Monday, July 03, 2006

Feared of response

Thank god for; cherries!?
The, that king:
has reduced the price of grapes.
That foolish pride.
Much like. . .
That noise of expectant mother's,
with the idea of pregnant thoughts.
The most feared of reactions,
or not.
In such purpose I proposed,
a candle lit on in the distance.
For such pleasure of preparing and method in
my journey home.
Some find in ecstasy.
Where nothing remains casual upon my interest of choice.
I have invented a rythym.
Not as haunting as my own.
A game of pick-up-sticks.
Reached nirvana.
And in death as do I honor, the.
The sweet tasting blueberries,
of that a righteous sense I odor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiya! I came across your blog and wanted to say hi to you. I hope u dont mind, I'm sorry if this bugs u and these thoughts are private. Don't mean to intrude, just wanted to say hi bc u seem like a interesting person. If you like u can email me back at to say hi back hehehe.