTL vs. Calgary's Marcus Crandell, and last but not least Ryan Dinwiddie in for an injured Kevin Glenn. Which hurts us the most? I say none of them.
(1) My case in point being, through such a wide range of hysteria on the topic from Asper-to-Bauer-to a new stadium. . . the due process stems now to community that the basis of a renewal on the field stands.
(2) A new Board of Directors.
(3) The removal of Lyle Bauer immediately.
I measure things with duality, zoo. Part of me is liberally lassez faire. I'm also a traditionalist in the not so conservative department. I avoid Bauer's shot at a mini-ministry like the plague.
Actually, I decided to delete that reference. Far before you took offense to it. my bad.
Sure, so the greatest stage in all of sports wasn't a barn-burner. I'd say it was. Oh wait, I did already. go home.
No. Unless we want Bishop, and toronto has no interest in trading him within the east. We could have traded Dinwiddie for him, but if Toronto didn't want Dinwiddie and the riders do? I guess that'd make sense.
What may we ask is 'seeing the light exactly'? To agree with drastic change in ideology does not require a socioeconomic one as well. It speaks of an indian giving style of mentality. Case in point, any kind of intervention would not meet Lyle Bauer's best interest. Community ownership should in fact represent that lack of intervention which is required.
This is the same team, not the exact same team from a year ago. . . that almost came up with a Grey Cup. The qb for this team was Ryan Dinwiddie. I see nothing to prevent us from winning a Grey Cup in the future. I think this logic follows fairly honest, than what it leads to a change in ownership is not the answer. How much clearer can I make myself without the forecast of Bauer's ultimate plan? I feel I've done my part in addressing the problem NOT resorting to pro-Bauer philosophy. In fact, we had an opportunity to trade Kevin Glenn in the off-season to MTL for #13. Where does that take us, if not for the typical push-over type thinking that we give credit to? As I said already: this team narrowly missed a grey cup last year. This has nothing to do with Bauer, but has everything to do with where we are going if community ownership isn't holding Bauer accountable because he refuses to part ways with our 'viability'.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 24, 2008 - 01:02 AM
The only one who can't read is papa and piggy who are wearing the Asper tinted glasses. There is no gurantee that Asper will win any cups for Winnipeg. He has sat on the board for many years along with his cronies and we have won squat. The Jets had a private owner and where did that get us. Papa I have been going to Bomber games for 50 years. Please don't insult my itelligence with what Asper will do. If the Bombers are almost selling out their games and not spending to the max of the cap. Then this team is being mis-managed by Bauer. Other teams are not having these problems. If the Riders are selling team merchandise and making a fortune and we can't do the same. Then we have a marketing problem (Mis management )You can't even by a cheap Bomber shot glass or jersey in any department store in WPG. All aspects of how the team is operated should be looked into by a special appointed BODs. Appointed by civic and provincial gov'ts to see what is really going on before we hand over the keys to Asper for the price of a newspaper.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 23, 2008 - 11:22 PM
...sometimes drastic change is for the better bigcandiano...just takes a venturous spirit and a little imagination....change for the sake of change.....i don't like.....change for positives....yeah i can get on board...
Post subject: Posted: Aug 23, 2008 - 03:22 PM
So unsubstantiated bs equates with taking Bauer's line of bait at the end of a Bomber reefer? Right, as for the innuendo you've all but built to dismiss my critical input to suit your own, my basis is entirely of focusing on the real subject matter. This is to speak, some come to think of it, as the community ownership model.
How about your answer for that, pigseye, in the opposite form of a negated rebuttal perhaps? Please, negate this. . .again, with misunderstading as the moral high ground we land on. But, I invite you nevertheless.
Notwithstanding of course.
It's your choice.
You are either one of Bauer's following, in the ambition to place Bomber fans into a post-partum depression (of a fragile 2-6 record) or have selective memory of the position marketing profit motive.
I would take the latter for your won over satisfaction.
Please, negate this.
"Kevin Glenn is a winner." Doug Berry's hear no evil see no evil philosophy.
PIGSEYE wrote:
Like I said before, show me an actual economic forcast that concludes that this strategy will guarantee the football team will survive in the long run.
you're totally right pigseye...this venture WILL NOT proceed without govt. dollars....
So, judging from that standpoint if Bauer says "you're either with us or against us" means exactly the same thing from a COMMUNITY based equation?? (I suppose the PROFIT MOTIVE - is a mere illusion of the fact.) Perhaps, those of us that refuse to bow our heads in relief as victims have selective memory we should choose Bauer as you are.
Better think again.
If we need an approval from a far more generous venture, that is a perogative worth initiating against. No matter how impartial we come across, as Blue-toothed fairytales go, if Bauer tells us 'the cow jumps over the moon,' we're automatically fans that wear t-shirts which read "Bomber property - we do what we're told. . ." (on the front) "love, Lyle Bauer" (on the back.)
Let me tell you both something in ourbombers land. . . you've got another thing coming.
If Bauer says it, it's okay, but if we say it. . . it's not??
Give me a break. Get rid of Bauer first. Then we'll break the silence barrier before walking the walk. Talking the talk is Bauer's 2-6 laugher of a team.
Quote from: Vegas on August 23, 2008, 08:01PM
Marco'll say i'm stupid, but I just don't get him.....and I'm fine with that. Because him calling me a Nerf Ball is fine with me because i'm happy with my life
Vegas makes a good point; albeit common knowledge.
Quote from: Vegas on August 23, 2008, 07:59PM
Marco, you're alive! Be Happy!
Yes, there is the path we all must take.
4 = the number of times the word 'bud' has been applied in this thread.
5 = " " " " " " 'pizza' " " " " " " .
4 = ' horny' .
0= fully clothed. no finished product. Yet glory in many ways.
So based on your unidentifiable 'unreliable' instincts, I have a value next equal to nothing with respect to post modern relativism. I can live with that.
Mercules Re: She tried, Merk. She tried.
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2008, 06:17PM »
It doesn't even matter if I am right. I base my opinion on pure instincts (might be unreliable but so far so good in life)
I place 0 value in anything you have to say.
I believe you are a genuine nut case at this point.
Sweet dreams
well, if that'd be the case. . . you'll be in charge of the filming, and you'd do all the close ups.
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2008, 06:27PM »
^and sadie has a mad crush on vegas.
Tams Re: vegas.
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2008, 06:28PM »
don't we all?
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2008, 06:28PM »
^and with that i off'd myself because of her just to make everyone happy of course. that b.
Vegas Re: vegas.
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2008, 07:59PM »
Marco, you're alive! Be Happy!
Sadie Re: vegas.
« Reply #23 on: Today at 05:53 AM »
you're great too, biggs, when you're not hating me I think you're awesome
Hap Re: vegas.
