There is no milt in Regina. Only the bombers. What Rider pride has anything to do with milt, is only once every year in sask. Please stop acting as though you don't know that.
buffalo1 Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 07:05 PM
And when Milt is done with this game career wise, the league will miss him dearly. I have watched him play this classic in the past and he brings alot of heat to the field. I know when we face for the final time, it will be a sad moment both sides of the ball.
Thanks Neilca for your comments about Milt - I agree. Whatever happens in these next two games lets hope for barnburners that will keep us on the edge of our seats!
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:46 PM
Stop with the milt adieu, please. The guy gets to walk away quietly, as he deserves. . . none of this other stuff. This is how a real bomber fan feels it.
As for Lab day, our kicking game is a joke, and I expect it will rest on it.
billyjimbo Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:00 PM
Blue 37
Green 11
bigcanadiano Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 04:43 PM
Are you serious??
Going into Saskatchewan is asking for a tough hard fought victory, and that is putting it mildly. I'm just saying, you're all vying to perform as miracle workers.
This post has a lot to do with the actuality of its context. In reality, we're being faced with a (as I mentioned before) right wing dogmas, spear headed by an Asper ultimatum through the city's bureaucratic system. Which is the opposite, as in this case a stadium issue is in Winnipeg. People that don't want a new stadium being built, is much the same as the mosque in Germany. People with little faith (pro asper) engage in a pro-right wing division. Those against it see it as their right (as those opposing a mosque) to eradicate those vying for political favor (as in the case of Asper.) I think it makes perfect sense. Anti-mosque are not in fact anti-germans per se. I welcome any dispute over lack of clarity on my part; but it is hardly bizarre if you take the time to think. You realize it is democracy at work.
housedog Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 02:28 AM
shadow7 wrote:
then the provocative assembly of Bauer's ego tripping will dissipate. over-ambitious right-wing dogma is a pompous choice to make. You need to save those lines for your friends at the bridge club. LOL trying to impress us trailer park boys. Watch the TV show and learn how to communicate. House dog you slam a team that you obviously know little about. As a Bomber season ticket holder I however follow all the sports in Winnipeg which includes our three major league sports. Our football stadium should be renamed the toilet bowl. I took some friends from Calgary to a recent bomber game and they commented that they could understand why we struggle to fill the stadium, and they were not refering to the high school performance put on by the Bombers. They all commented on how ugly and dirty this stadium is. I don't give a crap who owns the team as long as a new stadium is built and the team remains viable and competitive.
You don't give a crap who owns the team as long as it stay's viable. You have no way of knowing if in the future a private owner will keep it viable. Why don't you go to Ottawa and blab about the benefits about private ownership. I'm sure they would appreciate hearing from you. Can you say Loonie Glieberman.
bigcanadiano Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 01:28 AM
Whether they get thrashed or not the Bomba's could be an undefeated team in their last 5 road games and it still wouldn't matter. That's how intangible things get when going into Labour day. Expecting a victory is completely foolish.
sanjay Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 12:06 AM
Bauer does not care about fans or performance of team. He said he would not make any changes such as firing Taman. As team president he refuses to fix issues and is happy with team record. shadow you should be smart enough to understand this,maybe you are not. If someone does a good job many years past. it does not mean he has job for life.
shadow7 Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 11:34
Papa you might as well give up the arguement with these two as you only provide bighead with more reason to write his senseless dribble that most people including myself can not figure out what he is trying to say. Compensating for something small? While were Bauer bashing let me ask these questions. How much in debt was the franchise before Bauer came on board? How much in debt are they now? How does Bauer equate to the on field performance when he does not recruit or coach the players? Exactly what has Bauer done to destroy this team?
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 01:23 AM
If what I say included most people, I think we'd have a much better football team actually. Who'd have thought, eh.
shadow7 Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 11:08 PM
then the provocative assembly of Bauer's ego tripping will dissipate. over-ambitious right-wing dogma is a pompous choice to make. You need to save those lines for your friends at the bridge club. LOL trying to impress us trailer park boys. Watch the TV show and learn how to communicate. House dog you slam a team that you obviously know little about. As a Bomber season ticket holder I however follow all the sports in Winnipeg which includes our three major league sports. Our football stadium should be renamed the toilet bowl. I took some friends from Calgary to a recent bomber game and they commented that they could understand why we struggle to fill the stadium, and they were not refering to the high school performance put on by the Bombers. They all commented on how ugly and dirty this stadium is. I don't give a crap who owns the team as long as a new stadium is built and the team remains viable and competitive.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 29, 2008 - 01:19 AM
You mean through use of coersion, that Bauer should make a stand in appearance on Trailer Park Boys? (I wouldn't put it past Bauer.)
