Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tales of an Add-h mind. . .

At the moment there is nothing wrong with me. Considering, how restless I can be. . . I feel I have been able to manage with myself. I'm doing just fine.

In fact, I am not feeling depressed, but I've also been able to manage my mood. That being said; shows what a long journey that's made me suffer. However, I do not continue to suffer! I don't feel like I always used to get, if things were not going my way? If things weren't going my way: I would let it bother me. I'd be low on self-esteem. It'd be something that I could not control. I ask should I have changed the way I already have, couldn't be easy, without being commited to changing. I shouldn't look at my life's circumstances, because I can always believe in the person I have become.

The truth is that I have changed every bit as much from a time I used to describe me.

There was a time, when all I thought was, "He's going to get screwed." Who is 'he'? It was myself.

That was then, this is now.

My inner voice no longer says you're "screwed". It has made me stronger.

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