« Reply #24 on: Today at 06:09 AM »
now get in the kitchen and make with the pizza.
Vegas Re: vegas.
« Reply #26 on: Today at 02:17 PM »
that was very Gandalf of you
Quote from: toonces on August 23, 2008, 06:07PM
when i was on the phone with her that one time, i did all the talking, and she listened intently, . . .story of my life in fact.
eh, that tends to be how it goes with people. i don't usually talk very much.
which explains the tams phenomena that we all grow to hold onto.
Mercules Re: vegas.
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2008, 06:22PM »
you admire me...I'm cool with that
I'm helping to mold you at this point. It is my mission in life
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2008, 06:21PM »
did you not just give me permission for me to love you?
Mercules Re: vegas.
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2008, 06:18PM »
I will take that at face value
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2008, 06:16PM »
fine. i love you merk. there.
Mercules Re: vegas.
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2008, 06:12PM »
dude you are ridiculous...don't get mad at me
toonces Re: vegas.
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2008, 06:14PM »i'm not mad. i'm not mad. i'm not mad.
now don't fuck off please any better?
there is no way you can be this blind. force of habit i guess.
Quote from: Vegas on August 23, 2008, 02:30PM
**gets shot by Toonces**
oddly enough I feel happy for you, sadie's a great gal.
i don't get horny, it works nicely only if pizza is involved. yet somehow i find hard to repress pizza as an adaquate metaphor for 'horny'. i seriously thought sadie enjoyed a less meaningful experience. Pizza was the best i could come up with. i'm aware it'll never happen.
if keeping it real means you while naked making a pizza with me while naked. . . we're set for life.
Mercules Re: She tried, Merk. She tried.
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2008, 06:14PM »
Dude, I honestly don't 'know' Swedes.
My gut is that she says what she means. I could be wrong.
I don't think I am blind at all.
YES YOU ARE. You just don't know it yet.
She does it to make a statement you fool. It's the fashionable thing to do, it's trendy because it's unpopular. Are you that blind??
you two are like the resistence in France, negotiating a settlement on fine wines, on a bender heading to Naples.
So this has obviously happened, smart.
You see here's the thing. . . as perverse as the reality may be, it's all about the abnormal fantasy that surrounds it. 2 internet freaks, that like night or day carve out each and every move on one another. Therefore, the sexual deviance is at a stand still, and they act on impulse only to prove which of them are the better gay person, or more so prevelant in stature. I hated each and every one of those people by the time I left that board mess. I hated it then, I hated them now, I'll hate them tomorrow. Sadly, misinformation is over-rated in the world we live in. . . so here we are. But, I use the term hate because I mean it. Who knew? Here's my case in point: They can fake it all they want, it doesn't hurt anyone.
Do people respect it? Oh, sure they do.
^mind you, i feel rather heroic in this thread
^ i get mistaken for nobody all the time.
^I came up with that myself - btw.
Quote from: Sadie on August 21, 2008, 01:40PM
christ, I had no idea they were fucking. I had to go anal and read that dramarama over there, damn.
this is why I choose not to meet (or ultimately fuck) any of you.
just complicates things and looses that pleasent anonymity you get from message boards.
That's fresh.
A couple immune to break-ups, they're also too shallow minded to admit their weaknesses. Sounds like a hate-fuck. That or an over-compulsive romp based on poor sense of self, mainly in over compensating for their sexual ambigous escapades. As result, trusting a person of Aaron's nature is simply based on fact that even if god posted on his internet board proclaiming he was the son of judas. Jen, simply has one of those extra y-chormosomes that inebriates her libido in an unwholesome fashion. Congrats on your hate-fucking endeavors.
Stupidiest thing, if someone wants to talk to you - you can reply back. That's the last I heard
Saturday, August 23, 2008
conquest of weight-loss in zero gravity
papazoola wrote:
...oh my gawd my man (trueblue08) typify the reason why this city goes no-where or takes ions to proceed in any positive've study the bloody thing to death....and have received various proposals on same....When is it we actually start DOING SOMETHING....and your last statement.....WE ARE NOT GIVING ANYTHING AWAY....the guy is investing in a venture that will net the city a brand new facility IN THE NEAR FUTURE....not some studied to death proposal that will happen in the next decade after the franchise is gonzo...We have an opportunity NOW...which will secure the Bombers for the forseeable future and beyond....I'm tired of the ring-around-the-rosy after study after study ad nauseum....IT'S TIME FOR SOME BLOODY ACTION????????good grief
Post subject: Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 09:44 PM
Papa, you should let the people of Winnipeg decide by a vote in the next election or a plebicite. Many Bombers fans don't share your's or Asper's solution to long term viability. The sky is not falling as Bauer would suggest. And by Bauer making comments eithier your with us or against us ,only creates more division amongst Winnipeg fans and residents. But he has had a good teacher in the name of Asper. Good sound Management and long term viability go hand and hand. Right now we have very poor management. Even if a new stadium is built, This will only generate X amount of dollars. Presently the Bombers are nearly selling out their games. With a 40,000 seat stadium there is no guarantee that the team could sell over 30,000 tickets per game. There is only so much entertainment capital in this city. The rest of Manitoba could care less about the Bombers. With the bad management and lack of entertainment revenues it makes no difference if a new facility is built or not. Another stumbling block is if Asper gets his new stadium who will pay the operating cost of this venue. I can tell you it won't be Asper. The taxpayer will be left holding the bag. All this for 10 games a season and some 40 + million in taxpayers money. I know you don;t like this but more study is needed.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 09:09 P
Actually, the poor mans version of Bauer's master-plan is to con-the-living into a tale of darkness.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 07:36 PM
PIGSEYE wrote:
So if the city sells off the land, why would the new owner want to share the revenues from it with the Bombers ?
Winnipeg Enterprise's reward would be the millions of dollars received for the prime real estate on Maroons Rd.
Seems to me, that selling the land would have to be contingent on the team getting a share of the revenues because a new stadium alone won't be enough to finance the team.
A new sports complex would make money for the team by operating 365 days a year, not lose money. Money from the Maroons Rd. land sale + govt. $ would provide the seed money required for building the stadium. Free land, tax breaks by the city and other concessions would pave the way for a new stadium.
Isn't that exactly what Asper is proposing ?
Yes & No. Asper wants a sweet land development deal like True North got. He also wants provincial and federal money plus he wants to own and manage the team. Asper also will likely retain some of the current BoD as consideration for voting unanimously for his letter of intent to purchase instead of resisting his hostile takeover bid of OUR team like they should have. (Talk about a conflict of interest!)
Perhaps you can provide a link to the auditors report of this new proposal so we can see that it makes financial sense for the team before we sign ?
This is Management Accounting 101. You do not continue to operate an obsolete stadium that is losing money each year on a parcel of land worth millions of dollars when you can sell the land and build a state-of-the-art sports complex that will make money for the club.