^ A right-wing citizens' initiative is protesting against Germany's largest mosque, which is being built in Cologne.
housedog Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 07:37 AM
shadow7 wrote:
Housedog turn your name around and that's exactly what we have for a stadium a doghouse. The entire bulding smells like a dirty old urinal. Now I know that big old smelly bubba from the trailer park with his six pack of beer and gut hanging out from under his shirt doesn't care. But we need more than just the trailer park boys to attend. Take a look at the Goldeyes for case in point. They have not won many championships but continue to sell out. Why? Good entertainment, clean facility, good seating, good venues - concessions and guess what it is privately owned. Spread your wings housedog and take a step up in life check out a goldeye game.[/img]
Have you been learning your manners from Bauer. So you think that 27,000 fans who attend the games are trailer trash, and beer guzzling pigs. I will tell you why the Goldeyes sell out. The tickets are only 6.00 a piece. These are your real trailer park welfare trash types. They would not think of spending a buck on a cup of coffee let alone buy a Bomber ticket. You call going to a Goldeye game a step up. How many teams have folded in that joke of a leaque ?
I could field a team of Transcona high school types and compete in that league.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 04:59
Another excellent post by housedog. The lions share of a private ownership group headed by an over-ambitious right-wing dogma is a pompous choice to make. You follow that line of reasoning right through to Bauer's front door of the BoD's boardroom. . . there you will find not a future exit sign but a unilateral intiative which has cost us on the field. You abuse your privilege as an icon such as Bauer has done, then the provocative assembly of Bauer's ego tripping will dissipate.
\housedog //Post subject: Posted: Aug 27, 2008 - 09:03 PM
blue&gold4ever wrote:
Man i never thought this would turn out to be a debate over the obvious, but it doesn't surprise me. Piggy and Papa have great points and knowledge of the Bombers financial situation and i've said it myself many times, people are just plain scared to see a private owner, even though it IS NEEDED.
As mentioned if we stay public, we will only see a winning team every few years when we actually make profit that can be spent, or a Grey Cup, which happens every 6-10 years, and i personally wanna see a winning product EVERY YEAR.
Asper and i new stadium will allow us to be financially stable, we will see more revenue from more than just football operations, better concessions and more fan support, more Grey Cups and this will happen because alot of people stay away from Canadinns Stadium due to (lack of legroom, poor concessions, poor washroom facilities and the list goes on) NOW I KNOW saying that, your thinking well we don't want fans like that, and i feel somewhat the same, but imagine what these NEW/OLD fans would do, it would provide more revenue to put a winning team on the field every year, not every 6-10 years.
It is about time we finally go private and put a Competetive team on the field EVERY YEAR. Good Point about the ALS as well, they would lose money this year if not for the Grey Cup and the Games in the O-Dome, and even with the GC and those games, it will be a tight profit out there.
My point is that it's about time people STOP whining about the team going private and EMBRACE it as a new start in BomberLand. I don't agree with Asper on EVERY aspect, but most makes sense and you have to be completely blind not to see this.
With all due respect your assumptions that a new stadium will draw more fans are false. There is only so much entertainment dollars in our city. The Bombers are damn lucky they are drawing the crowds they are with the lousy team we have. It is no credit to Bauer as some would suggest. As he has stated he is quite happy with the present situation. it's loyalty to the team and the false believe this team will repeat and go on to the Grey Cup. Can you imagine if the GM in Sask after posting the record we have, made comments to the fans such as BLAH BLAH BLAH. He would be run out of town immediately. Maybe even tarred and feathered.
As for a winning team with the people presently in management we won;t win anything. They have been around for 10 years. They could spend to the Max of cap, and will bring you the same results. Many of us long time fans want drastic change. Removal of both Bauer/BODs/Taman.
As I said good management goes hand in hand with viability. Washrooms are just a petty excuse by piggy and others to say we need a new stadium. The 27.000 presently attending games are not that bothered by poor washrooms. legroom, and sorry to say a lousy 3rd rate team that looks like a high school football team. As for whinning I would suggest you look at the present situation concerning the manner in which this team is run, that will explain much of our so called whinning.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 28, 2008 - 12:41 AM
Excellent counter-argument by housedog. It's this borderline type of misplaced passion that Bauer has been feeding off of the fans misdirected sense.
To see a few dozen signatures on the petition seems discouraging. . . I say it is Bauer's fear mongering that poisons the apple from the tree.
When I take my time to view ourbombers, it makes this place a whole lot more worthwhile a perspective.
housedog Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 07:54 PM
TrueBlue2008 wrote:
PIGSEYE wrote:
Like I said before, show me an actual economic forcast that concludes that this strategy will guarantee the football team will survive in the long run.
btw, that land at Polo Park, has already in principle, been sold to CanadInns for $7M, at the current market value by the City.
The real value of that land is in the development of it, not the property itself, and is a major factor why any private investor would want to cough up $60M of their own cash and dump it into a money losing venture like the Bombers.
The City, Province and Feds have already basically said they do not have money to invest in a new stadium without certain guarantees from the private sector towards investment in it.
To think that the team can go this alone is just a blind fantasy.
"Sold in principle?" The land is worth a heck of a lot more than that due to, as you say, development potential. Show me something on paper & then we'll talk.
What do people dispute?
1. When real estate prices took off in Winnipeg and the area near Polo Park, the Bombers suddenly had a parcel of prime real estate that could have been sold and used towards building a new stadium. TRUE OR FALSE?
2. Staying at Maroons Rd. was a stupid business move because a new stadium open 365 days a year would have brought in much more money each year for the club. TRUE OR FALSE?
3. The Blue Bombers do not require David Asper to relocate and build a new stadium. TRUE OR FALSE?
4. Given that the citizens of Winnipeg own this team, the Board of Directors had no right to entertain selling the club without consulting us, the fans. TRUE OR FALSE?
5. Given that no one on the BoD opposed David Asper's letter of intent to purchase the club, they are acting on their own behalf, with many positioned to make much higher salaries if the Asper deal goes through. TRUE OR FALSE?
6. The current BoD are caught in a conflict of interest situation, and consequently, the current BoD should be immediately dissolved as per the Winnipeg Enterprises Corporation Incorporation Act. (In other words, this deal ain't Kosher) TRUE OR FALSE?
7. Regardless of who owns the football club, should a domed stadium be built, the club will make more than enough money to fully fund a successful football operation. TRUE OR FALSE?
8. David Asper stands to make a lot of money from this deal, money that could and should made for us the citizens of Winnipeg. TRUE OR FALSE?
9. The Bombers are in the process of being sold from under our noses like a naive runaway on a street corner. TRUE OR FALSE?
10. No one has stepped up to save this community owned team from the clutches of private ownership. TRUE OR FALSE?
11. Winnipeggers don't care that this team is currently devoid of leadership, and are tanking the season under do-nothing CEO and President, Lyle Bauer. TRUE OR FALSE?
12. Doug Berry is an abusive incompetent coach and his sidekick Kit Cartwright has a history of not being able to effectively utilize talent. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ButlerFB/ In the last 17 regular season games, both have combined for a dismal 4-12 record when Cartwright was acting as OC (Kevin Glenn called his own plays last game). TRUE OR FALSE?
13. The Bombers won their playoff games last season by sheer determination, and lost the Grey Cup b/c of incompetent coaching and Berry and Cartwright deserved to be fired the Monday after the Grey Cup. TRUE OR FALSE?
14. Lyle Bauer is softening up this team for a hostile takeover bid by David Asper. TRUE OR FALSE?
Maybe Bomber fans are so used to losing that they enjoy being punked by Asper. Winnipeg has always had an inferiority complex and deep down don't believe that they can be successful at anything unless a "white knight" like David Asper comes along and does it for them. Maybe that's what this is about.
At least Canad-Inns was willing to let the city keep the Bombers.
http://www.winnipegfirst.ca/article/200 ... ledohowski
Maybe Bomber fans are such sticks in the mud that they can' t agree on anything, and need a single-minded person like David Asper to get things done in this city. Maybe living on the prairies turns people into cowards, afraid to stand up and be counted, preferring to play it safe and let others be movers and shakers. Maybe that's why Winnipeg has had all its best and brightest leave town. Maybe this is Loserpeg, a city that was too stupid, lazy and cheap to keep the Jets from leaving town.
Maybe Winnipeggers don't like it on top and enjoy getting the screw.
Do what you want. Sign the petition or don't sign. My conscience is clear.
You forgot to mention our dirt bag media types along with some would say, upstanding WPG citzens ( NOT ) threw a party for Bauer. This is enough to say we have a lot of garbage residing in this town.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 27, 2008 - 02:45 AM
Which helps explain Bauer's brilliant marketing strategies?? Give me a break!!OL The BoD's have their heads so far up their collective rears it's savage how brain-washed they've become to Bauer. Sickening for obvious reasons to say the least. Enough is enough.
Bottom line is simple: Bauer + BoD's have to take the nearest exit through a toilet hole. Taman has already taken the team there with him, so unfortunately not all is lost. (Taman prefers luring players as social rejects.)
bigcanadiano wrote:
Convention of conservative ideology combined with mass hysteria, improbable truths reserve entitlement toward undermining community ownership in principle. . . the fact this is enigma of Lyle Bauer or emblematic of irrefutable truths given Asper's example for intolerance.