A professional marketing study should be obtained by the new Board of Directors to determine what kind of stadium should be built and where. I think that's what you meant by "auditor's report."
Auditors are like coroners. They only arrive after the body's cold. This Bomber baby is still alive and kicking! There's no reason in the world to give OUR baby away to David Asper or anybody else.
Post subject: A Call for Effective Community Ownership Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 05:39 PM
If you believe that an effective Board of Directors can lead the Bombers to a prosperous future without private ownership, then you probably agree with the following:
- the Maroons Rd. property should have been sold years ago to help finance a stadium that would generate revenues for the club 365 days a year
- a Board of Directors that truly represents the interests of its co-owners, the citizens of Winnipeg and Blue Bomber fans everywhere, would have resisted a hostile takeover bid by David Asper
- the current Bomber Board of Directors should be dissolved and a new BoD assembled that acts in the best interests of OUR community owned franchise.
If this is the case, then please sign the online petition below. Once the petition reaches its goal of 1000 signatures (more signatures will be added if public demand is high), the petition will be presented to City Hall after a press release is made to ensure that Bomber Fans' voices are heard.
# 8: 6:06 pm PDT, Aug 22, Marco Almeida, Canada
It is time for something far more reasonable in reproaching the present state of affairs. That being said: the more viable an option should be determined as it will be allocated to better the community ownership model.
buffalo1 wrote:
Who wouldn't be looking forward to a barn burner? That doesn't make sense.
Post subject: Re: RE: ...LABOUR DAY... Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 08:50 PM
I thought barn burners were thought of as games that weren't matched up evenly in the sense they're chaotic, and no one who's going to win. To me that's not dramamtic, it's just two teams playing crappy really needing to win.
Some people think that as exciting, but I don't. . . you could think of the superbowl NYG/NE as a barn burner. Meaning in my eyes, what could have been a much better football game was an all out over-achieving team over-coming the point spread. I believe "barn-burners" concur with most sport gambling enthusiasts, however, not myself.
Thus, a panda-bomber squad, and a Rider team wearing a donkey-kong outfit
If you don't agree with my definition. . . gawd help all of you.
To be honest, I was reluctant to create this thread topic. It's a labour day game that I am NOT looking forward to.
The REASON being, it'll be a total barn burner, between a panda-bomber squad, and a Rider team wearing a donkey-kong outfit. The Riders are falling back down to earth, (not like they were anything special to watch, even when they were 6-0.) Needless to say, the irony involved is simple:
1- the bomba's were a team that are playing like a 3 but should be a 10, it's been an evident disaster from the first play of scrimmage this season.
2- the riders on the other hand are a team playing like a 10, but are nothing more than a 5 or less.
Plain as cream-cheese folks. . . this labour day game is a barn burner.
It's worth mentioning my personal-self in the manner beaf implies, because it has very little to do with what actually affected me. What I tried to explain was rather simple if I do say so myself: it's rather convenient that I dismiss your view, equating me with michael phelps. That's all I in fact had done, so to ask me 'why' at this conjecture is rather becoming of the situation that developed. It's a double edged sword, mr.beaf. So, I thank you for that. But the disguise is quite vague, if you think asking a loaded question in some obscure sense of using reverse psychology has anything to do with it, again. . . you're shooting yourself in the foot. I also take the liberty in answering your question as truthfully. But, if this answer doen't suffice, I can impress any other question with the same regard. I've got a million of them, when the truth is all that sets you free apparently.
So yes, I have no problem having dismissed your original statement. I still do. In fact I did. Then, I did it a second time. Now, I'm doing it a third. Perhaps, I'll do it a forth. You be the judge. heh.
beaf Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #39 on: Today at 05:43 PM »
jesus christ neverfuckingmind i just won't address you or refer to you anymore. let's see you find a way to be insulted then
I concur.
beaf Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #36 on: Today at 03:58 PM »
bigc, you went from fine with my post at 5pm to hating the same post at 7:30pm
why did the intent shift in two and a half hours without a post from me in that time period?
Quote from: beaf on Today at 02:47 AM
but i'm the moron
Beaf and merk specifically. Vegas to a lesser degree. I mean, I wasn't saying anything about phelps. When I learned he lives with adhd I found myself connected to the person.
Then as I said in my post:
some of you get too comfortable in the habit of monikering myself for so many years, that you fail to see the absurdity of your own posts. I can live with miscommunication (because this is the internet) but knowing exactly where you guys are coming from is a different story altogether.
. . . because I wasn't "cutting phelps down" or in beaf's words decieving my own athletic ability through lack of will power, or in vegas proclaiming I'm worthy of comparison to "the greatest olympian" of all time.
It's just an intelligent guy (me) having to debunk for the record.
who are you mad at this time, biggs?
VegasRe: uhmazing...
« Reply #31 on: Today at 10:54 AM »I'll pretend that I get it, but I really don't
^what else is new.
re; retard-unity
No need to be confused, we all should know when to feel sorry for a spaz-retard. That being said: it's much easier to escape back into the foxhole you came out of with some form of intent no matter whether it was unprovoked, or perpetuating maliciously or not. That way, you know, it's way better to come-back through cowardice then to pretend it's not what was meant in the first place. You know, it's okay when you do it but it's not okay if the other guy. . .
Oh yeah, I was making fun of michael phelps. Being a retard means never having to say your sorry.
Mercules « Reply #26 on: Today at 02:43 AM »So you are admitting Phelps could beat you in the 100m backstroke?
beaf « Reply #27 on: Today at 02:47 AM »and once again, bigc takes offense to an inoffensive comment / but i'm the moron
==================Vegas Re: Things you do at work when you're not working
« Reply #44 on: Today at 07:37 PM »
Big C is the Socrates of our time
Reg Re: Things you do at work when you're not working
« Reply #43 on: Today at 06:46 PM »
how's tanya, big c?
Quote from: Sadie on August 21, 2008, 01:40PM
christ, I had no idea they were fucking. I had to go anal and read that dramarama over there, damn.
this is why I choose not to meet (or ultimately fuck) any of you.
just complicates things and looses that pleasent anonymity you get from message boards.
That's fresh.
A couple immune to break-ups, they're also too shallow minded to admit their weaknesses. Sounds like a hate-fuck. That or an over-compulsive romp based on poor sense of self, mainly in over compensating for their sexual ambigous escapades. As result, trusting a person of Aaron's nature is simply based on fact that even if god posted on his internet board proclaiming he was the son of judas. Jen, simply has one of those extra y-chormosomes that inebriates her libido in an unwholesome fashion. Congrats on your hate-fucking endeavors.
Stupidiest thing, if someone wants to talk to you - you can reply back. That's the last I heard.