The train have been off the tracks for some time now.
Get over it.
I truly feel that once you read this^ in a sequence of 10 times over, it should take you about only a minute worth of your time. Reason being, it simply exemplifies the nature of what is the state of Winnipeg's football team verbatim.
The second part to this is simple: it is simply mind boggling that the peril of this community is so shallow to think of how ignorant they are when compared to lyle bauer's Dr. Suess outfit. It is almost shameful to view how obvious this one person is completely able to undermine its status quo, only to offer a make-believe stadium issue which there is "no resolve" in order to move forward. To recycle this in factuality, is the one thing keeping people's false hope alive, and yet, yes - bauer is laughing because (as he sees it) we're doing it to ourselves.
An utter case of despondant protesters in this case, I accuse lyle bauer of sabatoging this season for the purpose of soliciting a false-ideal whcich degrades the good name of this COMMUNITY owned franchise.
Get over yourselves. Do yourselves the favor.
housedog Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 02:08 PM
I thought I seen piggy standing outside the Bomber office. It seems that he was cooking up some of those famous hotdogs for Bauer and the Board of Directors.
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 02:14 PM
Yeah. I call it, let's collect these words for my judgment. I doubt it. It's more along the lines of wishful thinking.
So to answer the truth, validity would suggest the course of a 'never' alone social also coincides with a viable private ownership group. Those are the 'pro-bauer/asper' advocates. I cannot say I dispute your views, whatsoever.
However, when my better experience is dismissed for that tiny shadow who is lyle bauer, mine gets a badge for parody as innuendo in spite of opportunity.
Rather convenient of both zoo' or the now absentia pigseye. . . who's rolled over and played dead so to speak.
I mean get off the high horse already.
papazoola wrote:
...answer to no 2...i guess all bids would have to be considered as hostile in that case....cuz there sure was more than just Asper putting forth plans for the franchise...Which hostile group would you have approved????lol lol
How about Bauer's brilliant marketing campaign of 'We got it going on' removed in checking favorably with Bauer's true, "We've got it going wrong." conspired subliminally as this concept. Wow, how solid. Bauer acts like a kindergarten cop, and the rest of us are facing a moral duty that befuddles me.
papazoola Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 10:09 AM
...i'll answer no 3 real quick /false/ and then ask you a question???.....where are you going to get the kind of dollars required to build a 'decent' stadium of any kind...without investment coming from a person like Asper in conjuntion with govt. funding....my answer/// no-where...unless you have some kind of magic money pot stashed somewhere....HUGE DOLLARS ARE REQUIRED....what you have come-up with monetarily is a stretch and pie in the sky...
Also in closing i would suggest to you ,trueblue 08, that labelling your city as a loser and the people in it as such,because they don't agree with your stance, will receive the obvious response ..Maybe you would be better off living in Toranna....the centre of the universe, where all of the movers and shakers live......lol
bigcanadiano Post subject: Posted: Aug 26, 2008 - 01:42 PM
So to answer the truth, validity would suggest the course of a 'never' alone social also coincides with a viable private ownership group. Those are the 'pro-bauer/asper' advocates. I cannot say I dispute your views, whatsoever.
However, when my better experience is dismissed for that tiny shadow who is lyle bauer, mine gets a badge for parody as innuendo in spite of opportunity.
Rather convenient of both zoo' or the now absentia pigseye. . . who's rolled over and played dead so to speak.
I mean get off the high horse already.
For the record this article:
. . . belongs in this thread to futher substaitate my point of how post modern fascist thought is ruling the right wing freedom we call "democracies" in this world.
It deserves it's own thread as well.
I've seen this argument before, it looks. . . very farmiliar. Oh wait, now I remember it. For the most part it's one part reminding me of the fact Jesus was not a jew. Then, after they crucify him, they say, "Wait, Jesus was a jew - but - we didn't mean to first enslave a priori sentenced to crucifixion." Just so everybody can see that Judaism's religious right weren't censoring anyone - not even the man people now regard as 'the christ child.'
The argument between eastern communism and westernization smacks of post modern fascism to say the least.
Bravo. Quite brilliant actually.
Yes, U2 live is the epitome of a nike fashion show.
Quote from: Hap on August 26, 2008, 07:46AM
but... in the world of fake, loveless marriages, you could do worse.
ain't that the truth.
4 = the number of times the word 'bud' has been applied in this thread.
5 = " " " " " " 'pizza' " " " " " " .
4 = ' horny' .
0= fully clothed. no finished product. Yet glory in many ways.
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