...oh my gawd my man (trueblue08) typify the reason why this city goes no-where or takes ions to proceed in any positive've study the bloody thing to death....and have received various proposals on same....When is it we actually start DOING SOMETHING....and your last statement.....WE ARE NOT GIVING ANYTHING AWAY....the guy is investing in a venture that will net the city a brand new facility IN THE NEAR FUTURE....not some studied to death proposal that will happen in the next decade after the franchise is gonzo...We have an opportunity NOW...which will secure the Bombers for the forseeable future and beyond....I'm tired of the ring-around-the-rosy after study after study ad nauseum....IT'S TIME FOR SOME BLOODY ACTION????????good grief
Post subject: Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 09:44 PM
Papa, you should let the people of Winnipeg decide by a vote in the next election or a plebicite. Many Bombers fans don't share your's or Asper's solution to long term viability. The sky is not falling as Bauer would suggest. And by Bauer making comments eithier your with us or against us ,only creates more division amongst Winnipeg fans and residents. But he has had a good teacher in the name of Asper. Good sound Management and long term viability go hand and hand. Right now we have very poor management. Even if a new stadium is built, This will only generate X amount of dollars. Presently the Bombers are nearly selling out their games. With a 40,000 seat stadium there is no guarantee that the team could sell over 30,000 tickets per game. There is only so much entertainment capital in this city. The rest of Manitoba could care less about the Bombers. With the bad management and lack of entertainment revenues it makes no difference if a new facility is built or not. Another stumbling block is if Asper gets his new stadium who will pay the operating cost of this venue. I can tell you it won't be Asper. The taxpayer will be left holding the bag. All this for 10 games a season and some 40 + million in taxpayers money. I know you don;t like this but more study is needed.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 09:09 P
Actually, the poor mans version of Bauer's master-plan is to con-the-living into a tale of darkness.
Post subject: Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 07:36 PM
PIGSEYE wrote:
So if the city sells off the land, why would the new owner want to share the revenues from it with the Bombers ?
Winnipeg Enterprise's reward would be the millions of dollars received for the prime real estate on Maroons Rd.
Seems to me, that selling the land would have to be contingent on the team getting a share of the revenues because a new stadium alone won't be enough to finance the team.
A new sports complex would make money for the team by operating 365 days a year, not lose money. Money from the Maroons Rd. land sale + govt. $ would provide the seed money required for building the stadium. Free land, tax breaks by the city and other concessions would pave the way for a new stadium.
Isn't that exactly what Asper is proposing ?
Yes & No. Asper wants a sweet land development deal like True North got. He also wants provincial and federal money plus he wants to own and manage the team. Asper also will likely retain some of the current BoD as consideration for voting unanimously for his letter of intent to purchase instead of resisting his hostile takeover bid of OUR team like they should have. (Talk about a conflict of interest!)
Perhaps you can provide a link to the auditors report of this new proposal so we can see that it makes financial sense for the team before we sign ?
This is Management Accounting 101. You do not continue to operate an obsolete stadium that is losing money each year on a parcel of land worth millions of dollars when you can sell the land and build a state-of-the-art sports complex that will make money for the club.
A professional marketing study should be obtained by the new Board of Directors to determine what kind of stadium should be built and where. I think that's what you meant by "auditor's report."
Auditors are like coroners. They only arrive after the body's cold. This Bomber baby is still alive and kicking! There's no reason in the world to give OUR baby away to David Asper or anybody else.
Post subject: A Call for Effective Community Ownership Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 05:39 PM
If you believe that an effective Board of Directors can lead the Bombers to a prosperous future without private ownership, then you probably agree with the following:
- the Maroons Rd. property should have been sold years ago to help finance a stadium that would generate revenues for the club 365 days a year
- a Board of Directors that truly represents the interests of its co-owners, the citizens of Winnipeg and Blue Bomber fans everywhere, would have resisted a hostile takeover bid by David Asper
- the current Bomber Board of Directors should be dissolved and a new BoD assembled that acts in the best interests of OUR community owned franchise.
If this is the case, then please sign the online petition below. Once the petition reaches its goal of 1000 signatures (more signatures will be added if public demand is high), the petition will be presented to City Hall after a press release is made to ensure that Bomber Fans' voices are heard.
# 8: 6:06 pm PDT, Aug 22, Marco Almeida, Canada
It is time for something far more reasonable in reproaching the present state of affairs. That being said: the more viable an option should be determined as it will be allocated to better the community ownership model.
buffalo1 wrote:
Who wouldn't be looking forward to a barn burner? That doesn't make sense.
Post subject: Re: RE: ...LABOUR DAY... Posted: Aug 22, 2008 - 08:50 PM
I thought barn burners were thought of as games that weren't matched up evenly in the sense they're chaotic, and no one who's going to win. To me that's not dramamtic, it's just two teams playing crappy really needing to win.
Some people think that as exciting, but I don't. . . you could think of the superbowl NYG/NE as a barn burner. Meaning in my eyes, what could have been a much better football game was an all out over-achieving team over-coming the point spread. I believe "barn-burners" concur with most sport gambling enthusiasts, however, not myself.
Thus, a panda-bomber squad, and a Rider team wearing a donkey-kong outfit
If you don't agree with my definition. . . gawd help all of you.
To be honest, I was reluctant to create this thread topic. It's a labour day game that I am NOT looking forward to.
The REASON being, it'll be a total barn burner, between a panda-bomber squad, and a Rider team wearing a donkey-kong outfit. The Riders are falling back down to earth, (not like they were anything special to watch, even when they were 6-0.) Needless to say, the irony involved is simple:
1- the bomba's were a team that are playing like a 3 but should be a 10, it's been an evident disaster from the first play of scrimmage this season.
2- the riders on the other hand are a team playing like a 10, but are nothing more than a 5 or less.
Plain as cream-cheese folks. . . this labour day game is a barn burner.
It's worth mentioning my personal-self in the manner beaf implies, because it has very little to do with what actually affected me. What I tried to explain was rather simple if I do say so myself: it's rather convenient that I dismiss your view, equating me with michael phelps. That's all I in fact had done, so to ask me 'why' at this conjecture is rather becoming of the situation that developed. It's a double edged sword, mr.beaf. So, I thank you for that. But the disguise is quite vague, if you think asking a loaded question in some obscure sense of using reverse psychology has anything to do with it, again. . . you're shooting yourself in the foot. I also take the liberty in answering your question as truthfully. But, if this answer doen't suffice, I can impress any other question with the same regard. I've got a million of them, when the truth is all that sets you free apparently.
So yes, I have no problem having dismissed your original statement. I still do. In fact I did. Then, I did it a second time. Now, I'm doing it a third. Perhaps, I'll do it a forth. You be the judge. heh.
beaf Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #39 on: Today at 05:43 PM »
jesus christ neverfuckingmind i just won't address you or refer to you anymore. let's see you find a way to be insulted then
I concur.
beaf Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #36 on: Today at 03:58 PM »
bigc, you went from fine with my post at 5pm to hating the same post at 7:30pm
why did the intent shift in two and a half hours without a post from me in that time period?
Quote from: beaf on Today at 02:47 AM
but i'm the moron
Beaf and merk specifically. Vegas to a lesser degree. I mean, I wasn't saying anything about phelps. When I learned he lives with adhd I found myself connected to the person.
Then as I said in my post:
some of you get too comfortable in the habit of monikering myself for so many years, that you fail to see the absurdity of your own posts. I can live with miscommunication (because this is the internet) but knowing exactly where you guys are coming from is a different story altogether.
. . . because I wasn't "cutting phelps down" or in beaf's words decieving my own athletic ability through lack of will power, or in vegas proclaiming I'm worthy of comparison to "the greatest olympian" of all time.
It's just an intelligent guy (me) having to debunk for the record.
who are you mad at this time, biggs?
VegasRe: uhmazing...
« Reply #31 on: Today at 10:54 AM »I'll pretend that I get it, but I really don't
^what else is new.
re; retard-unity
No need to be confused, we all should know when to feel sorry for a spaz-retard. That being said: it's much easier to escape back into the foxhole you came out of with some form of intent no matter whether it was unprovoked, or perpetuating maliciously or not. That way, you know, it's way better to come-back through cowardice then to pretend it's not what was meant in the first place. You know, it's okay when you do it but it's not okay if the other guy. . .
Oh yeah, I was making fun of michael phelps. Being a retard means never having to say your sorry.
Mercules « Reply #26 on: Today at 02:43 AM »So you are admitting Phelps could beat you in the 100m backstroke?
beaf « Reply #27 on: Today at 02:47 AM »and once again, bigc takes offense to an inoffensive comment / but i'm the moron
==================Vegas Re: Things you do at work when you're not working
« Reply #44 on: Today at 07:37 PM »
Big C is the Socrates of our time
Reg Re: Things you do at work when you're not working
« Reply #43 on: Today at 06:46 PM »
how's tanya, big c?
Quote from: Sadie on August 21, 2008, 01:40PM
christ, I had no idea they were fucking. I had to go anal and read that dramarama over there, damn.
this is why I choose not to meet (or ultimately fuck) any of you.
just complicates things and looses that pleasent anonymity you get from message boards.
That's fresh.
A couple immune to break-ups, they're also too shallow minded to admit their weaknesses. Sounds like a hate-fuck. That or an over-compulsive romp based on poor sense of self, mainly in over compensating for their sexual ambigous escapades. As result, trusting a person of Aaron's nature is simply based on fact that even if god posted on his internet board proclaiming he was the son of judas. Jen, simply has one of those extra y-chormosomes that inebriates her libido in an unwholesome fashion. Congrats on your hate-fucking endeavors.
Stupidiest thing, if someone wants to talk to you - you can reply back. That's the last I heard.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
michael phelps has adhd
Post subject: Posted: Aug 21, 2008 - 08:23 AM
Joined: Sep 22, 2007
Posts: 50
Status: Offline
What is disturbing about the latest Asper proposal is
that the public has no vote. Asper now wants to build a new stadium at the U of M. Where will the cash cow be located (MALL) Or will the taxpayer be the sugar daddy ?
If the Polo Park location is dead then a new vote should be done by bomber board of directors. This is a new proposal and is not what the board agreed to.
It's hard to tell what was said to this incompetant bunch who sit on board. Maybe they got a box of free left over Asper hot dogs. The government should kick this gang out and put in place a new board that will run this team and be accountable to the public. Not Bauer or Asper.
Not to steal your thunder here^, but that was very well put. Aside from the ego-maniacs. . . this team needs a facelift in the worst way. A majority of this befalling on an inadequate BoD's that have succumbed to the totalitarian propter Bauer.
We can say this: Bauer is illegitimate right along side a brain washed BoD. There is absolutely no doubt about that whatsoever, especially considering the 'community ownership' label has been removed into the clandistine 'toxic waste' department. . . located on the foot of this present BoD boardroom. Maybe there's a trap door beneath Bauer's executive chair as well, (someone forgot to check the batteries.)
Post subject: Posted: Aug 21, 2008 - 12:11 PM
Joined: Apr 06, 2005
Posts: 4535
imo, people such as (in example only) bigco and sanjay are avoiding the big picture, which is the financial viability of the team in the long run. Without league handouts and GC hostings, the team can not stay out of the red even in the sms era. So your choices become twofold. Maintain the status quo and lower spending to match revenues, which puts us behind the rest of the teams in the league in terms of payroll or take a run at the GC only in those years when we host it or switch divisions, relying on the revenue for both, to field a competitive team, every 10 years or so. That last method has gotten us exactly 0 GCs in the past 18 years and it clearly isn't working.
So along comes the biggest Bomber fan in the province, who just happens to be a billionaire, who would like to own the franchise and put them into a building that will generate more revenue, as well as give them a guraranteed revenue stream from a retail complex, ensuring they will be viable and competitive with the other teams in the league for the forseeable future.
I frankly don't care where the money or location or whatever for a new stadium comes from, or if Asper gets even richer off the deal. Just as long as the viability of the football team is guaranteed for the future. It's the last freakin professional team we have left in this decaying city and I would hope that everyone involved in this process realizes that.
As for the Asper legacy, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting some facility that this family hasn't spearheaded the cause for, and that's only the stuff you actually hear about. There hasn't been a family in Winnipeg (even the Richardsons) who have given so much to this city and have never once asked for anything in return.
....GOOD POST for me, i'm sick and tired of all the far as i'm concerned there should be shovels in the ground bulding the new facility right now...and if it weren't for so many fingers-in-the-pie- (fed, etc.)...that's exactly what would be happening ...Debate is great....and i think everyone that is concerned has voiced an opinion and con...There comes a time when you either poop or get off the pot...I'll say once again...the FUTURE of this franchise hangs in the balance...and that is the big picture for football fans in the Peg...Whichever way this thing goes,
will ultimately determine the direction this city will be heading....Stick with a paste-up job of the old facility and the mediocrity we now only too well in Wpg. orrrrr go with an investor who has his heart and his wallet in an exciting enterprise for the YOUR heart, as a Bomber fan ...what would you prefer??????????...choice is yours...
With all due respect, you both equally deserve full marks for the rebuttals and I take nothing away from those opinions which merit quality given integrity. I consider those the kinds of opinions that deserve credit, which offer clarity in your positions respectively. (unlike the canon fodder that goes on in subsequent boards that shall remain nameless.) I'm looking for guts here. That's all I ask for.
My mom told me this at lunch, it really opened my eyes to hear it. Then I started wondering what makes me different from achieving 8 gold medals? I only came up with one thing, like most ADDers, Phelps must love the attention.
Talk about being under the microscope.
Then I talked to my dad about Phelps double-jointed-ness. . .
"His size-14 feet reportedly bend 15 degrees farther at the ankle than most other swimmers, turning his feet into virtual flippers. This flexibility also extends to his knees and elbows, possibly allowing him to get more out of each stroke."
^I heard about this when at the lake this week-end, that this boy consumes over 10,000 calories a day, then I thought, man I wish I could be that guy.
With that kind of turn-around, topping up his carbohydrate count is key, Ms Lewin suggested. The copious amount of refined carbohydrates consumed in the bread and pasta he eats will digest quickly and give the swimmer instant energy.
Phelps, who weighs around 85kg (187lbs), understands this. Asked what was needed to continue his gold-medal winning streak, he said simply: "Get some calories into my system and try to recover the best I can."
I weigh as much as this guy.
I've paid a photo radar ticket, the largest I've ever received at 220.bananas.
I refused to acknowledge a visual sign (which I apparently missed) reading 60km per hour. That sign is located off of a highway, then into a u-shaped exit. . . you get the idea, one of those freeway type of exits. The reason it was stating 60km though is beyond the normal speed limit allowed on most freeway exists, which is usually between 40-50km per hour tops. However, this sign was supposedly meant to indicate (not the speed limit for the freeway's exit,) but because we were nearing a construction zone. Now, inexplicably this construction season during which the work is at its height, the police-force has been issuing a suicide mission against driving above 60km per hour in construction zones. Mainly the cause being speeding (though how excessive no one can say for sure. . . ) is the reason behind enforcing foto-radar in construction zones. People would neglect the by-law and not reduce their speed.
I guess I don't really have a case, but I'm prefering to be blind to the infraction and just pay due diligence. Though, I suppose I could have suggested to the magistrate, some form of bs story to alleviate the fine. . . no matter. What's done is paid for.
The question is: maybe I could have helped prove that the radar-enforcement does not warrant enough time to recognize the construction speed limit as it was posted. I used the speed limit on the exit, but I didn't realize until later that it was intended for the construction speed limit.
I might have had a case here. Meaning the sign was not indicative enough, especially because I normally don't commute in that part of the city. Sounds reasonable enough I guess.
I hear your money grows on trees. Nobody pays radar tickets.
I should have spoken with someone like you first. What was I supposed to do. I feel like an idiot, damned if i do, damned if i don't sort of thing.
Just getting the thing = i don't want to fight, for something i didn't want in the first place. Fuck. I knew i shouldn't have paid it.
There's nothing wrong with paying your traffic fine if you're guilty. Don't beat yourself up. Maybe things have changed, but when I was in BC photo radar was the easiest thing to fight because the equipment was notoriously unreliable, so all you had to do was ask for a trial and the Crown would drop it.
Quote from: Sadie on Today at 10:49 AM
also, there are a lot of Beatle/Lennon fans crazier than I am...he's smart to want to stay in prison where he's safer.
Knowing you sadie, even if you wouldn't "feel safe. . ." no matter what my intentions are, no matter how complex, no matter how deceiving you think the internet may be.
The circumstances (as I see them) are far more simpler-minded to me, that I wouldn't harm a fly, that doesn't mean I still wouldn't love to meet you. Yet, it is your right to refuse. (If you rationally equate what I'm getting through. . . That should act as a compliment to you.)
Quote from: Sadie on Today at 10:48 AM
who gives a shit, he's just trying to make nice to get out, which he never will.
let him rot.
I think we're safe in assuming he doesn't know the difference between fantasy/reality. . . which is far more sensitive in this case of study. Human behavior or not he's still only human; the real test being whether he knows the difference which only true case-study professionals would speak of.
in the next week. . .Share
Today at 1:55pm | Edit Note | Delete
it is my birthday (Aug. 27) I will be 31 this year. (circa2008) I suppose I've been thinking a lot about myself as an individual. For the first time since I was younger, I am actually looking forward to my birthday. . . as if it symbolizes a renewal of some sort only I can comprehend as I relate to it. It might be, because I feel I've become "full circle" in so much of my past-to-present experience. I feel reborn on some level that I haven't seen in my adulthood. . . until today. That must mean something? I feel I've grown both spiritually and as a human being (man).
To those I love, you know who you are.
To those that don't know the difference. . . try as hard as you can.
Mercules Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #18 on: Today at 11:44 AM »
Are you actually try to cut the guy down?
Vegas Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #19 on: Today at 12:53 PM »
just comparing him to the greatest athlete in Olympic history
Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #20 on: Today at 03:12 PM
we're just trying to figure out what makes him tick - other than the roids.
beaf Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #21 on: Today at 04:13 PM »
i'm gonna add determination and athletic ability to the difference between phelps and bigc
toonces Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #22 on: Today at 05:12 PM »
^that's pretty hard to refute; but this is all about a good conversation piece. . . that's it.
Mercules Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #23 on: Today at 07:11 PM »
Quote from: beaf on Today at 04:13 PM
i'm gonna add determination and athletic ability to the difference between phelps and bigc
Beave's my boy
toonces Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #24 on: Today at 07:50 PM »
Here is what you find hard to understand; I wasn't bashing Phelps by any stretch of the imagination. I was complimenting him.
Now for the 'harder' part: it's as though some of you get too comfortable in the habit of monikering myself for so many years, that you fail to see the absurdity of your own posts. I can live with miscommunication (because this is the internet) but knowing exactly where you guys are coming from is a different story altogether. My reason for saying this is simple, if I were a newbie to this board and you guys weren't so apathetic, or defensive for illogical reasons, I wouldn't know the difference. Therefore, I'd sit here with a pencil in my nose. However, because people such as merk or beaf take liberty as if it's some form of entertainment, it's tough for you to accept how I might interpret your own idiocy.
I wasn't belittling Phelps, and I'm fully aware that he'd give a rats ass anyhow. So what the fuck is your point, you retarded american-morons, that's what.
Quote from: toonces on Today at 10:18 AM
My mom told me this at lunch, it really opened my eyes to hear it. Then I started wondering what makes me different from achieving 8 gold medals? I only came up with one thing, like most ADDers, Phelps must love the attention.
Talk about being under the microscope.
Then I talked to my dad about Phelps double-jointed-ness. . .
"His size-14 feet reportedly bend 15 degrees farther at the ankle than most other swimmers, turning his feet into virtual flippers. This flexibility also extends to his knees and elbows, possibly allowing him to get more out of each stroke."
^I heard about this when at the lake this week-end, that this boy consumes over 10,000 calories a day, then I thought, man I wish I could be that guy.
I weigh as much as this guy.
How you guys mistaken this^ for as my conceited, over zealous, brand of thought. . . is fucking beyond all of you. And that's pretty sad. Mark this day as the day merk and beave stuck a head in each others ass, wanting to figure out how to get their heads into Phelps turd-hole.
p.s. fucking unbelievable. . . get bent.
How about a better question:
the immovable force that is y-lyle bauer has x-board of directors sitting on their hands.
the answer:
Tell me, with a circus act of panda's masquerading as a football team, the barenstein bears, gives you a heavy hearted bleeding heart brand of fans (that conspire along the lines of Rider noteriety). . . then refuse to part ways with Bauer, because lord knows Lyle is the grim reaper of this team. Without him, there is no future?
This team needs a horse, badly. The problem is, each and every fan has been hypnotized into comatose while the team fails on the field, where our product belongs, but are being treated as scapegoats for a more "prosperous" future that depends on Bauer/Asper.
If that doesn't sound farmiliar, it isn't far from the (sad) iconic truth.
But those that rather not read it in weep, correct it without thinking for themselves.
Removing Bauer/Taman, or the BoD's is far too much to grasp.
What ill fated, twisted, bitter-sweet. . . irony. How is it that we can't accept winning, if it means taking Bauer out with the trash??
Post subject: Posted: Aug 21, 2008 - 08:23 AM
Joined: Sep 22, 2007
Posts: 50
Status: Offline
What is disturbing about the latest Asper proposal is
that the public has no vote. Asper now wants to build a new stadium at the U of M. Where will the cash cow be located (MALL) Or will the taxpayer be the sugar daddy ?
If the Polo Park location is dead then a new vote should be done by bomber board of directors. This is a new proposal and is not what the board agreed to.
It's hard to tell what was said to this incompetant bunch who sit on board. Maybe they got a box of free left over Asper hot dogs. The government should kick this gang out and put in place a new board that will run this team and be accountable to the public. Not Bauer or Asper.
Not to steal your thunder here^, but that was very well put. Aside from the ego-maniacs. . . this team needs a facelift in the worst way. A majority of this befalling on an inadequate BoD's that have succumbed to the totalitarian propter Bauer.
We can say this: Bauer is illegitimate right along side a brain washed BoD. There is absolutely no doubt about that whatsoever, especially considering the 'community ownership' label has been removed into the clandistine 'toxic waste' department. . . located on the foot of this present BoD boardroom. Maybe there's a trap door beneath Bauer's executive chair as well, (someone forgot to check the batteries.)
Post subject: Posted: Aug 21, 2008 - 12:11 PM
Joined: Apr 06, 2005
Posts: 4535
imo, people such as (in example only) bigco and sanjay are avoiding the big picture, which is the financial viability of the team in the long run. Without league handouts and GC hostings, the team can not stay out of the red even in the sms era. So your choices become twofold. Maintain the status quo and lower spending to match revenues, which puts us behind the rest of the teams in the league in terms of payroll or take a run at the GC only in those years when we host it or switch divisions, relying on the revenue for both, to field a competitive team, every 10 years or so. That last method has gotten us exactly 0 GCs in the past 18 years and it clearly isn't working.
So along comes the biggest Bomber fan in the province, who just happens to be a billionaire, who would like to own the franchise and put them into a building that will generate more revenue, as well as give them a guraranteed revenue stream from a retail complex, ensuring they will be viable and competitive with the other teams in the league for the forseeable future.
I frankly don't care where the money or location or whatever for a new stadium comes from, or if Asper gets even richer off the deal. Just as long as the viability of the football team is guaranteed for the future. It's the last freakin professional team we have left in this decaying city and I would hope that everyone involved in this process realizes that.
As for the Asper legacy, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting some facility that this family hasn't spearheaded the cause for, and that's only the stuff you actually hear about. There hasn't been a family in Winnipeg (even the Richardsons) who have given so much to this city and have never once asked for anything in return.
....GOOD POST for me, i'm sick and tired of all the far as i'm concerned there should be shovels in the ground bulding the new facility right now...and if it weren't for so many fingers-in-the-pie- (fed, etc.)...that's exactly what would be happening ...Debate is great....and i think everyone that is concerned has voiced an opinion and con...There comes a time when you either poop or get off the pot...I'll say once again...the FUTURE of this franchise hangs in the balance...and that is the big picture for football fans in the Peg...Whichever way this thing goes,
will ultimately determine the direction this city will be heading....Stick with a paste-up job of the old facility and the mediocrity we now only too well in Wpg. orrrrr go with an investor who has his heart and his wallet in an exciting enterprise for the YOUR heart, as a Bomber fan ...what would you prefer??????????...choice is yours...
With all due respect, you both equally deserve full marks for the rebuttals and I take nothing away from those opinions which merit quality given integrity. I consider those the kinds of opinions that deserve credit, which offer clarity in your positions respectively. (unlike the canon fodder that goes on in subsequent boards that shall remain nameless.) I'm looking for guts here. That's all I ask for.
My mom told me this at lunch, it really opened my eyes to hear it. Then I started wondering what makes me different from achieving 8 gold medals? I only came up with one thing, like most ADDers, Phelps must love the attention.
Talk about being under the microscope.
Then I talked to my dad about Phelps double-jointed-ness. . .
"His size-14 feet reportedly bend 15 degrees farther at the ankle than most other swimmers, turning his feet into virtual flippers. This flexibility also extends to his knees and elbows, possibly allowing him to get more out of each stroke."
Consequently, trying to emulate the Phelps diet by consuming up to 12,000 calories a day in order to attain his physique would more than likely come to a wobbly end.
One pound of fat has roughly 3,500 calories, so an ordinary man could put on almost three pounds of fat a day.
^I heard about this when at the lake this week-end, that this boy consumes over 10,000 calories a day, then I thought, man I wish I could be that guy.
With that kind of turn-around, topping up his carbohydrate count is key, Ms Lewin suggested. The copious amount of refined carbohydrates consumed in the bread and pasta he eats will digest quickly and give the swimmer instant energy.
Phelps, who weighs around 85kg (187lbs), understands this. Asked what was needed to continue his gold-medal winning streak, he said simply: "Get some calories into my system and try to recover the best I can."
I weigh as much as this guy.
"I recognized that that 25-year-old man, I don't think he really appreciated the life that he was taking, that this was a human being," he said. "I feel now at 53 I have grown into a deeper understanding of what a human life is. I have changed a lot."
I've paid a photo radar ticket, the largest I've ever received at 220.bananas.
I refused to acknowledge a visual sign (which I apparently missed) reading 60km per hour. That sign is located off of a highway, then into a u-shaped exit. . . you get the idea, one of those freeway type of exits. The reason it was stating 60km though is beyond the normal speed limit allowed on most freeway exists, which is usually between 40-50km per hour tops. However, this sign was supposedly meant to indicate (not the speed limit for the freeway's exit,) but because we were nearing a construction zone. Now, inexplicably this construction season during which the work is at its height, the police-force has been issuing a suicide mission against driving above 60km per hour in construction zones. Mainly the cause being speeding (though how excessive no one can say for sure. . . ) is the reason behind enforcing foto-radar in construction zones. People would neglect the by-law and not reduce their speed.
I guess I don't really have a case, but I'm prefering to be blind to the infraction and just pay due diligence. Though, I suppose I could have suggested to the magistrate, some form of bs story to alleviate the fine. . . no matter. What's done is paid for.
The question is: maybe I could have helped prove that the radar-enforcement does not warrant enough time to recognize the construction speed limit as it was posted. I used the speed limit on the exit, but I didn't realize until later that it was intended for the construction speed limit.
I might have had a case here. Meaning the sign was not indicative enough, especially because I normally don't commute in that part of the city. Sounds reasonable enough I guess.
I hear your money grows on trees. Nobody pays radar tickets.
I should have spoken with someone like you first. What was I supposed to do. I feel like an idiot, damned if i do, damned if i don't sort of thing.
Just getting the thing = i don't want to fight, for something i didn't want in the first place. Fuck. I knew i shouldn't have paid it.
There's nothing wrong with paying your traffic fine if you're guilty. Don't beat yourself up. Maybe things have changed, but when I was in BC photo radar was the easiest thing to fight because the equipment was notoriously unreliable, so all you had to do was ask for a trial and the Crown would drop it.
Quote from: Sadie on Today at 10:49 AM
also, there are a lot of Beatle/Lennon fans crazier than I am...he's smart to want to stay in prison where he's safer.
Knowing you sadie, even if you wouldn't "feel safe. . ." no matter what my intentions are, no matter how complex, no matter how deceiving you think the internet may be.
The circumstances (as I see them) are far more simpler-minded to me, that I wouldn't harm a fly, that doesn't mean I still wouldn't love to meet you. Yet, it is your right to refuse. (If you rationally equate what I'm getting through. . . That should act as a compliment to you.)
Quote from: Sadie on Today at 10:48 AM
who gives a shit, he's just trying to make nice to get out, which he never will.
let him rot.
I think we're safe in assuming he doesn't know the difference between fantasy/reality. . . which is far more sensitive in this case of study. Human behavior or not he's still only human; the real test being whether he knows the difference which only true case-study professionals would speak of.
in the next week. . .Share
Today at 1:55pm | Edit Note | Delete
it is my birthday (Aug. 27) I will be 31 this year. (circa2008) I suppose I've been thinking a lot about myself as an individual. For the first time since I was younger, I am actually looking forward to my birthday. . . as if it symbolizes a renewal of some sort only I can comprehend as I relate to it. It might be, because I feel I've become "full circle" in so much of my past-to-present experience. I feel reborn on some level that I haven't seen in my adulthood. . . until today. That must mean something? I feel I've grown both spiritually and as a human being (man).
To those I love, you know who you are.
To those that don't know the difference. . . try as hard as you can.
Mercules Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #18 on: Today at 11:44 AM »
Are you actually try to cut the guy down?
Vegas Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #19 on: Today at 12:53 PM »
just comparing him to the greatest athlete in Olympic history
Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #20 on: Today at 03:12 PM
we're just trying to figure out what makes him tick - other than the roids.
beaf Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #21 on: Today at 04:13 PM »
i'm gonna add determination and athletic ability to the difference between phelps and bigc
toonces Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #22 on: Today at 05:12 PM »
^that's pretty hard to refute; but this is all about a good conversation piece. . . that's it.
Mercules Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #23 on: Today at 07:11 PM »
Quote from: beaf on Today at 04:13 PM
i'm gonna add determination and athletic ability to the difference between phelps and bigc
Beave's my boy
toonces Re: uhmazing...
« Reply #24 on: Today at 07:50 PM »
Here is what you find hard to understand; I wasn't bashing Phelps by any stretch of the imagination. I was complimenting him.
Now for the 'harder' part: it's as though some of you get too comfortable in the habit of monikering myself for so many years, that you fail to see the absurdity of your own posts. I can live with miscommunication (because this is the internet) but knowing exactly where you guys are coming from is a different story altogether. My reason for saying this is simple, if I were a newbie to this board and you guys weren't so apathetic, or defensive for illogical reasons, I wouldn't know the difference. Therefore, I'd sit here with a pencil in my nose. However, because people such as merk or beaf take liberty as if it's some form of entertainment, it's tough for you to accept how I might interpret your own idiocy.
I wasn't belittling Phelps, and I'm fully aware that he'd give a rats ass anyhow. So what the fuck is your point, you retarded american-morons, that's what.
Quote from: toonces on Today at 10:18 AM
My mom told me this at lunch, it really opened my eyes to hear it. Then I started wondering what makes me different from achieving 8 gold medals? I only came up with one thing, like most ADDers, Phelps must love the attention.
Talk about being under the microscope.
Then I talked to my dad about Phelps double-jointed-ness. . .
"His size-14 feet reportedly bend 15 degrees farther at the ankle than most other swimmers, turning his feet into virtual flippers. This flexibility also extends to his knees and elbows, possibly allowing him to get more out of each stroke."
^I heard about this when at the lake this week-end, that this boy consumes over 10,000 calories a day, then I thought, man I wish I could be that guy.
I weigh as much as this guy.
How you guys mistaken this^ for as my conceited, over zealous, brand of thought. . . is fucking beyond all of you. And that's pretty sad. Mark this day as the day merk and beave stuck a head in each others ass, wanting to figure out how to get their heads into Phelps turd-hole.
p.s. fucking unbelievable. . . get bent.
How about a better question:
the immovable force that is y-lyle bauer has x-board of directors sitting on their hands.
the answer:
Tell me, with a circus act of panda's masquerading as a football team, the barenstein bears, gives you a heavy hearted bleeding heart brand of fans (that conspire along the lines of Rider noteriety). . . then refuse to part ways with Bauer, because lord knows Lyle is the grim reaper of this team. Without him, there is no future?
This team needs a horse, badly. The problem is, each and every fan has been hypnotized into comatose while the team fails on the field, where our product belongs, but are being treated as scapegoats for a more "prosperous" future that depends on Bauer/Asper.
If that doesn't sound farmiliar, it isn't far from the (sad) iconic truth.
But those that rather not read it in weep, correct it without thinking for themselves.
Removing Bauer/Taman, or the BoD's is far too much to grasp.
What ill fated, twisted, bitter-sweet. . . irony. How is it that we can't accept winning, if it means taking Bauer out with the trash??
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